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Policy papers and briefings

Together with our members, we work to put nursing at the top of the agenda for the Welsh government and Welsh Parliament.

We don't back any one political party. Our goal is to make sure our members' voice is heard by decision makers and get the best outcomes for the nursing profession and patients alike. We work with all political parties and elected representatives to achieve this.

Regularly updated publications

We publish Nursing in Numbers every year, and Progress and Challenge every other year. Together, they're a comprehensive guide to the nursing workforce in Wales and its challenges.

Nursing in Numbers 2024

The latest in a yearly series, our flagship statistical report finds there are 2,001 registered nurse vacancies across NHS Wales health boards.

Read it now in Welsh or English.

Progress and Challenge in Delivering Safe and Effective Care 2023

How have health boards implemented the Nurse Staffing Levels (Wales) Act 2016? Also available in Welsh here, this major report updates:

Recent reports

Ending corridor care

What does corridor care look like? Why is it happening across Wales? And what should the Welsh Government do about it? This briefing features real testimonies from RCN members, illustrating the consequences of corridor care in every NHS Wales health board. Read in Welsh or English.

Consultant nurses

Wales needs more consultant nurses. With clear recommendations for the Welsh government, this set of case studies shows how this unique and important role benefits patients and health services by bridging clinical practice, research, education, strategy and leadership. Read in Welsh or English.

Nursing in Numbers 2023

The latest in a yearly series, our flagship statistical report finds NHS registered nurse vacancies now sit at 2,717, up from 1,719 in 2021.

Read it now in Welsh or English.

Promoting Efficiency and Saving Money

A useful starting point for realistic conversations about increasing efficiency and eliminating waste in health and social care. Case studies range from those directly about patients and their care, to energy efficiency and the use of IT. Read in Welsh or English.

June 2023: Caring for older people

Two-thirds of RCN Wales work in the community, many in care homes. Discover how we can make sure people in care homes continue to get the safe and effective care they need. Read the executive summary in Welsh or click here for the full report.

A thumbnail image showing the front cover of the RCN Wales report "Mental Health Nursing: A profession that must be valued" in Welsh and English.

Mental Health Nursing

A lack of investment in inpatient services in Wales has contributed to inequalities in mental health services. What should the Welsh government do? Read our report in English or read the summary in Welsh.

Nursing in care homes: celebrating a vital, rewarding career

Two-thirds of RCN Wales work in the community, many in care homes. Discover the incredible work they do鈥攁nd what needs to happen to continue delivering safe and effective care for residents into the future.

Earlier publications

If you can't find what you're looking for, click here to search the central RCN publications catalogue or send us an email.

Agency nursing (Click here)

Progress and Challenge 2022 (Click here)

Nursing in Numbers 2022 (Welsh / English)

Retaining nurses in the profession: what matters (click here)

Learning Disability Nursing

Ward manager project: The importance of being supernumerary (Click here)

Open the Window: Hospital ventilation  (Welsh / English)

Infection Prevention and Control Nursing (Welsh / English)

Community Nursing Teams (Welsh / English)

Nursing in Numbers 2021 (Welsh / English)

Care Homes (Welsh / English

2020 Member survey report (Welsh / English)

Safe Nurse Staffing Levels Coalition joint letter (Welsh / English)

Vote for Nursing 鈦&尘诲补蝉丑; RCN Wales manifesto for the 2021 Senedd elections (Welsh / English)

Nursing in Numbers 2020 (Welsh / English)

Progress and Challenge 2019 (Welsh / English)


Our campaigning work has resulted in real change to the lives of nursing staff across  Wales and their patients. We couldn't do it without our members who've campainged hard and added their voice. Together, we make change happen.

Check out all our campaigning resources on here!

Page last updated - 07/03/2025