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Campaigning Resources

for Safe and Effective Care


Easy to share, easy to digest. The perfect way to introduce anyone to the big policy issues facing nursing in Wales.

Safe staffing: Everything you need to know in 60 seconds

10,572 people signed the petition last year and secured a debate in the Welsh Parliament, but the issues are just as relevant now. 

If we don't have enough nursing staff, everyone suffers.

Safe staffing in the community

Most nurses and nursing staff don't work in hospitals. Two thirds of RCN members work in the community.

Safe staffing in care homes

As our population ages, more and more of us will rely on care home staff for our quality of life.

Ward Managers: The Importance of Being Supernumerary

Often responsible for around 30 patients and teams of around 40, ward managers need protected time when they aren't required to care directly for patients and can focus on managing and leading their teams. This is called being supernumerary, and it benefits both staff and patients.

RCN members made this project possible. Over 100 ward managers from across NHS Wales participated in three focus groups, interviews and an online survey. Their views and experiences and views formed the basis of our recommendations. To read the report that goes with this video, head to our policy papers and briefings.

#ForTheFullTeam campaign video

Launched in 2021, as relevant as ever.

Just bear in mind that the NHS number of NHS Wales vacancies has risen since, standing at 3,000 in 2022. Find out more in Nursing in Numbers in our publications.


Patient Safety Scorecard

Perfect for visualising how it all fits together. Your at-a-glance overview of how the Welsh Government is doing on the four pieces of the safe staffing puzzle.

Download in Welsh / Download in English


Safe and effective care explainer comic strips

Need a quick visual explainer of the value of nursing education or why the Welsh Government should invest in care home nursing? These comic strips have your back.

Download them or link to them directly. Post them on social media, share them in your workplace, link to them in an email to your Member of the Senedd. They exist to be used, in English and in Welsh.

1. Safe Staffing Saves Lives

Nurse staffing levels are linked to patient safety. Share to bring anyone up to speed.

2.  Safe Staffing in Community Nursing

Most nurses and nursing staff don't work in hospitals. Two thirds of RCN members work in the community.

3. Safe Staffing in Care Homes

As our population ages, more and more of us will rely on care home staff for our quality of life.

4. Pre-registration Education

To deliver safe and effective care in the future, Wales needs more people to become nurses.

5. Post-registration Education

It takes up to 15 years of education and practical experience to make a new specialist nurse.

6. Mental Health

For mental health care to be safe and effective, and to cut waiting times, there must be enough highly skilled nursing staff.

7. Workforce Morale

Wales needs more nurses - but instead, many are leaving the profession. We need to encourage them to stay.

8. Health Inequalities

Nursing isn't only about caring for people who are unwell. It's also about keeping people healthy.

Page last updated - 08/08/2023