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RCN Wales campaigns on issues of concern to nurses and patients, influences health policies and promotes excellence in nursing practice on behalf of its members.

Independent health and social care in Wales

This page signposts to useful information and resources about Independent health and social care (IHSC) in Wales.

Many of our members in Wales are employed in independent health and social care. This includes all members working in settings outside the NHS, such as care homes, nursing agencies, independent hospitals, general practices and more. As the voice of nursing, we鈥檙e committed to connecting, engaging and representing nursing staff, no matter what sector or setting you鈥檙e employed in. 

RCN Wales Safe Staffing Toolkit

Attention: RCN Wales Representatives

In order for nurses and healthcare support workers to continue to deliver safe and compassionate care, RCN members, representatives, activists and staff worked successfully together to lobby Welsh Government to achieve the introduction of the Nurse Staffing Levels (Wales) Act 2016, the first of its kind in Europe.  This toolkit will provide all RCN Wales Representatives with a resource to support activity in their workplace. 

RCN Wales Safe Staffing Representatives Toolkit

RCN Wales Safe Staffing Representatives Toolkit - Welsh

RCN reps

Being a rep can be one of the most fulfilling activities you can undertake.

Fully supported by the RCN at every turn, we will equip you with the skills and knowledge to represent your colleagues and your region.

Rep at chalkboard

Welsh Parliament debates safe staffing after RCN Wales petition

The Welsh Parliament debated extending legal protections for nurse staffing levels on 28 September 2022, thanks to the phenomenal 10,572 people who signed our parliamentary petition.

Page last updated - 21/02/2025