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Get Involved

Make your voice heard to change nursing for the better.

Corridor "care" is not safe – and it's not care.

Right now, hospital patients in Wales are waiting on trolleys or chairs for hours on end, in pain and suffering, in corridors, ambulances, and rooms where safe care isn't possible.

This is not normal. No part of our society should consider it acceptable. The Welsh Government must act.

Ask your politicians to take action today.

RCN reps

Being a rep can be one of the most fulfilling activities you can undertake.

Fully supported by the RCN at every turn, we will equip you with the skills and knowledge to represent your colleagues and your region.

Rep at chalkboard

RCN Students

Become a Student Ambassador, attend RCN Congress or stand for election on the RCN Students' Committee.

Student member speaking at Congress

Get involved in our governance

Find out how to put yourself forward for a committee, board or forum, how to take part in a consultation, how to put forward an agenda item for an upcoming Council meeting and more.

Links that may be of interest

  The primary aim of this network is to support practitioners, a great number of whom work in public-facing roles, such as clinicians, educators and community workers (The PHNC website is not approved by the RCN).

Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is designed to encourage and support people to make the most of the opportunities they have to talk to others about healthy lifestyles.

You don’t need to be an expert to talk to people about their lifestyle choices.  However, having certain ‘tools of the trade’ can both make starting these conversations easier and have a longer impact.

RCN Wales is not responsible for the content or reliability of linked websites. Web links should not be taken as endorsement or recommendation from RCN Wales.

Page last updated - 06/02/2025