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Stay strong as you strike

Professor Pat Cullen 13 Jan 2023

Pat Cullen reminds members why our strike action is vital to influence positive change

You can’t turn on the TV or radio this week without hearing the Prime Minister talking about unions being invited to meetings. Health unions met with Health Secretary Steve Barclay on Monday, and despite glimmers of hope for a breakthrough, there was no meeting of minds, and nothing was put ‘on the table’. 

With all the other health unions, we announced that we will not submit our annual joint evidence to the NHS Pay Review Body (PRB) while current pay disputes remain unresolved. We’re in agreement that the lengthy pay review body process is currently not fit for purpose, and we have questioned its independence. On your behalf, I wrote to the PRB in the last week to ask tough questions before deciding if the RCN participates individually normal. The answers did not instil much confidence. 

But my focus stays where it needs to be – the politicians who make the decisions. The route to resolving our pay dispute is through open dialogue, negotiation, honest communication and reasonable debate. I remain optimistic that we will soon have meaningful, resolution-focused conversations with government in Westminster. 

In Scotland, our team there has been negotiating this week and more positive signs are expected soon.

There’s no doubt that the voice of nursing has reached a new level in recent months, and rightly so as we set out our reasonable demands for fair pay and for patient safety.

Our ground-breaking strike action may be unpalatable for many in power – the irrational and ill-thought out move to tighten legislation around lawful protest is proof of this. But as we plan for further action next week in England, I urge you to remember that your commitment is having a direct impact on the UK government.

RCN Wales this week attended a meeting with Eluned Morgan MS, the Minister for Health and Social Services. We were told it would explore ways to negotiate an agreement on the 2022/23 NHS pay award, but no progress was made. The Welsh Government continues to fail to work with us to resolve the issues over pay and to address the extensive and unsustainable NHS staffing crisis. Unless it starts negotiating, we will announce further strike days in Wales.

The Chief Executive of the NMC, Andrea Sutcliffe, this week delivered a personal message to the nursing workforce in which she acknowledged the pressure you are under and thanked you for your enduring commitment to your patients. I join Andrea in reminding you that is there to support you in raising concerns when things go wrong, and that looking after your own health and wellbeing is paramount. 

For our members in the independent sector, we reached a milestone in the campaign for better pay, terms and conditions for those working for Marie Curie: we announced the results of the consultative ballot in which 60% of members who took part rejected the latest offer from their employer. We’ll keep forging ahead to get them a better deal.

Our annual Congress will take place in Brighton from 14-18 May 2023. Attending Congress is a great opportunity to meet new people and reconnect with old acquaintances, and to help set the RCN’s agenda for the next 12 months. Lively debate, inspirational speakers and fringe events to help you develop personally and professionally, Congress is the perfect chance to have your voice heard. Save the date and I’ll see you by the sea for another opportunity to engage, be inspired and connect with your nursing colleagues from across the UK.

Nominations are open until 23 January for the vacant seats on RCN Council and the upcoming elections will give you the chance to decide who you want leading the organisation through this transformational period. Find out more information on the link above and be sure to submit your nomination before the closing date. on the importance of these elections too.

I know for many of you preparing to join picket lines in a few days’ time, the prospect is daunting and the conflict you feel is very real. Take a look at our strike hub for everything you need to know about strike action, picket lines, derogation and much more.

I can assure you that I personally, and everyone who works for and with the RCN is here to support you. I have every faith in your commitment to continue fighting for the nursing profession of which we are all so proud.

Pat Cullen

Professor Pat Cullen

Former General Secretary and Chief Executive

Pat has worked at the RCN since 2016. Before being appointed General Secretary and Chief Executive, Pat was Director of RCN Northern Ireland from May 2019 to April 2021.

Page last updated - 16/06/2023