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Marie Curie pay ballot: results announced

9 Jan 2023

Members have voted to reject the revised offer in the latest consultative ballot.聽

Fair Pay For Nursing

We can reveal the results of the consultative ballot of RCN members working at Marie Curie, which was open from 15 December to 4 January.

The ballot asked eligible members whether they wanted to accept or reject a revised pay offer from Marie Curie, which was received in November 2022.

The results are:

  • 39.5% of eligible members took part in the ballot
  • 60% of those members who took part in the ballot voted to reject the revised offer.

These results will now be shared with Marie Curie and we’ll seek further negotiations to try to improve the proposals.

The consultative ballot came after RCN members rejected three previous pay offers in 2021 and 2022. In November 2022, Marie Curie combined the pay offer for 2022-23 with an offer to change a number of terms and conditions. You can find this offer in its Strategic Reward Review document.

Leigh Murray, RCN National Officer, said: “Thank you to everyone who voted in the recent consultative ballot. The progress made to date and the improvements in this offer are because of you and your engagement.

“We will continue to update you on this process, and we will conduct a further ballot of members to give you the final say on any future offer or next steps.”

There will be webinars for RCN members working at Marie Curie on 24 January at 12.30pm and 5.30pm, with further details to follow.

In the meantime, for any questions, please email: IndySectorPayCampaign@rcn.org.uk.


Page last updated - 09/06/2023