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Ending corridor care

How and why to call it out

Corridor care is bad for patients and bad for health care staff.

Treating people in inappropriate spaces is unsafe, undignified and unacceptable.

We brought together a coalition of trade unions, professional bodies, charities and patient groups to write to the UK government and NHS England to demand action and the introduction of mandatory reporting to improve patient care. 

We’ve also published a devastating report sharing the experiences of our members who are being forced to deliver care in inappropriate settings, detailing the negative impact on them and their patients.

Corridor care must not be normalised. If it is happening at your workplace, we’ll support you to raise concerns.

Image of patient's beds lined up in the corridor

Nothing about corridor ‘care’ resembles caring

Just one patient being treated without privacy or dignity is one too many. But our members tell us that they're forced to examine and treat patients in public spaces, often with no access to life-saving equipment.

Patients are left feeling exposed, vulnerable and violated. Nursing staff are left feeling stressed, powerless and ready to leave the profession.

This goes beyond corridors. We're seeing patients receiving care in car parks and break rooms, and being triaged in storerooms. It goes beyond hospitals too. We're seeing cases in primary and social care, public health and even criminal justice settings. Every one of our half a million members should feel empowered to call it out when they see it.

90.8% of those we surveyed said that patient safety is being compromised

Call it out to stamp it out

If you deliver corridor care

Report it as an incident 

The NMC Code requires you to report concerns immediately through a Datix or other local incident form. If nursing staff consistently report corridor care, decision makers should take notice.

How to raise your concerns

If you receive corridor care

Complain to your care provider

We can't allow corridor care to be overlooked and normalised. That's why we urge patients and the public to make a complaint if it happens to you. There are several ways to make a complaint.

Get informed

Use our resources to equip yourself with the knowledge and tools you need to challenge unsafe practices in your workplace:

66.8% of survey respondents said they're delivering care in over-crowded or unsuitable places

Our reports on corridor care

Our reports, based on member experiences, show the true scale and depth of the corridor care crisis – from its shocking impact on patients to its effect on workplaces.

We highlight a system in crisis and set out avenues for change.

Image of exhausted nurse sitting in the corridor

Want to get involved? Become a Health and Safety rep

The number of devastating testimonies in our corridor care report made an impact. And while corridor care is widespread, it should not be normalised. If we come together, we have a strong, collective voice to call for change.

Watch: "Staff are at breaking point" 

Our General Secretary and Chief Executive Professor Nicola Ranger explains the devastating impact of corridor care on nursing staff and patients and calls on governments to take bold action to recover patient care by investing in the NHS and building a strong nursing workforce.

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