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Corridor care and safe staffing checklist

The checklist will support any staff member to undertake a safety check when providing care in an inappropriate place such as corridors, sit to fit areas, ward boarding, chairs/lounges and temporary escalation areas.

The health and safety of patients/service users and the staff working in these environments is very important and this is why the RCN is working towards the eradication of this practice in all health and care sectors. Please support this work by undertaking this safety check every time you are asked to provide care in inappropriate areas.

You might also find it useful to provide this as an attachment to a Datix/incident reporting form or via email to your line manager/management/local RCN Health and Safety Rep.


Please find the checklist below. For each question, answer 'yes', 'no', or 'don't know', and provide any additional notes or observations. Make sure to note the date and time whenever you fill the checklist out.

1. Is there a fire risk as a result of corridor care, rapid flow beds, or temporary escalation beds? (e.g., beds/equipment blocking fire exits, fire extinguishers, evacuation routes, fire doors propped open, accumulation of waste, narrowing of evacuation routes)

2. Do staff have access to oxygen and suction equipment to treat patients who are situated in corridors or other unplanned or temporary escalation areas?

3. Do patients and staff have access to toilet facilities, handwashing facilities, food, and water?

4. How many staff were on duty?

5. How many patients were present?

6. What is the registered nurse: patient ratio today?

7. In A&E, how many patients were waiting to be treated?

8. In A&E, what was the average wait time?

9. Any other concerns not listed above?

Please remember to escalate using your local protocols (e.g., Datix/incident form). You can also contact us for for further support and advice.