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Charitable funding and other sources of help

If you are unable to afford your living costs, an essential home repair, or a cost related to disability, there are a range of options to consider.

Charitable Funding

If you are unable to afford your living costs, an essential home repair, or a cost related to disability, you may qualify for assistance from a charity.

Each of the charities has their own rules about how to apply. Some welcome direct applications while others prefer referrals from other organisations, such as another charity or a support worker.

These are some of the main funds that can help nurses and healthcare assistants.

If you or your partner has worked in another occupation, you may wish to find out if there is a charitable fund related to people from that particular profession.

A longer list of funds can be found using the .

The RCN Foundation

The RCN Foundation (RCNF) supports members of the nursing and midwifery professions who are experiencing financial hardship. You do not have to be a member of the RCN to access funding. Full eligibility criteria and application are both available online.

See  on the RCNF website for more details.

Queens Nursing Institute Benefit Fund 

The Queens Nursing Institute (QNI) is a national charity that supports all nurses working in the community in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The QNI will consider applications from registered nurses in financial need, who work or have worked in the community for a minimum of three years. 

See  for details.

The 1930 Fund for District Nurses 

This charity can offer support for registered nurses who have worked as a community, district or school nurse, health visitor, community midwife or community psychiatric nurse

See  for details.


Cavell is a charity that supports UK nurses, midwives, nursing associates and maternity support workers suffering personal or financial hardship often due to illness, disability, older age, domestic abuse and the ongoing cost of living crisis. Cavell offers support to:

  • Current, former and retired registered nurses and midwives
  • Current, former and retired nursing associates and maternity support workers providing nursing care in a hospital, nursing home or community setting under the supervision of a registered nurse

Applicants should be currently living in the UK and have worked as a nurse, midwife, nursing associate or maternity support worker in the UK and have less than £4,000 in household savings including money in savings and current accounts.

For further information and the online application form please go to

Cavell Domestic Abuse Fund 

This fund provides support for nurses and midwives who are survivors of domestic abuse and experiencing financial hardship as a result. 

For more details please visit 

Junius S. Morgan Benevolent Fund

Applications considered from nurses, former nurses and healthcare assistants working within an NHS Trust who have practised in the UK for a minimum of 5 years and find themselves in hardship.

For more details, see .  

The Care Workers Charity

Grants as well as wellbeing and psychological services are considered for people who have worked in registered care or supported living.

For more details, see under "get help" at .

Healthcare Workers' Foundation

The Healthcare Workers’ Foundation may provide financial assistance of up to £1,000 to struggling healthcare workers and their families who are living in certain parts of England or Scotland.

To find out more, visit 


Regional Charities

There are some charities who only consider applicants linked to a particular region or country. You can search for these at .

One regional charity is the Benevolent Fund for Nurses in Scotland (BFNS). Applications are considered from any member of the profession who worked or trained in Scotland and is experiencing financial difficulties due to their inability to continue working. Telephone: 07584 322257 or visit their website:

Health and Disability Related Funding

If you’re affected by ill health or disability, and working or planning to work, you may be eligible for funding from the government's .

provides powered wheelchairs and scooters for people who have severe disabilities. 

are are small, mostly one-off payments to help people with costs caused by or related to their cancer. 

- is a charity set up to give help and support to people affected by brain injury. 

gives grants to people affected by MS for items or activities needed as a direct result of MS. It also gives grants to carers of people with MS.  

There are many more charities helping with costs caused by ill health and disability. You can visit the  and perform a grants search to find more. You can tick boxes that apply to your situation to see grants related to the situation.

Some items and adaptations can be funded by your council.

You can read about .

If you’ve been assessed as needing care and support you can choose direct payments instead of a standard care package. You can find out more .


is a non-profit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns and neighbourhoods. It's all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills. Each local group is moderated by local volunteers and membership is free. 

Energy and Water Company Grants

Applications to the British Gas Energy Trust are welcomed from families and individuals in need, suffering or other distress living within England, Scotland and Wales. You do not need to be a customer of British / Scottish Gas.

Visit the  for details.

Water suppliers run schemes to cap water bills for certain households who have a low annual income. Many water companies also run charitable funds which can clear water bills in exceptional circumstances. Contact your water supplier or check their web page for more information.

Funeral Costs

The by Quaker Social Action supports you to identify and arrange an affordable and meaningful funeral. They can do this face to face, over the phone or by email. The Down to Earth team are experts in this area, supporting thousands of people across the UK to look at their options, keep costs affordable, and identify ways to raise money for a funeral.  Down to Earth also support with debt after a funeral takes place. 

Discretionary Housing Payments

Local authorities have a set fund available each year that can be accessed by tenants who are having difficulties paying their rent, perhaps due to the impact of the bedroom tax or LHA rate, although other extenuating circumstances are taken into account.  Local authorities only have limited funds to administer DHPs, which are renewed annually; once the fund is used up, no more DHPs can be paid. 

For further information see

Food Banks

The Trussell Trust’s 400-strong network of foodbanks provides a minimum of three days’ emergency food and support to people experiencing crisis in the UK.

Often food banks will also be hubs for advice, information and other types of support.

To access a food bank you need to be referred by one of the Food Bank’s local referral partners. These can include health workers, charities, social workers and advice centres. Your local food bank can advise you on where to get a referral if you would like some guidance on this.

You can find details of your nearest Trussell Trust food bank .

There are often other local places that offer food or free community meals. You can find out about these by asking a local advice centre (such as the Citizens Advice Bureau) or searching online.

Local Authority Emergency Assistance

Emergency Assistance from the council is usually limited to applicants who receive means-tested benefits and can show an urgent need for support. Support is also sometimes available to provide second hand essential items such as cookers, fridges and washing machines to households who receive means-tested benefits.

If you are claiming a means-tested benefit and you feel there is a risk to the health and safety of your family, or you urgently need an essential item you cannot afford, check your council’s website for details of their emergency assistance. Usually this information is in the section titled ‘Benefits’.

Nurse at computer, trying to make sense of paperwork and a spreadsheet

Help with benefits

If you're confused by the benefits system, have questions about changes to your benefits, or need to challenge a benefits decision, we can help.

male nursing writing at desk

Managing your money

Resources and tools to help you with budgeting, banking, car costs, utilities, tips on saving and advice on analysing spending habits.

financial wellbeing female nursing writing at desk

Increasing your income

If your household income feels tight or you've had a change in circumstance, check your entitlement to benefits, or look at other ways to increase your income.

Money worries

Advice if you're worried about your  finances, rent/mortgage, or debt, as well as information on charitable funding, financial aid and where to seek support.