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Strategies and support for stress

The signs and symptoms of stress can vary from mild and manageable to debilitating and we want you to know that there is help and support for you.

Managing your stress levels

If you are mindful that you might be out of balance and are considering how you might manage your stress levels before they become too challenging, there are lots of activities and advice available in our Stress and You resource. We explore how to manage your thoughts, your lifestyle and how you handle stress in your workplace. 

Changing the culture at work 

If you feel like your experience is part of an organisational wide issue, it is good to be aware that employers have a legal duty to risk assess the causes of work-related ill health, including work-related stress, and put measures in place to reduce the risks.

We want to support organisations to put strategies in place to improve work-related stress and have produced our Guide for Managers along with Guide for RCN Reps. 


Counselling can give you a space to reflect on what is happening emotionally, mentally and physically, and to have support for any changes you want to make. You can see a counsellor as an individual or you may wish to join a group. Your employer may offer counselling through your occupational health service or an Employee Assistance Provider (EAP). You may prefer to discuss this with your GP who should be able to help you access local services. 

The RCN also provides a counselling service which is suitable for members who want short term, brief therapy on a wide range of issues that may affect them within their personal lives, their professional lives, or both.

Medical Support

If your symptoms have become debilitating, visiting your GP and/or accessing occupational health support at work can be a courageous first step towards getting yourself back to the person you want to be.

As well as counselling, they may prescribe break from work and/or medication will give you some time out to recover and give you space to understand and put into practice some of the tools and strategies that can manage your stress in the long term. 

Thoughts from members

We asked some RCN members, “What things help you when you feel stressed?”:

"When I feel that I am starting to get stressed then I will go running I did the couch to 5k and now go to park run so actually going out for a run good music or a dog walk just something to release the pent-up frustration."

Fiona Holley, RCN Member

"I find it is really helpful to listen to music."

Chucks Ifeajuna, RCN Safety Rep

"I go for a walk on the beach and listen to the waves - beautiful waves - especially when the tide’s down. It's really nice and calming. When I sit and listen to the waves for half an hour, it helps me to de-stress especially during the COVID pandemic when we were in lockdown."

Simon Stuart, RCN Member

"I've gone for counselling professionally and family and friends have been a good support. I find helpful to socialise and have a laugh with people to divert my attention away from nursing, because it is very stressful."

Francis Lavery, RCN Learning Rep