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Page 1-10

Page 1


Page 2

Nellie Carter
From Hurst Skinner
M.F.H 26/12/12

Page 3

Who said Blighty?
B Harris
10 Genl Hosp

Oh! If us knew it all,
Then I should surely understand that this balance of sorrow for it is held with an open hand. That the seals of success or loss, shall now overflow and the compensation is returned
with the lot of high I love.
Drop the I … …. Of quietness
Tell all our …. … …. of cease
Take from our .…. … …. …
And let our ordered way Confess.
The …. Of the peace.

Of …. Portsmouth 3-5-13

Page 4

If tomorrow I am far away
On dear old Englands sunny shores
If time you find to think of others
Will you give just one little thought
To me
J Benn Sgt
5th Border Regt 27/1/17
Surgiene Hut A.Duty
D.I D.Duty


Sister ( to patients leaving wards C and D). – “ how ….be sure to come back to C and D to see us.”
…. One. – “ yes, Sister, we’ll come back … … but we’re … comin’ back … … ! “
(… he …. In ward 2.) patient &n.ew arrival. –“ and for varicose veins?”
New arrival. – “No, K...S.B’s”
Bert Sala….. P.B …… 22.3.16
Us german … … …

Page 5

When the name that I write here,
Is dim on the page,
and the leaves of this book
are yellow with age.
Still think of me kindly
& do not forget
Were ever I am I remember
you yet.

With best wishes for
your success
Xmas 1912
Charlotte Skinner

August 7th 1915
Malta at sunrise!
Shall we ever forget it?
Winifred Hawewell

August 8th 1915
what tho the best of our wages be
an empty sleeve a stiff sef knee
a enitch for the rest of life dreams
so long as the one flag waves down?
R. Hillins
7th CMR

Page 6

Smile awhile and as you smile others
will smile
And soon there will be miles and miles of smiles
And life will be worthwhile because you smile
E. W Connolly
No 3 Stationary Hospital C.E F

Rabbit Young Rabbit Old.
Rabbit Hot Rabbit Cold
Rabbit Tender Rabbit Tough
Thank the Lord I’ve had
At the Rural
Rabbit Supper
Pt A.N Hargreaves
!st Anzac . Gate . Batt

Its jam yesterday & jam tomorrow, but
Never jam today.
“Alice Through The Looking Glass”
R M I Saunders
Military Hospital
In this world of froth & bubble
Two things stand like stone
Kindness in another’s trouble
Courage in our own
K Morrell
June 17 1915
(Apples aril frereu again!)
Transferred to H.M.H.S.” Delta”

Page 7

As a beauty – I am not a star!
There are others more handsome
by far
But my face- I don’t mind it
For I am behind it,
It’s the people in front get the jar
M Power
Colchester 13th Dec 1914

“Zeppelins again visited the East
Coast” Daily Paper
When the job we’re on is ended,
And like a beaten hound
Whining of “Peace with Honour”
The Hun comes slinking round.
We may forget the sorrows,
That we ourselves endure,
The men who perished fighting
To make our triumph sure;
But while a spark of manhood
Remains in England yet
The slaughter of the babies
How shall we dare forget
5.10.16 M Edhrow

Page 8


Page 9


Page 10

Frances No峒攍 Mary Freeub
41 C.C. S
M.R. Bunting I.F.h.S
41.C.C.S .1917

L H C Birk**ik

Frank E A Smyth
Cap.R Alue
10 Gen HG }
&41 C.C. S}
41 C.C.S

F. Winslow
P.&D Raid
M Mansfield
Turngriffiths C.F
J T Patterson.41.C.C.S
Lieut E. J Thurwall
R. Thorley
G.C Latson
41 C C. S.
E.M C Pedstone
s/n C.HR

A letter dear to you I write
To tell you that although ‘tis true
I must not say anything new
Because its censored
Therefore you will understand
When this to you does come to hand
That everything I would wish to say
Is censored
The sun is hot, the wind is not
The sea is blue as forget me knots
Now I will describe a thing or two
Unless censored
My health is fit my temper good
My mind is clear so do not be rude
And think because I write this to you
I’m censored
My face is black as black as night
My hair is turning almost white
And I should be in a great plight
If censored.

Page 21-30

Page 21

And all this house was peopled fair
With sweet attendance, so that in each part
Were gentle faces found
Soft speech and willing service; each one glad to gladden, pleased at pleasure.
So life glided beguiled, like a smooth stream
Banked by perpetual flowers.
M. Watson
Lieut A.O.D.
No. 5 Staty. HQ
June 30th 1916

My soul XXXX XXXX a patient looking on
Judge not the play until the play is done
The scene has many changes-
The last act crowns the play.
Jessie B. Jaggard
Elmira New York
May 28-
August 6 1915
Dies at Mudros on active service

Page 22

How can a man learn to know himself
By observation never; but by action
Endeaviour to do thy duty, and thou
Shalt then know what is within thee
E.A. Parsons
Military Families Hospital

鈥淚f you can鈥檛 get what you want
Make the best of what you have鈥
G. Claudine Witchell
Barge 143 The Somme

May your future happy be
Cpl. A.A.Merrill Sgt.
No.5. Stat. Hospital, Queens鈥.

Be noble, and the nobleness which
lies in other men sleeping
but never dead, will rise
in majesty to XXXX them
H.M.H.S. Asturia
Salonica harbour

Page 23

Just health enough to do and dare
Just wealth enough to banish care
Just friends enough, steadfast and true
What more want I?
What more want you?
H. H. Smith
Military Hospital
March 1st 1915

May all your future happy be
My wish in all sincerity
See! I sign my name to this
On H.M.H.S. Asturias
Asst Purser

Page 24

鈥淪mile awhile!
And while you smile
Another smiles.
And soon there鈥檚 miles & miles
of smiles,
And life鈥檚 worthwhile
Because you smile鈥.
Edmund.S. Cuthbert
Capt. R.A.M.C.
55 Fd. Ambce.

鈥淕od curse the patient, & the
doctor ______ takes the fee鈥.

(From C.B. Lockwood鈥檚 aphorisms.)

Mary Bainbridge
Theatre Sept. 7th 1915

Agatha Dobie

Irene J. Bibby

Irene Waistill
Sept. 9th. 1915 Asturias
(m. bite)

Esther Summers
Sept. 7th. 1915
H.M.S. Asturias
Theatre photographs

Muriel M. Pearson Sept 9th/15
Singer (Paris)

Fay Haltes Prior

Elsie M Gittanders Sept. 9th. 15

Winifred Leathes Prior

Christine Chichester
r.t!! corner
Enid D. Bibby
next table

Ina Erskine Paul V.A.D.
110 London

Disembarked 200 V.A.D鈥檚

Page 25

No. 10 Gen. hospital
With very best wishes
For a happy 1917-
R.H. Reivy

Jan 1st/17
No 2680
Pte A Yarrow
1/6 Sea Hos

Jan 27th 12 Dec.
No. 9374 Gunner W Galpin
72nd Brigade
B. Battery

鈥淟ive pure- speak true,
Right wrong, follow the King鈥-
M. Harlock
Military Hospital
March 1918

Page 26

Embarked 16.XX.15
Disembarked 20.12.15

On board H.M.H.S. Asturius
Alexandria Dec 11.15
That which is to be loved long is to be loved
With reason rather than with passion
W Johnson

A.J. Monro. Major. C.A.M.C.
No 5. Gen. Hosp. C.E.&
To Sister Carter

Salonica 20.12.15
Officers 鈥 43
Orderlies 鈥 203

June 16 1915
With pleasant rememberence
And sincere regard
Gladys Stocking
Military Hospital

Page 27

On board S.S. Asturias Aug 6. 1915
H.F. Cosgrain XX

M.A. Rankine C.F. (Presbyt)
21st General Hospital Alexandria

W.A. Brown. C.F. H.M.S. Dongola

Angus Brown no.1. Canadian Military Hospital

Donald Mac Pherson c.f. No.1 Cape Hospiatal Glendale, Nova Scotia.
Do all the good you can to all the people you can as often as you can.鈥

R.M.Mac Tavish
2nd South Staffs Regt.
Toronto Canada

Requisite contents of a Lady鈥檚 jewel case
Words written under each box

The Jewel casket Virtue
The mirror Reflection
Soft soap Flattery
Court plaster Sincerety
Balm de vie Religion
Best white powder Innocence
Excellent rouge Modesty
Essence of Roses (apt to evaporate) Friendship
Cure for corns Easy shoes
Cure for ennui Emplyment
Cure for wrinkles Cheerfulness
Cure for toothache True love
Cure for heartache Matrimony
Without these none can be complete
Lucy Hopwood

Page 28

On board S.S. Asturias Aug 6. 1915
H.F. Cosgrain XX

M.A. Rankine C.F. (Presbyt)
21st General Hospital Alexandria

W.A. Brown. C.F. H.M.S. Dongola

Angus Brown no.1. Canadian Military Hospital

Donald Mac Pherson c.f. No.1 Cape Hospiatal Glendale, Nova Scotia.
Do all the good you can to all the people you can as often as you can.鈥

R.M.Mac Tavish
2nd South Staffs Regt.
Toronto Canada

Requisite contents of a Lady鈥檚 jewel case
Words written under each box

The Jewel casket Virtue
The mirror Reflection
Soft soap Flattery
Court plaster Sincerety
Balm de vie Religion
Best white powder Innocence
Excellent rouge Modesty
Essence of Roses (apt to evaporate) Friendship
Cure for corns Easy shoes
Cure for ennui Emplyment
Cure for wrinkles Cheerfulness
Cure for toothache True love
Cure for heartache Matrimony
Without these none can be complete
Lucy Hopwood

Page 29

On board S.S. Asturias Aug 6. 1915
H.F. Cosgrain XX

M.A. Rankine C.F. (Presbyt)
21st General Hospital Alexandria

W.A. Brown. C.F. H.M.S. Dongola

Angus Brown no.1. Canadian Military Hospital

Donald Mac Pherson c.f. No.1 Cape Hospiatal Glendale, Nova Scotia.
Do all the good you can to all the people you can as often as you can.鈥

R.M.Mac Tavish
2nd South Staffs Regt.
Toronto Canada

Requisite contents of a Lady鈥檚 jewel case
Words written under each box

The Jewel casket Virtue
The mirror Reflection
Soft soap Flattery
Court plaster Sincerety
Balm de vie Religion
Best white powder Innocence
Excellent rouge Modesty
Essence of Roses (apt to evaporate) Friendship
Cure for corns Easy shoes
Cure for ennui Emplyment
Cure for wrinkles Cheerfulness
Cure for toothache True love
Cure for heartache Matrimony
Without these none can be complete
Lucy Hopwood

Page 30

On board S.S. Asturias Aug 6. 1915
H.F. Cosgrain XX

M.A. Rankine C.F. (Presbyt)
21st General Hospital Alexandria

W.A. Brown. C.F. H.M.S. Dongola

Angus Brown no.1. Canadian Military Hospital

Donald Mac Pherson c.f. No.1 Cape Hospiatal Glendale, Nova Scotia.
Do all the good you can to all the people you can as often as you can.鈥

R.M.Mac Tavish
2nd South Staffs Regt.
Toronto Canada

Requisite contents of a Lady鈥檚 jewel case
Words written under each box

The Jewel casket Virtue
The mirror Reflection
Soft soap Flattery
Court plaster Sincerety
Balm de vie Religion
Best white powder Innocence
Excellent rouge Modesty
Essence of Roses (apt to evaporate) Friendship
Cure for corns Easy shoes
Cure for ennui Emplyment
Cure for wrinkles Cheerfulness
Cure for toothache True love
Cure for heartache Matrimony
Without these none can be complete
Lucy Hopwood

Page 31-40

Page 31

On board S.S. Asturias Aug 6. 1915
H.F. Cosgrain XX

M.A. Rankine C.F. (Presbyt)
21st General Hospital Alexandria

W.A. Brown. C.F. H.M.S. Dongola

Angus Brown no.1. Canadian Military Hospital

Donald Mac Pherson c.f. No.1 Cape Hospiatal Glendale, Nova Scotia.
Do all the good you can to all the people you can as often as you can.鈥

R.M.Mac Tavish
2nd South Staffs Regt.
Toronto Canada

Requisite contents of a Lady鈥檚 jewel case
Words written under each box

The Jewel casket Virtue
The mirror Reflection
Soft soap Flattery
Court plaster Sincerety
Balm de vie Religion
Best white powder Innocence
Excellent rouge Modesty
Essence of Roses (apt to evaporate) Friendship
Cure for corns Easy shoes
Cure for ennui Employment
Cure for wrinkles Cheerfulness
Cure for toothache True love
Cure for heartache Matrimony
Without these none can be complete
Lucy Hopwood

Page 32

On board S.S. Asturias Aug 6. 1915
H.F. Cosgrain XX

M.A. Rankine C.F. (Presbyt)
21st General Hospital Alexandria

W.A. Brown. C.F. H.M.S. Dongola

Angus Brown no.1. Canadian Military Hospital

Donald Mac Pherson c.f. No.1 Cape Hospiatal Glendale, Nova Scotia.
Do all the good you can to all the people you can as often as you can.鈥

R.M.Mac Tavish
2nd South Staffs Regt.
Toronto Canada

Requisite contents of a Lady鈥檚 jewel case
Words written under each box

The Jewel casket Virtue
The mirror Reflection
Soft soap Flattery
Court plaster Sincerety
Balm de vie Religion
Best white powder Innocence
Excellent rouge Modesty
Essence of Roses (apt to evaporate) Friendship
Cure for corns Easy shoes
Cure for ennui Employment
Cure for wrinkles Cheerfulness
Cure for toothache True love
Cure for heartache Matrimony
Without these none can be complete
Lucy Hopwood

Page 33

On board S.S. Asturias Aug 6. 1915
H.F. Cosgrain XX

M.A. Rankine C.F. (Presbyt)
21st General Hospital Alexandria

W.A. Brown. C.F. H.M.S. Dongola

Angus Brown no.1. Canadian Military Hospital

Donald Mac Pherson c.f. No.1 Cape Hospiatal Glendale, Nova Scotia.
Do all the good you can to all the people you can as often as you can.鈥

R.M.Mac Tavish
2nd South Staffs Regt.
Toronto Canada

Requisite contents of a Lady鈥檚 jewel case
Words written under each box

The Jewel casket Virtue
The mirror Reflection
Soft soap Flattery
Court plaster Sincerety
Balm de vie Religion
Best white powder Innocence
Excellent rouge Modesty
Essence of Roses (apt to evaporate) Friendship
Cure for corns Easy shoes
Cure for ennui Employment
Cure for wrinkles Cheerfulness
Cure for toothache True love
Cure for heartache Matrimony
Without these none can be complete
Lucy Hopwood

Page 34

On board S.S. Asturias Aug 6. 1915
H.F. Cosgrain XX

M.A. Rankine C.F. (Presbyt)
21st General Hospital Alexandria

W.A. Brown. C.F. H.M.S. Dongola

Angus Brown no.1. Canadian Military Hospital

Donald Mac Pherson c.f. No.1 Cape Hospiatal Glendale, Nova Scotia.
Do all the good you can to all the people you can as often as you can.鈥

R.M.Mac Tavish
2nd South Staffs Regt.
Toronto Canada

Requisite contents of a Lady鈥檚 jewel case
Words written under each box

The Jewel casket Virtue
The mirror Reflection
Soft soap Flattery
Court plaster Sincerety
Balm de vie Religion
Best white powder Innocence
Excellent rouge Modesty
Essence of Roses (apt to evaporate) Friendship
Cure for corns Easy shoes
Cure for ennui Employment
Cure for wrinkles Cheerfulness
Cure for toothache True love
Cure for heartache Matrimony
Without these none can be complete
Lucy Hopwood

Page 35

On board S.S. Asturias Aug 6. 1915
H.F. Cosgrain XX

M.A. Rankine C.F. (Presbyt)
21st General Hospital Alexandria

W.A. Brown. C.F. H.M.S. Dongola

Angus Brown no.1. Canadian Military Hospital

Donald Mac Pherson c.f. No.1 Cape Hospiatal Glendale, Nova Scotia.
Do all the good you can to all the people you can as often as you can.鈥

R.M.Mac Tavish
2nd South Staffs Regt.
Toronto Canada

Requisite contents of a Lady鈥檚 jewel case
Words written under each box

The Jewel casket Virtue
The mirror Reflection
Soft soap Flattery
Court plaster Sincerety
Balm de vie Religion
Best white powder Innocence
Excellent rouge Modesty
Essence of Roses (apt to evaporate) Friendship
Cure for corns Easy shoes
Cure for ennui Employment
Cure for wrinkles Cheerfulness
Cure for toothache True love
Cure for heartache Matrimony
Without these none can be complete
Lucy Hopwood

Page 36

On board S.S. Asturias Aug 6. 1915
H.F. Cosgrain XX

M.A. Rankine C.F. (Presbyt)
21st General Hospital Alexandria

W.A. Brown. C.F. H.M.S. Dongola

Angus Brown no.1. Canadian Military Hospital

Donald Mac Pherson c.f. No.1 Cape Hospiatal Glendale, Nova Scotia.
Do all the good you can to all the people you can as often as you can.鈥

R.M.Mac Tavish
2nd South Staffs Regt.
Toronto Canada

Requisite contents of a Lady鈥檚 jewel case
Words written under each box

The Jewel casket Virtue
The mirror Reflection
Soft soap Flattery
Court plaster Sincerety
Balm de vie Religion
Best white powder Innocence
Excellent rouge Modesty
Essence of Roses (apt to evaporate) Friendship
Cure for corns Easy shoes
Cure for ennui Employment
Cure for wrinkles Cheerfulness
Cure for toothache True love
Cure for heartache Matrimony
Without these none can be complete
Lucy Hopwood

Page 37

On board S.S. Asturias Aug 6. 1915
H.F. Cosgrain XX

M.A. Rankine C.F. (Presbyt)
21st General Hospital Alexandria

W.A. Brown. C.F. H.M.S. Dongola

Angus Brown no.1. Canadian Military Hospital

Donald Mac Pherson c.f. No.1 Cape Hospiatal Glendale, Nova Scotia.
Do all the good you can to all the people you can as often as you can.鈥

R.M.Mac Tavish
2nd South Staffs Regt.
Toronto Canada

Requisite contents of a Lady鈥檚 jewel case
Words written under each box

The Jewel casket Virtue
The mirror Reflection
Soft soap Flattery
Court plaster Sincerety
Balm de vie Religion
Best white powder Innocence
Excellent rouge Modesty
Essence of Roses (apt to evaporate) Friendship
Cure for corns Easy shoes
Cure for ennui Employment
Cure for wrinkles Cheerfulness
Cure for toothache True love
Cure for heartache Matrimony
Without these none can be complete
Lucy Hopwood

Page 38

On board S.S. Asturias Aug 6. 1915
H.F. Cosgrain XX

M.A. Rankine C.F. (Presbyt)
21st General Hospital Alexandria

W.A. Brown. C.F. H.M.S. Dongola

Angus Brown no.1. Canadian Military Hospital

Donald Mac Pherson c.f. No.1 Cape Hospiatal Glendale, Nova Scotia.
Do all the good you can to all the people you can as often as you can.鈥

R.M.Mac Tavish
2nd South Staffs Regt.
Toronto Canada

Requisite contents of a Lady鈥檚 jewel case
Words written under each box

The Jewel casket Virtue
The mirror Reflection
Soft soap Flattery
Court plaster Sincerety
Balm de vie Religion
Best white powder Innocence
Excellent rouge Modesty
Essence of Roses (apt to evaporate) Friendship
Cure for corns Easy shoes
Cure for ennui Employment
Cure for wrinkles Cheerfulness
Cure for toothache True love
Cure for heartache Matrimony
Without these none can be complete
Lucy Hopwood

Page 39

Mind your -----------------------------

Laugh and the world laughs with you
Snore and you sleep alone
Oh! Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Ella Wheeler Wilcox oh!
F.M. Pritchard
Crescent Home

Page 40

A. Zyelz

A. Zooreff
Chief Sanitary Inspector
of the Imperial Russian Navy

XX Davies
17.v.16 1st South African Infantry

Chas. W. Sharp X X RAMC (Worcester S. Africa)

James Bruce Smith Capt
Gordon Highrs VC
Barge 143

鈥淣ever trouble trouble till trouble troubles you鈥
XX Hartigan

鈥淪orrows humanize our race,
鈥渢ears are the showers that fertilize this world
鈥淎nd memories of things precious
鈥淜eepeth warm, the heart that once did hold them
Thus sang jean Ingelow a message true
And singing, had in mind such as you-
Yes, sisters in grey with border red,
Who bind up the wounded, and
See them well fed-
Our best wishes go with you in all
Your toil
May nothing ever your good work spoil.
August 11/15
T.J. Thompson C.7
#5 Sty. Hospital

Page 41-50

Page 41

鈥淚n the darkest path of man鈥檚 despair.
Where War and Terror shake the troubled earth,
Lies woman鈥檚 mission; -.鈥
Ralph Johnson Lieut. R.E鈥
Fuel and Waer Transport
Amiens October 12th 1916

They say best men are moulded of of faults
measure for measure,
E. Caroline Pochin Orchard
Belge 142.
3rd Aublane Flotilla
13. ? F, Frames

H.B. Kelly

H. Bradiols 1914.

Page 42

Vernon Peuuell
HMHS Asturias
Salonika 2-12-15

WH Galloway.

Waf Russer

鈥淪o many gods. So many creeds.
So many faiths that wind and wind,
While just the art of being kind,
Is all the sad world needs.鈥

8.A. 1.11.17.S.R.

Colchester. 30.3.15.
Pte Wm Reul
Glasgow Highlanders
or Ballockburgh
Sheriff Park Terr

Page 43

R.E. Young C.F
R.M.S. Asturias
Jan: 13:16

H.R. leSuens
Major. R.E.

EJR Pulgtoc RHA

Ralph P. Williams
Lieut R.A.M.C.
Jan 13/16

NS Wells
Major L.M.S.

V.A. Hallam Capt
9th - - - - Ca- Regt.

C.M. Stanley Lieut

Anne M. Macfarlane
H.M.H.S. Asturias
May 2.16

HL McSean Morris
Capt A.I.F.
Advance AUSTRALIA ! (cuis.)
- - - -- Whiteley
(鈥淎lso one of them鈥)

Oh does鈥檔t the day seem dull & long
When all goes right & nothing Wrong.

A.M. Anderson
Military Families Hospital
Curragh Camp.
Co. Kildare.
21 鈥 9 - 15

Page 44

C.M.S. is a half coloured and he wishes he was a whole one!
Turkish Prisoner. (in answer to queries)
English - very good.
Germans No good,
Australians - - - - - - - - -!!!!!
The Turks have purported to have said?
We don鈥檛 mind the chaps in the Helmets (English)
But we strongly object to the chaps
in the felt hats鈥 (Australians)
the mm

To meet, to love and then to part.
Del. J. Millar Capt
No. 5. Canadian XXXXX Hosp.

Oh you St. DeMetry, Church of Apostles, Greeks, Turks
Salonica, Dec 2/11
Jas. T. Wall
(Capt Ramc)

HH Lindsay Capt RAMC
No V.. Gen Hospital Canadians
Vancouver B.C.
For locomotion
I have a devotion
Upon a camel鈥檚 back
When he tumbles! Oh mother!
I can throw you much further
Than a broncho pitching his pack

Page 45

Cal Flemish Carolus Dieriela 3e Chasseurs 脿 pied Belge.

English Charles

Henri Vandereyde 2e 脿 pied Belge
Militaire Hospital. Colschester 1914
Le 25 Octobre parelit le 10 December. (French)
Hendrik Vandereyde (Flemish)

Transcribers note (SY) There are stamps on this page and some sort of ticket also what looks like something written in shorthand as follows:
In loving memories of the happy time(s) spent at the school
Florence Crump

Smile again when you smile another smiles
Until there鈥檚 rows & rows of smiles
And life is then worth living
Because you smile

March 22nd 1916
A llie C. Elgan
H.M.H.S. Asturias

Page 46

This is identical to 045 which contains a slip of paper translating a shorthand note.

鈥淚n loving memory of the happy time(s) spent at the school
Florence Crump鈥

Page 47

Richard Preschneider
From Hainichen
In Saxony
Regiment 107
9. Konig
For thinking to the time in the military hospital
In Colchester
Bernhard Herburg F. No 4. Hanover
Enirk Meisler, from Leipzip - - - - - - Germany
Infanterle 鈥 Reg. 107 August Lipinski 5 Comp.
Rgt 57
Rick. Krondorf Inf. Reg. N. 179 Leisnig in Sachsen
Leonhard Auhringer Stuttgart in Wurtternberg Militarich 74.
Johann Wirhofen Luft Reg. No 57.5 Comp

On the golden chain of memory
Let me ever be a link
Harry A. Frost.
Gen. Chaplain
Asturias Aug. 8th 1915

Fair words gladdens many an heart
May Smith n.s. l.a.m.e.
HMHS . Aug 9/15

鈥淎s the ripples follow the ship at sea.
So may God鈥檚 blessing follow thee鈥
Helen Potter
N.S.C. A.M.C.
S.S. Asturias
Aug 9th 1915

Page 48

Asturias 8/8/15
Count that day lost who鈥檚 low descending Sun
Views from thy hand
No worthy action done
Kate M. Wilson
Owen Sound Ont. Canada

The days Sur spent with thee dear Lea xxx
Helen B. Cooke

Words are easy, like the wind;
Faithful friends are hard to find
Oaths are straws, men鈥檚 faiths are wafer cakes
Photograph of a woman

F. Candell
M.F. Hospital
Curragh Camp
Co Kildare

Page 49

George F. Gillam
Capt. C.A. M. C.

God and soldiers we
adore in times of war
and not before.
When war is over and
everything righted
God is forgotten, and
the soldier slighted.

Bombadier Geraghty.
R.F. A.
D. I. Ward
No.10. Gen- Hospital

Bright is the ring of words
when the right man rings them,
Fair the fall of songs,
When the singer sings them.
Still they are carolled and said 鈥
on wings they are carried-
After the singer is dead
and the maker buried
J.S.Donald.H.M.H.S Asturias
28th Nov. 1915

Many thanks tom the Night Sister
For my speedy recovery
Pt R.S Gerrard
48 Batt
A I F No. 10 G Hp

A man that knows and
does not
Know that he knows is
a wise man
but a man that knows
& know鈥檚 that he knows
Is a d--- fool
JHHodgson Staff Sgt
41 C C S

Page 50

鈥淟ove All鈥
鈥淭rust a few鈥
鈥 Learn to paddle"
鈥淵our own canoe鈥
M.F Hospital

I wish you the best of luck
You deserve it.
CE Hibbard Lieut

XXX Tammers Capt

Signed over an Egyptian stamp:-
August 13th 1915
Canadian鈥檚 left
H.M.H.S 鈥淎sturias鈥 today
for No 5 Unit- Cairo
Nos 1& 2 Mudros Bay

Page 51-59

Page 51

鈥淟ove All鈥
鈥淭rust a few鈥
鈥淟earn to paddle"
鈥淵our own canoe鈥
M.F Hospital
I wish you the best of luck
You deserve it.
CE Hibbard Lieut

XXX Tammers Capt

Signed over an Egyptian stamp:-
August 13th 1915
Canadian鈥檚 left
H.M.H.S 鈥 Asturias鈥 today
for No 5 Unit- Cairo
Nos 1& 2 Mudros Bay

Page 52

Smile awhile, & while you smile,
Another smiles; and soon
There will be miles & miles of smiles
And life worth while because
You smile
W.H. Clarke
Colchester 20.12.14

C. Mowbray

June 18 1915
Will you please
Sign 鈥楥ertified Correct?
Daviell P. Hannigtone
Dec 2 /1915 Salonika

If scribbling in Albums
remembrance restores insures
With the greatest of please
I scribble in yours
Colchester 17.6-15

Page 53

The hart he loves the
The hare he loves the
The knight he loves
the broad sword
And the lady loves
her will
July 4th 1915
H. S. Asturias
O.L Cracknell C.H.R.

H.M.H.S. Asturias
Bertha Didion Belgian Canadian
No 1 Stationary Hosp (Canow)
753 Wolesley ave. Winnipeg
Manitoba Canada
Malta Harbor Aug-8-15

Robert N Alcorn
Capt. R.A.M.C.

G. Elsworth
Capt R.A.M.C
4TH C.C.S.

Page 54

Fy iaeth, jy nqwlad ,jy nqhedyl
Annel Breeze so
H.M.H.S Asturias
4th July 1915

Louise Brock
St Lukes General Hospital
Ottawa Canada
Hospital Ship 鈥淎sturias鈥
Aug 11th 1915

If we notice little pleasures
As we notice little pains;
If we quite forgot our losses,
And remembered all our gains
If we looked for people鈥檚 virtures
And their faults refused to see,
What a comfortable, happy,
Cheerful place this world would be:

Winifred Byrne
34 St: Stephen鈥檚 Green

Page 55

Two drawings of soldiers
Homeward bound
On H.M.H.S Asturias
March 28th 1916
2A Shipp.

When butted by a ram
Keep ca鈥檓, keep ca鈥檓
E Jackson
Military Hospital

Page 56

To be beloved is all I need,
And whom I love I love indeed
XXX Dissington

It is easy enough to be pleasant
When the world goes along like a song
But the man worth while , is the man who can smile
when everything goes dead wrong
D.I. wd 10 Gen Hospital

Capt RAM.C

To Sister Carter, with compliments and
best wishes

The old man of Alexandria
There鈥檚 a little dark shop in town.
Where the old man sits him down.


Tip-tap all day
on gong or tray;
With ne鈥檈r a smile or a frown.

The 鈥淎sturias" is in dock
The Sisters town-ward flock
His work does stop
They besiege his shop
And examine all his stock


Then once again to the ship
These Sisters blithely trip
The old man gloats
鈥淟ong life to the boats鈥
Tip-tap, Tip 鈥搕ap, tap-tip

Each on the ship displays
Gongs, pots & gorgeous trays
With obvious pleasure
They vote him a treasure
So wish him 鈥淗appy Days鈥
J Mackay Tipping
Purser H.M.H.S 鈥淎sturias鈥
Alexandria 28/2/16

Page 57

Sweet my flight, both day & night.
My actions I pursue:
I feel content though badly bent,
then administered to, by you.
Thy tender care is everywhere
a stronghold in this fight,
I鈥檓 still content tho鈥 badly bent,
So now sweet ray good night
II [with arrow to indicate above previous verse]
I love to hear your cheerful laugh
I never see you frown
You make me content tho鈥 badly bent,
as you shake my pillows down
C Missington

I once was riding on a horse,
I thought he wasnt a starter
how I bless his name
and my concuss鈥檈d brain
For they introduced me to Sister Carter
Abbeville 17.6.16
A Southwood

With many many thanks
for all attentions shewn
to a lonely Tommy in Wards 1 & 4
Leon Pedley
N.I.Y. 7/7/17

By hook or by crook
I鈥檒l be last in this book

By wile & by guile you've lost by a mile
Lt A.M.C

Page 58

You never can tell what thoughts will do
In sending you hate, or love
For thoughts are things, & their airy wings
And fleeter than carrier doves.
They follow the law of the universe
Each thing must produce its kind
They fly o鈥檈r their track & bring you
Whatever went out from your mind
(Copied from A.A. of a Canadian sister)

You鈥檙e another
I鈥檓 on the cover

Page 59