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Letters from Indian patients to various sisters.

Barton Court

Dear Sister
Just a few lines to write you know that I finished my journey and reached Barton Court. I am in good health here and hope you are in the same spirit when I was with you. You did take good care with me and I will never forget your nourishment – please tell my best Salaams to all Sisters. No more to add now. I close my short letter with best Salaams

Yours sincerely
Sita Ram Vichen

To Sister Howise

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Dear Sister
I am quite well. I hope you be the good health and I am fit for India by your kindness. I am very sorry I cannot see you when I go to India I will send a letter for you I am a little better now than before some little pain inside. Please tell my best salaams to your orderly not much more news your most obedient

Servant Jumen Sing Thapa

Dear Mother

I am glad to say that I have reached Egypt at Eletandruja harbour. I am much thankful for your kindness which you have done upon me and I hope mai you will keep me in remembrance, I shall even pray for your long life and praise pretty with respect to my health. I am alright and tolerably cheerful but am unable to hear from both ears. again I shall write a letter when I will reach Bombay for the sea journey. I have been quite well. Best compliments from patient Sul Sher. Cot 14. and best compliments to all patients and officers.

I am your most obedient servant
Mahdi Khan deal
Cot 11

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Dear Sister
I have been 7 days in the Indian military Depot and going on quite well. And I hope that we shall leave the Depot on the 22nd …. I will write you letters when I will go to …. Thanks for your kindness in the hospital, I will never forget you sister. Pray for all and for me also to live safely. I hope you will not forget me and please write me a letter.

…. Sepoy Juma D

Dear Madam

Allow me to express my hearty thanks through the medium of this letter of the kindness and motherly treatment which I received … in your hand while I was at your hospital. I don’t think I shall ever be able to forget them I am alright. here and don’t know anything as yet whether I shall be sent to India or to the front. I though it is unnecessary to tell you how eagerly I am waiting to go back to my home and to see once more those face Whom I haven’t seen for months months I close now with all my best salaams from all my heart and praying to god that may he bless you and give you long life that you might - look after other soldiers with the same tender

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motherly hands and heart as you have done to me. Your most obedient servant Sarjam Singh

My dear Sister howise

I am quite well and wish you to be in the same state Please thanks for your letter. Now I am in the Indian Bease Depot Marsseilles I cannot tell when I will go to our Regiment and Duffasar Lal Singh is in this place. He was told about you when I was leaving L.H.H then sister was quite …….. and Duffedar Haum Singh who was in Ward 2 Bed 18 is going to India

I was much obliged on you and I will pray for your long life and prus pitty. I hope to early reply fronme and Lal Singh you must tell all the Sisters sat siri akal.

Yours truly
Sowar Harma Singh
30th Lancers

To S. Bowers

Dear Sister Sahab
I am arriving at Egypt and I hope you are in the best of health as I am at present and my hand is very painful please convey my best compliments to orderly Wilkinson good mothering. I am very sorry here too hot in Egypt and I could not say when we are departing from Egypt to India please sent me a reply. Your most sincerely

Gopi Rawat

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To S.. B

Dear Mrs!!
I am quite well and wish you to be in the same state. The cause of delay in despatching the letter is that I cannot any man ni the way who may write the letter in English. and how reaching and then to our cantonment Jullundur Cantt: I write yo.

Please excuse this fault in failure I will despatch you the letters in every week until I am alive I am so thankful to you for the service you were done to me as no wife or mother cannot perform may God reward you for this act of kindness. I reach India very comfortably without any obstacle in the way. I am started 3 month sick leave and going to my native home. If you have to write me letter please send one according to this address written below. My best compliments to all sisters.

Yours sincerely
Buta Singh Havildar

Sister Bowers.
I am very glade you was very please in the hospital and I am quite well in this place when I will go to France I will write a letter to you

Your Servant
Mir Mohammed
69 Punjabis

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To S. Browne

Dear Sis
I am quite well and wish you to be in the same state. I have tried very much on the way to write you a letter. Unfortunatley none of us could write in English Please excuse this fault I reach India with much comfortably as not to be quotes! I am do thankful of your service you have done to me that I will overburden your whole life this act of kindness in failure I send you letter weekly until I alive

Yours sincerely
Buta Singh

To S Browne

Letitia Hospital Ship

Dear Browne!
I am very glad because I am going to home so but little sorry to left here and I am very glad to say you that I am very well and comfortable on this ship. I shall not get to Alegeydra (Alexandria) 29th. and when I shall start home there that time. I shall send you a letter, I am hoping you and all your family are keeping quite well. I am very sorry to close this letter but I can’t write more. So shall close my letter.

Char safe Ka ro

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Dear Sister
I received safely and soundly in India at my Depot in Lansdowne but I was unable to send you the letter up to this day and now God gave me the chance to send the letter my sore is better than that time. Dear sister I cannot repay your thanks but I pray to God ever time for your long life and prosperity. I told you to send the sowerd but I cannot send because there is no permitaken. My childrens are well by your kindness except that my wife has died.

Yours beloved
Litum Snigh Rifleman

To Mrs A H Browne

I am going to inform you that I am quite well and wish hers welfare. We got down to Alexandria in no. 5 General Hospital on 30 instant and in the ship we treated fairly and I have the bad headache as it was before my head is too weak. Before our coming one Indian hospital ship has gone to India and I do not know about the other and when I will go. I will write her a letter again and good bye to Major Sahib. Salam to all the Sepoy in no.15 ward to the Keeper (Capel) and orderly of 15 ward. I am highly obliged for hers kindness which hers has done me. Please write letter to the Lower straits

Sulab Khan

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Dear Sister
Just a line to be hoping this reaches you in the best of health as it leaves me at present but for the wound in my leg it is getting alright. I came to Alexandria hospital when I left good old England which I was sorry to leave but anyhow my brother is going to India and I am going in 2 or 3 weeks time, the sisters of this hospital are very good to me and I am enjoying myself allright.(stet) There is a Major comes round of a morning and I say to him good morning Major. Well sister this is all I have to say

From your truly friend
Lilim Singh


My Dear Miss H
Reached here safely on the 11th I am getting better and better. I am too much thankful to you for all your trouble when I was sick. I shall not forget you in my whole life. Tender my best complements to my ward fellows and all others who know me. Please remember me every now & then. Please say if I can be of any service to you here May God bless you and give you long life. Hoping for an early reply

Yours sincerely
Laita Kehar Singh
PO Mohi

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To Sister Bowers

Dear Lady
I am glad to inform you that I have gotten recovery and transferred to ……. in the I division I am in Regimental Hospital at Dinapole & shall start to my home on the 1st January. I shall be glad to receive areply to my letter I thank you very much that you have served me better than mothers I am healthy & enjoying better than ever. Now I am going to my home I thank you very much that India is strange to you as England to us. I shall be ever happy you will if you will send for any sample in India I shall send you posted. I shall never forget Your kindness for whole my life

Remember that I will be ever greatful and pray for you long life and prosperity

To Sister Bowers

My foot was wounded
When her night-duty & your duty of day. I will you that a lady whose duty at night-time gave me envelope to write her all about my envents which would happen to me in India. But I regret to say that I lost it on the way. I submissively ask you to give I when now she is in 8th ward. I request you that you reminded of neglect of Indian men to tear off envelope and throw it in ocean. So the case has happened to me. I hope that you will forgive me for my neglect and give answers to my letters when you get it. I say respectfully that I am enjoying good health want you to see but sorry that long distance is between england and India. Be so pleased as to answer me I awaiting your letter you advised me not to lose the envelope but I lost in some circumstances

My address.

To Chaudra 3/c Harman Singh
Clerk 89th Panjabis. Dinapore

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Copy of a letter brought to the L.H.H by a patient when he was transferred from Brighton. It was addressed to ‘Whom it may concern’

Pavilion IGH

Dear _____
I am writing this letter at the request of the bearer Sep: Iazal Khan - he has been a nuisance ever since he came into the hospital, he will not make his bed or do anything to help himself. He has been told that there are lady nurses where he is going to, but he says he is not going to make his bed when he gets there so you will know what to do with him, and another thing is that when he is made to get up he always falls down very nicely, well, I always leave him where he falls and he gets up again when he is tired, well, I think I’ve said enough about him but this is wrote just the opposite to what he thought it would be. My kind regards to whoever receives this letter and please forgive me for writing in such a shaim

Yours truly
Pte RAMC, Ward 7 Section D

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To Mrs Karomy Sahib
By seeing my sons letter is known that your kind honour is giving him medicines, many, many thanks for your kindness. I will be grateful to you till I die.

Yours faithfully
Lnoh Din Khan

To Lady Cromie

Respected Sir
Just I have received a letter from my son named Duffadar Azayuddin Khan sol Deccan Harse saying that he is in hospital under your very kind treatment. He has informed me about your very kind treatment and great kindness & says that he is far better & praising highly of your treatment for which I shall thank you and heartily pray for your long life & sound health & wealth. Please think this is not my son he is yours & hope you will keep good eye on him. Nothing more to add except my best respects.

Yours obediently
Luhd Din Khan

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To Mrs Gomez

I have received a letter from my beloved son Durjadar Agiguddun Khan stating that he is ill and under your kind care. I beg most humbly that you will be graciously pleased as to favour me with a letter saying how is my son now? And I trust in the Holy God that in your care and treatment will no doubt recover my son speedily with success. His mother weep weeps very for him and she begs to hear from you the news of recovery of her dear son, for this act of kindness I shall ever pray for the long life &prosperity yours very obediently

Juhd Din Khan


Dear Sister Gomez
Just I pen these few lines to your honour that arrived safely in Bombay by the Grace of Almighty Father hoping to find dear self the same as it leaves me at present, Dear Sister I beg to inform you if any paper of my case come to you please send it back to me by my address as I am writing below. I will be very much thankful for your kindness and shall ever pray for your long life and prosperity I hope you would neglect to do

yours faithfully
Dear Sister I hope you will …. I might
send photo as promised to
send me by this address
With best wishes to dear self
Khandala Itoohiapuir

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Dear Sister Sahiba
Thanks very much for your letter and your …… and cards. I am getting on quite well here and I hope you will same. It is very cold place Milford – on . Sea but sorry we are going soon. Do not forget to write me and wrote me your full address that I can be able write you. I am going to send you some Soobrine for yourself. I wrote a letter to india for your Soobrine when I may be received I will send you, I wish to send myself photo to like or not please let me know. No more to say please excuse me. With all best wishes and good luck

yours sincerely
No 2847 Powar Raj Karan
6th Cavalry Corp 5
Indian Advance Depot

I was happen ny Mumps therefore I cannot be able to answer you soon my Salam to all

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Lady Hardings Hospital Alphabet

A is for Anderson Matron of all
A right . decent sort is mistress McCall
B is for Brockenhurst – a village quite small.
It has a fine church and that’s about all
C for the Corridors mile upon mile
Tis called winter gardens for you must smile at all
D. for the dinner we get nice and hot
Dear Mrs Cookie I love her a lot.
E. Electrical treatment the patients all shune
Most of ‘em say they’d as soon face a gun
F. Captain Fox who causes a riot
If by any chance you book a wrong diet
G. for the Gurkhas so sturdy and strong
Give ‘em plenty of cigs & they’d grin all day long
H. for the huts in which we all dwell
Sometimes its heaven and sometimes its H-
I is for Indians whom we all nurse
Some of ‘em bad but might easily be worse

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J For Red Johnson who spends all her day
Eating Curry and Rice at least so folk say
K For the kitchen so woefully bare
If you want hot water you won’t find it thar
L for the lotahs so lovely when bright
But when neglected look quite a sight
M. for mischief which sometimes is done
By that unruly member a trains very long ……
N. For the nonsense which makes life worth while
It aint much use bringing if no longer you smile
O. for the Orderlies who come every morn
some of ‘em wish they’d never been born
P. Colonel Percy Commander. in-Chief
When exploring the presses be causes much grief
Q for the quarter so slender and slim
If I have to marry I’m glad it not him
R. The red tape we daily endure
you may get 6 matches, but – don’t be too sure
S For the Sisters who made a to-do
When as the Gaiety Chorus that were on view
T. for the Theatre so spotless and clean
Some of ‘em wish it never had been
U for the uniform which we all wear
It suits most be she dark maid or fair
V for the visitors who oft come this way
The fates be thanks it aint every day
W the wards in which we all work under
Meyer Melville Thurston. James Gibbon Herbert Burke
X The X rays a right good concern
When the track of a bullet you’re anxious to learn
Y for the yearning that fills every heart
To get married and settled and lie down and rest

Z. the fine shipping by zennon adored
From …… of his hobby all presses he’s explored