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[inside cover] 

Page 3
Written on left hand page: 
F.M.V.B. Brown.
Military Hospital
New End

Upside down in lower left page corner 
From Sadler
Xmas 1917

Right hand page:

 Page 4

Left hand page: 
Calendar 1918 January to June:

Right hand page:
Calendar 1918 July to December

Page 5
Left hand page:
Postal Regulations 
Letters (Inland) – 1oz, 1d; 2oz, 2d; each additional 2oz. or fraction, 1/2d. Size limits: length, 24in.; width or depth, 12in. Foreign- British Possessions generally, U.S.A., British Postal Agencies in morocco, and at Wei-hai-wei and H.M. Ships and troops serving abroad, 1d.peroz.To all other places, 21/2d. first oz.; 11/2d. each succeeding oz. or fraction thereof. 
Certificates of Posting of unregistd.correspondence both Inland and Foreign can now be had, fee 1/2d.
Book Packets – 1/2d for each 2oz.up to 5lb. Size limits- length, 2ft., width or depth, 1ft. Foreign Packets- Printed Papers, 1/2d. for 2oz.; Commercial Papers, 21/2d. for first 10oz; 1/2d for 2oz. thereafter.
Newspapers. - Inland, 6oz., 1/2d. Foreign and Colonial, 1/2d. for 2oz.
British Newspapers, Magazines and Trade Journals to Canada and Newfoundland – 2oz.,1/2d., 6oz., 1d., 1 1/2lb., 1 1/2/d.; and 1/2d.each 1/2lb. extra up to 5lb. 
Right Hand Page:
Postal Regulations –cont.
Parcel Post.- Rates: not exceeding 1ib. 4d., 2lb. 5d., 3lb. 6d, 5lb. 7d.,7lb. 8d., 8lb. 9d., 10lb. 11d.,11lb(limit) 1/-. Size limits – length, 3ft.6in., length and girth combined, 6ft.
Parcel Post to United States – Official Service – Limit of weight, 11lb. Rates – 3lb., 1/3;2/3;11lb., 3/3 per parcel for any place in United States including Alaska. Semi-Official Service. – Rates- To New York City, Brooklyn, Jersey City of Hoboken, 3lb., 2/6; 7lb., 3/6; 11lb., 4/6; to all other places (excluding Alaska), 3lb., 3/6; 7lb., 4/6; 11lb., 5/6. 
Post Cards (Inland) - Thin, single, 1/2d.; reply, 1d, stout, single, 3/4d., 11 for 6d.; reply, 1 1/4d., 11 for 1/-. Foreign, single, 1d.; reply, 2d.
Letter Cards – Single, 1d. each. 
Telegrams – 9d. first twelve words, 1/2d each additional word. Addresses charged for. Delivered free within 3 miles of receiving office, 3d. per mile beyond.  London – free delivery day and night. 

Page 6
On left hand page:
Postal Regulations – cont.
Postal Orders are issued and paid at most Inland Post offices, in many Brit. Possessions and other places abroad.
Poundage  - 1d up to 15/-; 1 1/2d. up to 21/-. Broken amounts may be made up by the use of Postage Stamps and three in number affixed to the face of any one Postal Order. 
Money Orders (Inland) – Not exceeding 31, 2d; £3, 3d; £10, 4d; and an additional 2d. for each 310 up to £40. 
English Law Sittings, 1918.
HILARY begin Jan. 11th, end March 27th.
EASTER begin April 9th, end May 17th.
TRINITY begin May 28th, end July 31st.
MICHAELMAS begin October 12th, end December 21st. 

On right hand page:

Personal Memoranda
X/8. T.M.B,

Page 7
Lewis 3/15 Y T/ 120
Bennett  Yes 56.

TUES JAN 1 / 2pm (in pencil) 1918
Circumcision. Bank Holiday in Scotland 
Woke up Scotch Boys at 12P.m
Coffee, Mc Ray rather ill,
also Bennett. 3/15
Went to bed at 10.a.m
I slept fairly well,
Up at 6.50. Duty 7-40
Some boys very ill Bennett
on ice. better at 7.am, 

WED. JAN.2  1918
Bed at 9.30 feeling rotten
Could not sleep. Tea at 1.p.m
Letter from H.
Called at 6.30. Duty 9.50
On alone after 10. Boys ill,
M.C. on 6.5.9 (3/15)

Page 8
THUR.  JAN. 3 1918
To bed at 10.a.m XXXX . 
Slept well, did not wake until 6.30. Hot water 
bottle had leaked “some”. 
Duty 8.p.m. Boys
better, wrote to H. and D. 

FRI.  JAN.4 1918
Bed at 9-30. Wire at 
12. Could not sleep after, 
up at 6, D arrived 7.30. 
Off duty until 8.45. 
Boys moved to other ward. 
SAT.  JAN 5 1918
Moon 11.50a.m
To Town in morning. 
Lunch at Corner House 
Hampstead at 12.30. 
Did not sleep very well
Duty. 8pm. New Patients 
in 4 +6. Bennett fair.
Slept well on the whole 

SUN. JAN. 6 1918
To Church at 8
Dinner and Bed at 10am
Could not sleep very 
well. Called at Tube 
at 4.30. Golders 
Green, Tea + walk.
 Enjoyed it. Raining. 

Page 9
MON.  JAN. 7 1918
To sitting room until 
10am. Cup of tea in 
Bedroom by 10.
Slept well. Called at 6.30 
rose at 9.Duty, more
 fresh patients from Div. 1. 
Bennett transferred.

TUES.  JAN. 8 1918
Letter from H. 
Late dinner. Bed at 10am. 
Some tea at 10.30 with cake, 
did not sleep until after 1.
Feeling tired. Duty at 8. 
No change. 
WED. JAN. 9 1918
To bed at 10.00 a.m.  All water 
in taps frozen, starved 
went to sleep. Woke at 1.15, 
Kim, got up. Slept well after 
until 6.30, jolly cold.
Breakfast 7.5 Duty 7.45
Cheques, no change in Wards. 
Boys sleeping well. 

THUR.  JAN. 10 1918
Dinner 8.45. Shampoo 
9.30.Sat in sitting room 
until 11, made some tea.
Parcel from home. 
Bed 11.30, slept fair. 
Called at 6.30, slept 
again. Woke at 7.5. Late 
duty 7.45, no change 

Page 10
FRI. JAN. 11 1918
To Town in morning. 
Lunch in T.C. Road. 
No butter. Bed at 12, 
slept. Called at 6.30.
Got up at 7.30. Duty 9.50. 
Rather heavy new Pt at 12. Pm.
Morph ¼. 9am slept.
RL commenced Duty.

SAT. JAN. 12 1918
Bed at 10, read until 11.30. 
Slept until 6.15. Letty called 
me, Duty early, new pts
Arnold in 9, very ill. S.I.L
Drew war Bond for him. 

SUN. JAN. 13 1918
Slept fair. Duty 7.50.
Arnold much weaker, 
was visited, no other 
change, wrote home.
12p.m, thinking mush. 

MON. JAN. 14 1918
Arnold much worse.
Raw beef XXXXXXX, vomited 
much, craved for water.
A little brighter at 7a.m.  



Page 21-30

Page 21
SUN. FEB. 24 1918
2nd in lent. S. Matthias
Duty early. Inj for 3
Tovey refused. Coaxed
Him in to it in the end.
Off duty 2- 6. Out for 
Tea with Kim. Back early.
Finished up early. Bed at 8.30 
Tess back with Duck. 

MON.  FEB. 25 1918
No moon. 9.35p.m

A little late for breakfast.
Nothing doing. Breakfast
Fish, indifferent.
Shell shock for dinner.
Nurses nearly freezing.
Sister D. sweet, off duty
2-4. Busy evening. 
TUES.  FEB. 26. 1918
Early for breakfast.
Some ham, meatless day.
Curried eggs for dinner.
Off Duty 10-45-12.13
Sewing in Sitting room.
Nurse very curious.
Busy afternoon and evening. 

WED. FEB. 27. 1918
Heard from D, ill.
At Home, signed for 
Cheque. Off duty 2-4.
Madge came, some news.
Duty 4.30. Scenes in kitchen 

Page 22
THUR. FEB. 28 1918
Down early. Duty
Nurse Lane to D.W. IV
Off duty 10.45.a.m
Letter from H. Flowers
From D . Letter from RM
3mgs Pharm for Pritch. 
Letter from Mrs Bulley. 

FRI.  MAR. 1 1918
S. David
Bartle for spleen Puncture
J. Cadwick rather ill 11a.m
陆 day 
SAT.  MARCH 2. 1918
Nearly late. Lucky.
Off duty 10-45
first dinner, no spuds,
some  rexxxxxxx
very hungry. Quite a 
change. nothing extra
in afternoon 
SUN . MAR 3  1918
3rd in Lent

very early. good Resolution
off duty. 10. Slept in
morning, nice dinner
Plenty of it (change)
V. A D. Orderly on afternoon
Rather ill.  鈥淪winger鈥
very amusing. Nothing

Page 23
MON. MARCH 4 1918
Early Breakfast.
Letter from D. off duty
10- 45.
Sewing in Sitting Room.
Quiet afternoon. nothing
TUES.  MARCH. 5 1918
Duty in morning.
陆 day. went to see 
Yellow ticket. Very good.
Tea at Corner House.
Waited 陆 hour for tea.
2 陆 hours to get home
WED.  MARCH 6. 1918
Quarter moon 12.44a.m.
Rather busy morning
Some new patients
not very bad. No Temps.
Great excitement at 
Priory. Cuffley mobilised
Doing well, xxxxxxxx 2. 
THUR. MARCH 7   1918
Duty in morning.
Pictures in afternoon.
returned at 5p.m
Music in Sitting Room
at night. 
Page 24
FRI. MARCH 8 1918
Raid last night 11p.m
Stayed in bed.
Did not wake until 
6-50 this mane.
No breakfast. 13 xxx
Morning. xxxxxx  afternoon.
Cheques paid xxxxxxxx
SAT.  MARCH. 9 1918
Down quite early +
breakfast first. 
not very busy just now
Several Boys rather bad. 
SUN.  MARCH 10. 1918
4th in Lent
Off duty morning.
No Orderly in afternoon. 
Kelly very good.
Sisters 陆 day.
Roundacre. Cal. grs XXX G. R. 

MON. MARCH 11   1918
In bed until 9a.m
Dentist with Wattie.
Town with Kim, could 
get no meat. At Pxxxx
1-30. no parcel.
Came Home. 3-50 Euston.
Ma met at station. 

Page 25
TUES. MARCH 12 1918
Up at 8.a.m. Breakfast
Town in morning visit
to food controller. 

WED.  MARCH. 13 1918
Quiet morning
Lots of visitors afternoon
+ evening. Marie came
Told us news. 
THUR.  MARCH 14. 1918
Adams Avenue in
Morning. Mrs S. C out.
Letters, done some knitting
Aunt. R came for tea.

FRI. MARCH 15   1918
Letters from Hampstead.
Town in morning
York Road afternoon.
Dinner with Auntie+
Uncle at night. Home
10-30 , all darkness
Saw Ada. Very well.  

Page 26
SAT. MARCH 16 1918
Sewing in morning.
Shopping afternoon.
Met Alice at night
Some news. Town very
SUN.  MARCH. 17 1918
Passion Sunday. S. Patrick
Church in morning
Mr Waterworth. Home
on leave. Preached.
Lot of letters
answered in afternoon
Marie came for tea. 

MON.  MARCH 18. 1918
Bank Holiday in Ireland. 
Letters. Town in
morning. A.  Rosemary
for tea. Music at
TUES. MARCH 19   1918
Quarter moon 1.30p.m.
Knitting in morning.
Far Cotton afternoon.
Home 6.30. Mrs H. 
called & Kath. 
SAT. MARCH 16 1918
Sewing in morning.
Shopping afternoon.
Met Alice at night
Some news. Town very
SUN.  MARCH. 17 1918
Passion Sunday. S. Patrick
Church in morning
Mr Waterworth. Home
on leave. Preached.
Lot of letters
answered in afternoon
Marie came for tea. 

MON.  MARCH 18. 1918
Bank Holiday in Ireland. 
Letters. Town in
morning. A.  Rosemary
for tea. Music at
TUES. MARCH 19   1918
Quarter moon 1.30p.m.
Knitting in morning.
Far Cotton afternoon.
Home 6.30. Mrs H. 
called & Kath. 

Page 27
WED. MARCH 20 1918
Letters, etc., shopping
In morning, Convent 
Afternoon, stayed for
Tea, saw Mrs A & family.
Home. Music at night.
Feeling a little anxious
THUR.  MARCH. 21 1918
Sewing in morning.
Tea with Mrs H.,
Afternoon. x xx at
Night with Alice.
Home, 9.15.p.m
FRI.  MARCH 22. 1918
Town in morning.
Photo in afternoon.
Tea with Mrs Stockinson,
Some yarns after.
Called on Mrs Deely
at night. Home 10.
SAT. MARCH 23   1918
Shopping in morning.
Letter from Pritch.
Sent wire, afternoon
Mrs Manship called,
Still feel a bit
anxious, no letter.
Put on xxxx. H x

Page 28
SUN. MARCH 24 1918
Palm Sunday
Down at 8. Dinner
Station, 1.35.
Hampstead at 5.30
W. Hamp at xx supper
With Pritch came back 
with me. 
MON.  MARCH. 25 1918
Annunciation. Lady Day.
Town very early for breakfast
Duty Day, V, S very pleased,
Most pt. on Thyr + Atrop.
Off duty 2-4. 

TUES.  MARCH 26. 1918
Nearly late for breakfast
Early for duty
Quiet morning
Of duty 10.45 to 12.30
Sr off in afternoon
Cakes for tea. 
WED. MARCH 27   1918
Full moon 3.33p.m

Nothing extra.
Rather nippy morning
Off duty afternoon
Thanks goodness. 

Page 29
MON.  APRIL 1 1918
Easter Monday 
Early for breakfast
Busy morning (nippy)
West and Wilson off Atropine
陆 day. Town in afternoon.
Priory at 5.15. Pritch
called at 8. 
No letter from H. 
FRI.  MARCH. 29 1918
Good Friday
3 pts in last night.
Thunderstorm at 3.a.m,
Early for breakfast.
Letter from D. Busy morning.
Off duty 2-6, tea at G.G
with Kim. Duty at 5.45. 
SAT.  MARCH 30. 1918
Quite early fairly busy
Morning, off 10.45,
Sister off afternoon.
Washed cap, finished
Up early off duty 8.p.m

SUN. MARCH 31   1918
Easter Day
Early for duty. D off to
34. Church 8.a.m
Lunch 9.a.m. Sister off
Off duty, 2-6. Busy
Round with M.C.
Mended coat. 

Page 30
MON.  APRIL 1 1918
Easter Monday 
Busy morning. Boys
very funny. Off Duty
2-6. S after.
Wrote letters afternoon.
In bed 9p.m.
Feeling fed up. 
TUES. APRIL 2 1918
Easter Tuesday
Letters in morning.
Off duty 10.45. S nippy.
Off duty afternoon.
Xxxxxxxx off for day
Finsihed up early
Some boys discharged. 
WED. APRIL 3  1918
Down early
xxxxxxxx  in afternoon
with xxxxxxxx
S. off at night
nothing extra
Bed 9.30
Wrote letters

THUR. APRIL 4 1918
Quarter moon 1.33p.m.
Day off. Breakfast 
at 10a.m. Wattie
Came for tea,
Roast dinner. Pictures
At 3 with H.G. Tea.
Met Pritch at S.G
Went to Paddington. 



Page 21-30

Page 21
SUN. FEB. 24 1918
2nd in lent. S. Matthias
Duty early. Inj for 3
Tovey refused. Coaxed
Him in to it in the end.
Off duty 2- 6. Out for 
Tea with Kim. Back early.
Finished up early. Bed at 8.30 
Tess back with Duck. 

MON.  FEB. 25 1918
No moon. 9.35p.m

A little late for breakfast.
Nothing doing. Breakfast
Fish, indifferent.
Shell shock for dinner.
Nurses nearly freezing.
Sister D. sweet, off duty
2-4. Busy evening. 
TUES.  FEB. 26. 1918
Early for breakfast.
Some ham, meatless day.
Curried eggs for dinner.
Off Duty 10-45-12.13
Sewing in Sitting room.
Nurse very curious.
Busy afternoon and evening. 

WED. FEB. 27. 1918
Heard from D, ill.
At Home, signed for 
Cheque. Off duty 2-4.
Madge came, some news.
Duty 4.30. Scenes in kitchen 

Page 22
THUR. FEB. 28 1918
Down early. Duty
Nurse Lane to D.W. IV
Off duty 10.45.a.m
Letter from H. Flowers
From D . Letter from RM
3mgs Pharm for Pritch. 
Letter from Mrs Bulley. 

FRI.  MAR. 1 1918
S. David
Bartle for spleen Puncture
J. Cadwick rather ill 11a.m
陆 day 
SAT.  MARCH 2. 1918
Nearly late. Lucky.
Off duty 10-45
first dinner, no spuds,
some  rexxxxxxx
very hungry. Quite a 
change. nothing extra
in afternoon 
SUN . MAR 3  1918
3rd in Lent

very early. good Resolution
off duty. 10. Slept in
morning, nice dinner
Plenty of it (change)
V. A D. Orderly on afternoon
Rather ill.  鈥淪winger鈥
very amusing. Nothing

Page 23
MON. MARCH 4 1918
Early Breakfast.
Letter from D. off duty
10- 45.
Sewing in Sitting Room.
Quiet afternoon. nothing
TUES.  MARCH. 5 1918
Duty in morning.
陆 day. went to see 
Yellow ticket. Very good.
Tea at Corner House.
Waited 陆 hour for tea.
2 陆 hours to get home
WED.  MARCH 6. 1918
Quarter moon 12.44a.m.
Rather busy morning
Some new patients
not very bad. No Temps.
Great excitement at 
Priory. Cuffley mobilised
Doing well, xxxxxxxx 2. 
THUR. MARCH 7   1918
Duty in morning.
Pictures in afternoon.
returned at 5p.m
Music in Sitting Room
at night. 
Page 24
FRI. MARCH 8 1918
Raid last night 11p.m
Stayed in bed.
Did not wake until 
6-50 this mane.
No breakfast. 13 xxx
Morning. xxxxxx  afternoon.
Cheques paid xxxxxxxx
SAT.  MARCH. 9 1918
Down quite early +
breakfast first. 
not very busy just now
Several Boys rather bad. 
SUN.  MARCH 10. 1918
4th in Lent
Off duty morning.
No Orderly in afternoon. 
Kelly very good.
Sisters 陆 day.
Roundacre. Cal. grs XXX G. R. 

MON. MARCH 11   1918
In bed until 9a.m
Dentist with Wattie.
Town with Kim, could 
get no meat. At Pxxxx
1-30. no parcel.
Came Home. 3-50 Euston.
Ma met at station. 

Page 25
TUES. MARCH 12 1918
Up at 8.a.m. Breakfast
Town in morning visit
to food controller. 

WED.  MARCH. 13 1918
Quiet morning
Lots of visitors afternoon
+ evening. Marie came
Told us news. 
THUR.  MARCH 14. 1918
Adams Avenue in
Morning. Mrs S. C out.
Letters, done some knitting
Aunt. R came for tea.

FRI. MARCH 15   1918
Letters from Hampstead.
Town in morning
York Road afternoon.
Dinner with Auntie+
Uncle at night. Home
10-30 , all darkness
Saw Ada. Very well.  

Page 26
SAT. MARCH 16 1918
Sewing in morning.
Shopping afternoon.
Met Alice at night
Some news. Town very
SUN.  MARCH. 17 1918
Passion Sunday. S. Patrick
Church in morning
Mr Waterworth. Home
on leave. Preached.
Lot of letters
answered in afternoon
Marie came for tea. 

MON.  MARCH 18. 1918
Bank Holiday in Ireland. 
Letters. Town in
morning. A.  Rosemary
for tea. Music at
TUES. MARCH 19   1918
Quarter moon 1.30p.m.
Knitting in morning.
Far Cotton afternoon.
Home 6.30. Mrs H. 
called & Kath. 
SAT. MARCH 16 1918
Sewing in morning.
Shopping afternoon.
Met Alice at night
Some news. Town very
SUN.  MARCH. 17 1918
Passion Sunday. S. Patrick
Church in morning
Mr Waterworth. Home
on leave. Preached.
Lot of letters
answered in afternoon
Marie came for tea. 

MON.  MARCH 18. 1918
Bank Holiday in Ireland. 
Letters. Town in
morning. A.  Rosemary
for tea. Music at
TUES. MARCH 19   1918
Quarter moon 1.30p.m.
Knitting in morning.
Far Cotton afternoon.
Home 6.30. Mrs H. 
called & Kath. 

Page 27
WED. MARCH 20 1918
Letters, etc., shopping
In morning, Convent 
Afternoon, stayed for
Tea, saw Mrs A & family.
Home. Music at night.
Feeling a little anxious
THUR.  MARCH. 21 1918
Sewing in morning.
Tea with Mrs H.,
Afternoon. x xx at
Night with Alice.
Home, 9.15.p.m
FRI.  MARCH 22. 1918
Town in morning.
Photo in afternoon.
Tea with Mrs Stockinson,
Some yarns after.
Called on Mrs Deely
at night. Home 10.
SAT. MARCH 23   1918
Shopping in morning.
Letter from Pritch.
Sent wire, afternoon
Mrs Manship called,
Still feel a bit
anxious, no letter.
Put on xxxx. H x

Page 28
SUN. MARCH 24 1918
Palm Sunday
Down at 8. Dinner
Station, 1.35.
Hampstead at 5.30
W. Hamp at xx supper
With Pritch came back 
with me. 
MON.  MARCH. 25 1918
Annunciation. Lady Day.
Town very early for breakfast
Duty Day, V, S very pleased,
Most pt. on Thyr + Atrop.
Off duty 2-4. 

TUES.  MARCH 26. 1918
Nearly late for breakfast
Early for duty
Quiet morning
Of duty 10.45 to 12.30
Sr off in afternoon
Cakes for tea. 
WED. MARCH 27   1918
Full moon 3.33p.m

Nothing extra.
Rather nippy morning
Off duty afternoon
Thanks goodness. 

Page 29
MON.  APRIL 1 1918
Easter Monday 
Early for breakfast
Busy morning (nippy)
West and Wilson off Atropine
陆 day. Town in afternoon.
Priory at 5.15. Pritch
called at 8. 
No letter from H. 
FRI.  MARCH. 29 1918
Good Friday
3 pts in last night.
Thunderstorm at 3.a.m,
Early for breakfast.
Letter from D. Busy morning.
Off duty 2-6, tea at G.G
with Kim. Duty at 5.45. 
SAT.  MARCH 30. 1918
Quite early fairly busy
Morning, off 10.45,
Sister off afternoon.
Washed cap, finished
Up early off duty 8.p.m

SUN. MARCH 31   1918
Easter Day
Early for duty. D off to
34. Church 8.a.m
Lunch 9.a.m. Sister off
Off duty, 2-6. Busy
Round with M.C.
Mended coat. 

Page 30
MON.  APRIL 1 1918
Easter Monday 
Busy morning. Boys
very funny. Off Duty
2-6. S after.
Wrote letters afternoon.
In bed 9p.m.
Feeling fed up. 
TUES. APRIL 2 1918
Easter Tuesday
Letters in morning.
Off duty 10.45. S nippy.
Off duty afternoon.
Xxxxxxxx off for day
Finsihed up early
Some boys discharged. 
WED. APRIL 3  1918
Down early
xxxxxxxx  in afternoon
with xxxxxxxx
S. off at night
nothing extra
Bed 9.30
Wrote letters

THUR. APRIL 4 1918
Quarter moon 1.33p.m.
Day off. Breakfast 
at 10a.m. Wattie
Came for tea,
Roast dinner. Pictures
At 3 with H.G. Tea.
Met Pritch at S.G
Went to Paddington. 



Page 31-40

Page 31
FRI.  APRIL 5 1918
Rather busy all day.
S nippy until afternoon
Off duty 2-4

SAT. APRIL 6 1918
Duty early, off 10-45
S, half day. washes xxx
Etc. afternoon. pts doing
Well. Finished up early.
Very fed up. In bed
SUN. APRIL 7  1918
Busy morning.
Off duty 2-6 to tea
with Williams Strand.
Duty.  S, off

MON. APRIL 8 1918
Great morning nippy
Chu Chin Chow in
afternoon very good.
Back at 6p.m 

Page 32
TUES.  APRIL 9 1918
Letter from D. moved
on to Rhyl.
Off duty 10.45 a little 
shopping. Paid Laundry
WED. APRIL 10 1918
Early for duty.
very nippy.
Some amusing incidents
In 6 +15. Off duty 2.4
wrote letter. 
THUR. APRIL 11 1918
Duty morning.
½ day. Expecting
Pritch . Out for dinner
with Williams. Fracatte
very nice. Saw Z of Z, very
FRI. APRIL 12 1918
Nothing special.
Letter from Home
+ D. no letter from H,
Feeling very anxious,
fed up. Bed early.  

Page 33
SAT.  APRIL 13 1918
Nippy morning
S off ½ day. very nice.
Out for supper
SUN. APRIL 14 1918
2nd after Easter
Off duty 10 a.m.
Some tidying. N off afternoon.
Old men very funny.
Harlow T. at last.
Most exciting. B.T 2 hrly.
Still smiling. 

MON. APRIL 15 1918
Rather busy morning.
Off duty 2-4, no fire.
Letter from J and Home. 
TUES. APRIL 16 1918
Quite a lot of snow.
Awake very early over
for breakfast. Duty 7.a.m
Charts. M etc., off 10.45
Shellshock for pudding
Letter from D.  

 Page 34
WED.  APRIL 17 1918
Duty early. Busy.
Off duty 2-4, in sitting 
Room. Slept. Wrote 
letter, sent Photos.
All well at Home. Cold.
S. Darly very funny.
THUR. APRIL 18 1918
Quarter moon 4.8.a.m
Busy morning.
Off ½ day, snowing.
Sitting room. Some
music. Supper. Bed 
At 9p.m, reading 10. 
FRI. APRIL 19 1918
Very early, did not 
Sleep very well. Busy
Off 2-4. Resting.
Very cold +snowing.
Busy evening. Xxx xxxx
On 17. Talked of giving
2.A, feeling fed up.
SAT. APRIL 20 1918
Feeling better, still
cold , only just in time 
for breakfast. Sister
very funny. 

Page 35
THUR.  APRIL 21 1918
3rd after Easter
Town early, on duty.
Sister off in morning
Fairly busy. Paper etc.
off 6p.m. Concert with
Sadler- Palladium very
Good “Some Stories”
Wattie back. 
MON. APRIL 22 1918
Off duty morning,
Letters from home. xxxxxx
N.D. All well.
Wattie got us all up at 6a.m.
Still feeling anxious about H. 
TUES. APRIL 23 1918
S. George
Very early for breakfast
(Salt Ham)off duty 10.45
quiet afternoon. Busy evening.
Convoy T.F not very bad.
Feeling so anxious about
H. not sleeping very well. 

WED. APRIL 24 1918
Early for breakfast.
Wattie very early + funny.
Off duty 2.4. Sitting Room.
Wrote letters. P.C from
Eastbourne. Wrote to H
Sent to H Address. 

Page 36
THURS.  APRIL25  1918
S Mark
Did not sleep very well
awake early Duty.
off ½ day. went to.
Finsbury Park.  Dinner 
at Tricity House alone.
fed up. Hampstead 8.* 5
 FRI.  APRIL 26 1918
O 8.5 a.m
nothing special
happened, Shillatoch 
for dinner of 2-4
Bed early

SAT. APRIL 27 1918
Slept fairly well.
Busy morning.
& afternoon., Pneumonia
in 1.4 very bad
Hasdell age 18.
 SUN. APRIL28 1918
4th after Easter
Boy slightly better.
Crabtree in 10.a.m
Pneumonia (Antiph)
Shallow breathing.

Page 37
MON. APRIL 29 1918
Pneumonia very bad.
(Antiph) applied again.
Put on S.I.L

TUES. APRIL30 1918
not too early just
in time for Breakfast
Porridge. Duty early
Pneumonia better
still High Temp.

WED. MAY 1 1918
SS. Philip and James
Nothing special

THUR. MAY 2 1918
½ day, to Selfridges
Corner House for Tea.
Supper in Flat.

Page 38
MON. APRIL 29 1918
Pneumonia very bad.
(Antiph) applied again.
Put on S.I.L

TUES. APRIL30 1918
not too early just
in time for Breakfast
Porridge. Duty early
Pneumonia better
still High Temp.

WED. MAY 1 1918
SS. Philip and James
Nothing special

THUR. MAY 2 1918
½ day, to Selfridges
Corner House for Tea.
Supper in Flat.

Page 38
FRI. MAY 3 1918
[quarter moon] 10.26 p.m.
some  day  very  **ppy
dreadful fed up,
not sleeping very
well. Anxious about 
H . Letter from  D

SAT. MAY 4 1918
Busy morning
off Duty 2-4  shopping
Tea, Sister weekend and
Went at 6 P.m
Boys better,

SUN. MAY 5 1918
5th after Easter
Sister off, fine  Breakfast
nice morning,
*oth  on Duty all day
very busy (A**eily)
Some Tea in Ba*,

MON. MAY 6 1918
Bank holiday in Scotland
Busy day
Prince disappeared
off duty 2-4 finished 
up early 

Page 39
TUES. MAY 7 1918
Awake early. Duty
Prince not returned.
Pneumonias better

WED. MAY 8 1918
Nothing unusual. rather
busy In j6.0.6. Jackson.
Temp. very high. not feeling 
too bad. off Duty 2-4
finished up early at 

THUR. MAY 9 1918
Ascension Day
not slept very well.
anxious about H. over
to Prig early.
½ day. went to Kensington 
with Kim. Home 7-30
wrote letters.

FRI. MAY 10 1918
[ black circle] 1.1p.m
Slept better very busy
morning. Round in 16.
Charts to do. several
High Temp. Carpenter
 for Op. tomorrow
Prepared leg.

Page 40
SAT. MAY 11 1918
very busy morning
Carpenter Op.10.a.m
fine. dressing through 19.
Packed. Pulse good,
doing well

SUN. MAY12 1918
Sunday after Ascension
Slept fair. Inj at  *P.m
Very ni**s  morning,

MON MAY 13 1918
Nothing special happened
off Duty 2-4.

TUES. MAY 14 1918
Very early for Brek
off Duty 10-45a.m
very  nippy.
Feeling anxious about



Page 41-50

Page 41
WED. MAY 15 1918
not slept very well
awake early.
Off Duty 2-4. went
to bed. Too later for
tea. Duty as usual

THUR. MAY 16 1918
Busy morning.
off Duty ½ day. went 
to see Pritch very 
happy. Home about 8.30

FRI. MAY 17 1918
Quarter moon 8.14 p.m
Duty as usual
very nippy. Pts doing
well Carpenter fine
Pneumonia’s better.

SAT. MAY 18 1918
Busy morning off 10.45.
Sisters ½ day
Met Annie R. at Tube
very pleased. Brought her 
To the Flat

Page 42
SUN. MAY 19 1918
Whit Sunday
Did not sleep well
(thinking) off Duty 2.6
Little Music in afternoon.
Tea at. Priory. letters 
after. talked to Wattie,
C Connor very funny (says
Everybody **** from Major W)

MON. MAY 20 1918
Whit Monday
Raid last night 11P.m
All clear 2 a.m. Slept after,
on Duty early . very busy
Stitches out Carpenter.
Letter from H
so pleased

TUES. MAY 21 1918
Not slept well
Whit Tuesday 
Round as usual, early
off Duty 10-45. Dinner,
Quiet afternoon. Busy
Evening. finished up
early. Letter from Jenny ( Married)

WED. MAY 22 1918
Ember Day 
Slept better last night 
awake early.
Duty, Boys better ****
off 2-4 sister off after
H came evening
so pleased. Went for walk
Thunder storms

Page 43
THUR. MAY 23 1918
Did not sleep at all
last night. feel a bit
off fed up. To see A***
R in Afternoon. very nice.
Hampstead 8.30. Bath & Bed
Cannot sleep thinking of 
One I love . All to me . Dearest.
*** *

FRI. MAY 24 1918
Empire Day
Awake early. thinking.
Duty .off 2-4
Capt C Dis. Capt W Admit
Posted letter to H.
so lonely. talked to
Sadler. Bed 10
**** **** 

SAT. MAY 25 1918
O 10.32 p.m
Duty early. Busy
Sister not well. Round 
Early. 5 new Patients
on duty all Day

SUN. MAY 26 1918
Trinity Sunday
Early Slept better
Capt. W. better - - - - - - 
out. off Duty. 2-6
wrote  Bed in
4 room. Duty 5.45
Sister off 6

Page 44
MON. MAY 27 1918
Duty off 10.45
Called back for Photo
Busy afternoon. 3 Inj
no rigors. Temp 101
Slept fair last night
no letters.

TUES. MAY 28 1918
Awake early . A little
fed up. rather busy
2 in 17.

WED. MAY 29 1918
Wire from H. recalled.
Busy morning.

THUR. MAY 30 1918
Worked hard in
morning. ½  Day.
Went to Richmond 
with Kim. Back by 
Boat. At 8.30
Bed 9. no letter.

Page 45
FRI. MAY 31 1918
Not slept very well
feeling rather ill. 10a.m
off Duty 10-45
Letter. 12. Could not 
eat dinner. Duty 1-30
quiet afternoon. 2 inj.
No Reac.

SAT. JUNE1 1918
watched sheep at 6am
Slept better
off duty 10-45. Inj. 12Pm
Sister off Weekend
very quiet. finished up
early. Bed 9 P.m
Longing for news.

SUN. JUNE2 1918
1ST after Trinity
Awake very early
Duty .7.a.m. 3 Inj
1Serum. 2D.S.L.
no Reac.- rise of Temp
no shivering. Bed 9.P.m
fed up

MON. JUNE 3 1918
Some Day. nippy
off Duty 2-4. Nurse D
off Day.
finished up early
fed up. Bed early

Page 45
FRI. MAY 31 1918
Not slept very well
feeling rather ill. 10a.m
off Duty 10-45
Letter. 12. Could not 
eat dinner. Duty 1-30
quiet afternoon. 2 inj.
No Reac.

SAT. JUNE1 1918
watched sheep at 6am
Slept better
off duty 10-45. Inj. 12Pm
Sister off Weekend
very quiet. finished up
early. Bed 9 P.m
Longing for news.

SUN. JUNE2 1918
1ST after Trinity
Awake very early
Duty .7.a.m. 3 Inj
1Serum. 2D.S.L.
no Reac.- rise of Temp
no shivering. Bed 9.P.m
fed up

MON. JUNE 3 1918
Some Day. nippy
off Duty 2-4. Nurse D
off Day.
finished up early
fed up. Bed early

Page 46
TUES. JUNE 4 1918
Not slept well,
awake very early.
busy all Day. Inj
at Dinnertime.
nppy, finished early
Mrs Bailey helped 
quite a lot, no letter
fed up

WED. JUNE 5 1918
Morning work as usual
L*** ring during dinner 
time, went home 
by 3-55 from Euston

THUR. JUNE 6 ``1918
In bed until 9a.m
Breakfast with Ma
George Beautiful.
Some music in morning
Town later ( Bank)
Saw friends  & Mil 7am.
returned 6. P.m

FRI. JUNE 7 1918
not slept very well,
awake 4-30. On Duty 7
letter from Pritch
[2Pt. Dev.T.7] (scored through )
Off duty 2-4. Tea at 
Flat. Strawberries. etc

Page 47
SAT. JUNE 8 1918
 {black circle] 10.3 p.m
Slept better.
Early for breakfast. Duty
Off Duty 10.45. 2 Pt T.F
Ball inj D.S.L 6.P.m
Chocolate from Jones
letter from Mirls & Appleton

SUN. JUNE 9 1918
2nd after Trinity
Slept fair off Duty 10a.m
wrote letters. Bianelsome.
wrote to Pritch
Sister Headache.

MON JUNE10 1918
Awake early. Breakfast.
Duty. Changes in 16
Letter from H.
Fumigated 16. Considerable 
loss of life.

TUES. JUNE 11 1918
Ss. Barnabas
Work as usual
Off Duty 10-45-12.30
Some afternoon

Page 48
WED. JUNE12 1918
Did not sleep very well,
thinking of the Dearest 
one. Off duty.2-4 very
fed up. quiet evening
nothing doing

THUR. JUNE 13 1918
Busy morning.
off Duty ½ day. went
to Appollo. not much good.
Tea at Troch. in bed by 8 P.m
wrote letters.

FRI. JUNE 14 1918
Awake very early
Duty. Andrews Lavage.
Xxx z.
Letter from H. feeling very
sad, answered letter.
wrote to Len.
Sgt. Carttedge came to see us

SAT. JUNE 15 1918
Duty as usual.
off 10=a.m [Sisters ½ day ] scored through 
Nothing extra

Page 49
SUN. JUNE16 1918
3rd after Trinity
Quarter moon 1.12p.m.
Some morning. very busy
before going off at 10.a.m
Sister of ½ day
Finished up early.

MON. JUNE 17 1918
not slept very well
Fed up.  letter from Home
All well off Duty 2.5

TUES. JUNE 18 1918
10.a.m Nurse D ½ Day
Nurse Bailey came for 

WED. JUNE19 1918
Nothing extra
off Duty 2-5. Some 
day nippy

Page 50
THUR. JUNE 20 1918
Early ½ Day
went to see “ A
Loving Heart” in afternoon
with Sister Dedman.
very good. In bed
by 7.30 P.m

FRI. JUNE21 1918
Some day again morning
niffy. off Duty 2-5
Bed early no supper
fed up. 8.30
signed for cheque 2P.m

SAT. JUNE 22 1918
Awake early . could not 
sleep. off Duty 10a.m
Box from Home. all well.
Sister & nurse off Duty
ill. Williams came up

SUN. JUNE 23 1918
4th after Trinity
did not sleep
feeling rotten
off Duty 2-5,
went to bed



Page 51-60

Page 51
MON. JUNE24 1918
S.john Baptist. Midsummer ( British Isles)
O 10.38.am
Awake early 
feel a bit off
off Duty 2-5
Bed slept, feeling 
bit better Bed 7-30.

TUES. JUNE 25 1918
Slept better, came
over to Hospital.
Warded, feeling
better, some Joke
worst over

WE. JUNE 26 1918
Slept fair
feel a bit giddy,
better  Some stories
from Opposite Patient
Various visits from M.Ds 
letter from Hugh answered

THUR. JUNE 27 1918
Better, Sister up early
very funny.
feeling a bit limp.
Some fun at 11.50
Letter from len

Page 52
FRI. JUNE 28 1918
Peace perfect peace,
up in afternoon feel
a bit limp.  Letters
All well at home.

SAT. JUNE 29 1918
S. Peter
up in morning.
Dressed. Duty at 5.p.m
felt very tired.

SUN. JUNE 30 1918
5th after Trinity
Slept in own Room
better. awake early

MON. JULY1 1918
Quarter moon 8.43a.m
much better Duty 
as usual a little 
trouble in 15,
smoothed over

Page 53
TUES. JULY 2 1918
Not too early.
On Duty atright ,
Rather busy  morning Kimble up to help
off 2-5 Davis ½ Day

WED. JULY 3 1918
Not slept very well.
Letter from Home  &
*immy. Work as 

 THUR. JULY 4 1918
Sister on Duty 8 a.m
Not too bad
½ Day . Went to 
Kew. Flowers so nice
Hampstead 7-30 P.m

FRI. JULY  5 1918
Duty early
Nothing extra.

Page 54
SAT. JULY 6 1918
Some morning.
Sister ½ Day
Sigred  not so well
at night.

SUN. JULY 7 1918
Did not wake until 6.30
Sigred better **real*y
much better
no Breakfast
off duty 2-5
On the Heath  & Sat 
with Sister Darby

MON. JULY 8 1918
[ black circle] 8.22 a.m,.
Awake early
Photograph at 11
off Duty 2-,
moved Sgred into 16
Davis off 1 ½ days

TUES. JULY9 1918
Some Day . Wind up,
Off Duty 5-8 . Took
Sister Darby to G.h
Bed early ,

Page 55
WED. JULY 10 1918
Nothing extra to note.
Busy morning. not 
too bad.
off 2-5  **** evening
no better feel anxious 
about H

THUR. JULY 11 1918
Duty 7-5 S*red not
So well. Brandy,
off  at 1-30. Dinner
back for fire drill 2.30
no Drill. some talk 
niffing  too. 3.50 from
Euston. Travelled with Dr S

FRI. JULY 12 1918
in Bed until 9.a.m
Back by 6.10 from Castle
Letter from H .***
2 from D. & Len.

SAT. JULY 13 1918
27th Batt
[A.J.* ] scored through  A.F.A
Aust. Field Artillery 
Sister ½ day 

Page 56
SUN. JULY 14 1918
7th after Trinity
On Duty early
Sigred weaker, but taking
well. off Duty 2-5
no tea. finished work
early at night
wrote letter- 1 to H
Posted same ( weary)

MON. JULY 15 1918
Awake very early
letter from well
Igred no better
Sister C. W. very polite
off Duty. 5. P.m
Home & Bed.

TUES. JULY 16 1918
 [quarter moon ] 6.25a.m
Thunder Storm . early morning
Breakfast. Fish.
Duty 7-5 nearly all later.
S very nippy. off duty 10.a.m.
Cherries in Sitting Room at 
Flat. letter from home all
Well. Done a little sewing.

WED JULY 17 1918
Sigred not so well.
better toward afternoon
Party in Afternoon Zoo.
Great fun. Elephants
Hampstead 6.30. 
thoroughly enjoyed it

Page 57
THUR. JULY 18        1918
Awake early.  Duty.
Breakfast very  nice at
J.Syned  not so well Sister miffy.
Off duty 5. P.m.   Euston.

FRI. JULY  19 1918
Only just in time for Breakfast.  nifty.
½   Day.  To Lady. Arrolfos
Tea,  with Sister Darcy.
Home at 9.pm. very much enjoyed it.  Letter from Len.  Quite well

SAT.  JULY 20 1918
Duty early.  Syned better.
T???   with sister Darby.
very funny
Syned better.
Warning at 10.   L.R.
All clear   10.30.

SUN.  JULY  21 1918
8th after Trinity
Quiet day.  Syned on the mend.   Nothing extra,
New Patient in 12.T.7.
wrote letter.

Page 58
MON. JULY 22 1918
Letter from Dich.
Nothing from H.??? Hampshire
Quiet day.  M.O.Round
Sister off.
Slept well last night
On all day.

TUES. JULY 23 1918
Slept well.  Note at 6 am
Duty early,  very wet
Off duty  i.a a.m

WED.      JULY  24 1918
Fairly busy morning.
off Duty  2 – 5.
S??? for tea with
K?? very good.
Bed early anxious 
No letter from H.
T HUR.  JULY 25 1918
S. James
Duty as usual.
New Housekeepter at
Priory.  All there.
Nothing extra.
Bed. at  9.p.m.

Page 59
FRI. JULY 26 1918
Supper No go    ??????
Not slept very well
last night.  Wake early
off Duty ½ day
rained in afternoon
signed written letter
from D.   +  ? Journey
Euston with ?Rain ? Kim  could not get a taxi or supper nothing to eat at all  

SAT.    JULY  27 1918
Duty.  Station with
Kim?  In ambulance.

SUN.  JULY 28 1918
9th after Trinity
Fed up.  not slept very well.  Last night
Off Duty 2-5  wrote letters

MON.  JULY 29 1918
Slept a little better
Letter from Home all
Well.  ? Syned  better
Nothing extra
Went to Willesden  met

Page 60
TUES.  JULY 30 1918
off Duty.  10.  – 12 -30.
Letter from H.  well.
Syned ?  better   Holiday
list up.   to go on     great

WED. JULY 31 1918
Did not sleep last
Night.  Saw Matron in 
Morning.  The usual.
????? coming in afternoon

THUR. AUG. 1  1918
Duty early,   ? miffy morn.
½ day afternoon.
Done some sewing
Wrote letters,
Saw Matron.   Few High words.

FRI. AUG.2 1918
Day off.  Bed until 12    ? worth it
Finsbury Park afternoon
Hampstead  9. p .m.



Page 61-70

Page 61
SAT. AUG. 3 1918
Some day nippy?
Syned ?  better.
Lot of trouble.
Went to Matron,   Had a little ?nap

SUN.  AUG. 4 1918
10th after Trinity
off Duty.  Morning  10 – 1,
letters and packed.    Boxes,
Duty  afternoon,
Sister off

MON. AUG.  5 1918
     Bank Holiday in Great Britain and Ireland
Busy, duty as usual.
Finished packing.  etc.
Sent.   P.G ?.  Home  + D.
No letter from H.

TUES.    AUG. 6 1918
awake early
Home by 6.5 from
Euston.  Rush to 
Station,    wire from D.
too late.

Page 62
WED. AUG.7 1918
In bed until. 9.
Town morning.  Staffing
Food Controllor.  Letters
Visit to ?Colazin Road

THURS.  AUG.  8 1918
Bed until 9.a.m
Town.  Visitors from
Thrapston.  Letter from
Jenny & Len.  Well

FRI. AUG. 9 1918
Went to ? Bostock Avenue.
Music in afternoon.
Home about 9.30  feeling

SAT. AUG. 10 1918
Awake early.  Letter
From H. in Hospital 
20. General B.E.F. France,
? Mgr  G. came at 9 a.m.
Answered letter.

Page 63
SUN. AUG. 11 1918
Church in morning
Walk with Uncle after.
Park in afternoon
wrote letters at night.

MON. AUG 12 1918
To lunch with
Ethel and Fred. very
Nice.  Music in 
Sent parcel to H.

 TUES. AUG.13 1918
To see Alice Harrison
in afternoon  called
to see ? L.  Hasdell.  
very pleased.

WED. AUG. 14
Did not sleep well,
Breakfast 9. a.m.
Letters,  Visitors afternoon.
Music at night

Page 64
THURS.  AUG.  15 1918
Slept better.
Letters.  Sewing.   Shopping
To tea in Yourk Road.
?Hike  at night with
Alice.  Home.  9 p.m.

FRI. AUG. 16 1918
Cooking in morning.
Station  1. p.m.  extecting
D.  Thinking of H.
D. came.   5. p.m.

SAT. AUG. 17 1918
Shopping in town
Morning.  Admitts
Park at night
Home  10.p..m.

SUN. AUG.18 1918
In bed until 12.
Dinner.  Weston in 
Afternoon.  Marie came
for tea.  Walk at
night.   Home 10.p.m

Page 65
MON. AUG. 19 1918
Town in morning with ?J.  Shopping. Lunch.
walk in afternoon
Theatre at night to see
Billitted  very good.

TUES. AUG.20 1918
Letters .  started from
Castle.  10-40.
Euston.   12 - ?2.  Hampstead
Town in afternoon
Victoria   ? 7 -50.

WED. AUG.21 1918
Duty. 7 a.m. not
very  busy.  Letter from
H. better.  At Base
Answered same.
Fell lonely and fed up

THUR. AUG.22 1918
Duty. Nothing extra
Sister inclined to be 
miffy.  Matron sweet
½ day Town for 
Supper with Kim.

Page 66
FRI. AUG. 23 1918
Fairly busy morning.
off 2- 5.  Slept
tired.  Music at night 
in sitting room.

SAT. AUG. 24 1918
S. Bartholomew
Up early not slept
Very well.  thinking.
Off Duty 10 – 12 -45
Letter from alice
Stott worse.  Leeches applied
over eye.  With (symbol) relief

SUN. AUG.25 1918
13th after Trinity
Sister off week end.
Some day, Capt. Williams 
Came.  Looked very fit.
off duty  2-5

MON. AUG.26 1918
Awake early
Letter & photo from
H. very good better 
At Harve  letter from
? Pointot very well
off duty 2.5

Page 67
TUES. AUG.27 1918

awake early no letters
3 new. Ex. Cases.
? stott ? 8 tott  trans.
S. miffy ?  fed up
Off duty 5. P.m.
Good tea,  Butter

WED. AUG. 28 1918
Slept fair.  Very dark morning
Nothing extra on Wards.
Clinic in  W. 16.  – 14. ??
Mgr. B. very interesting
6 new Ex. Cases

THUR. AUG.29 1918
A little late for Breakfast
Duty 7.  a.m.   ½ day
Corner House for tea
Hampstead 6. P.m.
Saw Kim & Husband
Sat on Health.  ½ hour.         Letter from Len (well)
FRI. AUG. 30 1918
Early. Duty 7 – 5
No change.
George ? Robey came at  ? 11 for film very funny
Off 2-5.  Supper for 
Capt. L.

Page 68
SAT. AUG.31 1918
Not slept very well.
Busy morning
S. ½  Day. Convoy T.7.
Off punctual .   off 10 – 12.30  

SUN. SEPT. 1 1918
             14th after Trinity
Church in morning very
Nice.  Good dinner.
Changed isolation in
afternoon.   Case of Diph?

MON. SEPT. 2 1918
Duty as usual.
Theatre at night to see
Nurse Benson.  very good
Home at 11 -10 with
Sgt. & Mrs Williams,

Tuesday SEPT. 3 1918
Letter from D. well.
& from Home,   all well
Off Duty.  10 – 12.45.  Sewing
Days off commencing.

Page 69
WED. SEPT.4 1918
Busy day.  NUrse off.
Off duty  2 – 5.
Shopping in Hampstead

THUR. SEPT. 5 1918
? Duty morning.
½ day.  Town with Kim.
Back at 7 – 30 p.m. 
????  (page curled over)  at Slaters,

FRI. SEPT. 6 1918
Day off. Stayed in bed
Until 12.30.  Dinner
Town afternoon.  Hampstead
7.p.m.  Supper.  Short walk.
Bed  9 -30

SAT. SEPT. 7 1918
Off Duty morning
Saw to stores etc afternoon
Sister off duty
Nothing extra

Page 70
SUN. SEPT. 8 1918
15th after Trinity
First down for Breakfast
Bacon.  Duty.  7.a.m.
off 2 – 5.  Raining fast
fire in sitting Room
Convoy ? surgical.

MON. SEPT.9 1918
Early.  Down first.
Very windy all night & 
Cold. Letter from D. well
News of Len from Stranger.
Answered letter. Rather
Difficult.  New Nurse in  ?regt. soon  raining

TUES.  SEPT. 10 1918
Early no letters, 
Off Duty 5 p.m. 
Butter for tea,

WED. SEPT. 11 1918
Just in time for Breakfast.
Fish.  Duty 7.
Lots of Changes, Beds
Reduced in all wards.
(Nippy). ?   12  Ward for Boys. Only
Off 2-5.



Page 71-80

Page 71
THUR. SEPT. 12 1918
Awake early.  Duty
More moving.    ? Ferris  
In 16.   103o   .  Blood taken
Afternoon  some show.
Off duty 6.30.

FRI. SEPT.13 1918
Busy morning off ½ day
Wrote letters    ? GG for tea
Very cold and dull,
Walk at night.  Bed 9 p.m.

SAT. SEPT 14 1918
Very wet awake early.
Duty 7.a.m,   Thomson, T.7 ?
Nippy Day  off 10 – 12.45.

SUN. SEPT. 15 1918
                                       16th after Trinity
Very easy, ? early  down first
Duty 7.a.m.
Nothing extra off 2-5
Letters & slept.
Service at night

Page 72
MON. SEPT. 16. 1918
? Nippy day (morning extra)
Off 2 – 5  Busy evening
?Elfie had teeth out.  Bleeding
Packed at 9. Came down to  ?? 
at 12.  Packed.  Airoplane 
& raining fast.
Into bed again at 12. 30
TUES. SEPT. 17 1918
(Some morning) feeling
Very fed up, no news of H.
Or Len. Anxious,
Off Duty 5 – 8.
Early to bed.
WED. SEPT.17 1918
Did not sleep very well
Thinking.  Busy morning
New Patients for 14 – 15.
P.L.  ??? coming soon
Letter from H. feel much
Relieved, Answered letter        at night very cold

THUR. SEPT. 19 1918
Some Day nippy
? Wine in morning,
Off duty 5 -  8,
Victoria at night,
Home at 9.30 .   Bed
Inventory of linen taken

Page 73
FRI.   SEPT.   20  1918
     [image] 11pm
Busy morning
½ Day stayed in all
afternoon. Sister Darly
came to Priory Evening
seemed very down-hearted.

SAT.   SEPT.   21   1918
      S. Matthew
Down early. of Duty
10-12-45, letters.
Made cakes in afternoon
Nurse Prvine very sad,
Sister off. Bed early.

SUN.   SEPT.   22   1918
     17th after Trinity
Raining very fast,
Not feeling very well, Duty
7.a.m off. 2-5.
wrote letters. 

MON.   SEPT.   23  1918
Letters & wire morning 
all well at Home [image].
Off Duty 2-5, sewing
Answered wire
Busy evening.
Griffen rather ill.

Page 74
TUES.   SEPT.   24   1918
Awake early: not slept
very well, off. 2-5,
nippy Day.

WED.   SEPT.   25   1918
Duty in morning
½ Day in Town with
D. rather quiet & little
Sad, left at 7.40,
Priory. 9. Bed.

THURS.   SEPT.   26   1918
Duty 7.a.m rather
Busy. off 2-5.
Slaters for tea with
Kim. busy evening.  

FRI.   SEPT.   27   1918
[image] 4.39 a.m.
Operation in ward.
Oldfield, Arm. S. nippy
Very much upset,
Man alright.

Page 75
SAT.   SEPT.   28   1918
off Duty.  10.12.30.
I did Laundry bill.
Sewing, reading
fire in sitting room,
Bed early

SUN.   SEPT.   29   1918
      18th after Trinity
S. Michael and All Angels’ 
off Duty, 10. 12-30
Dinner. Phone call
Afternoon, Raining hard

MON.   SEPT.   30   1918
Duty 7.a.m Clocks
put back. 2-a.m.
not feeling very well,
fedup. letter from D. well.

TUES.   OCT.   1   1918
Letter from Ma. all well.
off Duty. 10-45 – 12-30.
Letter from D. well. also
Jimmy. to bed early 

Page 76
WED,   OCT.   2    1918
Quiet day. nothing
Much doing. M. G very
Funny. did not sleep
very well last night.
feeling a bit fed up.
to bed early.

THURS.   OCT.   3   1918
Busy morning.
½ day went to Palmers’ 
Green to see Wallis & Willie
all well. Boys very fine.
Hampstead - 8.30.
Bed 9. P.m.

FRI.   OCT.   4   1918
Nippy day. better after
Dinner.  fairly busy 
Griffen not so well.
T.102.  Resp. 40.
Taking Diet well
D. came evening

SAT.   OCT.   5   1918
[image] 3.5 a.m.
No better cannot sleep
Very well, Sister off
½ day. off Duty. 5-8.
Walk, Tea out. 
Home 9. P.m. 
Had a long talk

Page 77
SUN.   OCT.   6   1918
    19th after Trinity
Fine day. off Duty. 2. P.m.
Met D. at 3. Tea at 
Slaters. very nice. Hampstead
at. 7. P.m. Sisters’ Boy
Prestons’ Boy came.

MON.   OCT.   7   1918
Awake very early.
(feel anxious) not very
Busy. S. nippy.
Victoria. 7-30, not
(illegible) [image]

TUES.   OCT. 8   1918
Duty morning letter from H.
Home by 3.50 from Euston (and
Northampton Castle. 5.30.
All well at Home. raining
Music at night. to bed 
about. 10. P.m.

WED.   OCT.   9   1918
Raining fast all day
Had a good rest & plenty
to eat. Left. Castle
6-5. Euston. 7-45.
Priory 8-15. Bed. 
-Write to H. Letter from 8.

Page 78
THURS.   OCT.   10   1918
Not feeling very well.
a little dubious. Duty
as usual. 16 doing 
well Temp. coming down
well. nothing extra.

FRI.   OCT.   11   1918
Off Duty in morning
Sister off ½ day looking
Matter Vilb.
Letter from Home, all well
to bed early, very fed up.

SAT.   OCT.   12   1918
Down early Duty.
off. 10-12-30. In sitting 
Room. working, Music.
Sister off has had cold.
Convoy. Surgical

SUN.   OCT.   13   1918
20th after Trinity
[image] 5.0 a.m.
Down first. lovely
Morning. Duty usual
off. 2-5. Town for Tea
with Kim. Went to Service 
at 8. P.m. Whattle preached 
very nice. Wrote to H.
feeling very anxious.

Page 79
MON.   OCT.   14   1918
Rather [illegible]. on alone.
Preston gone to 38.
Nothing extra in 16. or 15.
[illegible] letter, &. nippy.

TUES.   OCT.   15   1918
Awake early once morning 
but cold off Duty 2-5.

WED.   OCT.   16   1918
Not slept very well
Duty 7. a.m. nippy
Morning. feeling very
fed up. off Duty. 2-5.
S. off evening. very quiet

THURS.   Oct.   17   1918
Nothing extra in morning
½ Day. feeling anxious
no letter. To Town with
Kim. fish for tea.
nice evening Home
at. 8.15. Bed.

Page 80
FRI.   OCT.   18   1918
         S. Luke
Slept better, wrote letter. 
Dut. 7.a.m. not very
busy. Off Duty 5. 8.
In sitting room. Had
some music.

SAT.   OCT.   19   1918
     [image] 9.35 p.m.
Terrible morning. nippy
off 10. a.m. Sister off
week-end very quiet
Blois. Arrived. 7-30. 

SUN.   OCT.   20   1918
    21st after Trinity
G G Duty in morning.
Patient doing well.
very quiet day.

MON.   OCT.   21   1918
Furve Preston to Dis!
6 n alone. of 10. a.m.  
Sister off afternoon.
Uwale came, dinnertime
looking well. 



Page 81-90

Page 81
TUES.   OCT.   22   1918
Did not sleep very well
thinking & anxious. No letter
Rather [illegible]. alone on Ward
S. nippy. Off 2-5.

WED.   OCT.   23   1918
Awake very early. letter
from Home, all well.
Flu very bad. not feeling
very well. Cold better
after dinner. 

THURS.   OCT.   24   1918
Busy morning.
off ½ Day. Richmond
with Kim. Tea.
Hampstead. 7. P.m
tired & weary 

FRI.   OCT.   25   1918
Not slept well.
[illegible] off. 10. 12. Sister
off. afternoon
feeling rotten. 

Page 82
SAT.   OCT.   26   1918
[image] 5.35 p.m.
off Duty. 10-12.30.
rather busy, Griffen much
better. very busy on other
side. no letter from H.
feel very anxious.

SUN.   OCT.   27   1918
   23nd after Trinity
Slept better. feel
Better today, quite
Hungry. off Duty 10-12.30.
busy afternoon, bed

MON.   OCT.   28   1918
    SS. Simon and Jude
Did not wake until 
second bell, no
breakfast. felt a bit off 
better after lunch.
no letters at all.

TUES.   OCT.   29   1918
off Duty. in morning
feeling rotten. Letter 
from Home all well
S. nippy. fed up.
to bed early,

Page 83
WED.   OCT.   30   1918
Very busy in morning,
nippy. went to see
Shanopia in afternoon.
not too good. Letter from
(Wilkinson Haglesbury.) 
Letter from H. well.
Bed. 9. P.m. 

THURS.   OCT.   31   1918
½ Day. worked hard in
Morning. Hindle gone
Sick. Town in afternoon.
Hampstead. 8.30.
Tea at Hospital.

FRI.   NOV.   1   1918
     All Saints’
Awake very early. sent
Parcel & letter to H.
off Duty 10-30.
very nippy morning. 

SAT.   NOV.   2   1918
Nothing extra but
quiet afternoon. 

Page 84

SUN.   NOV.   3   1918
  23rd after Trinity
  [image] 9.2 p.m.
Quick morning on alone.
until. 12. off 2-5.
writing letters.
All well at Home.

MON.   NOV.   4   1918
Did not sleep well
anxious + off Duty, 10 – 12.30
nippy day, a little fed up.

TUES.   NOV.   5   1918
quiet morning,
4 men to Lab. In afternoon
3 returned, Holding died
Suddenly. Sister off. 
Sister Parker very ill.
Off 6.30
To bed early.

WED.   NOV.   6   1918
Busy day,
To see Eyes of Ayaith in 
afternoon, back at 5.
Sister off. rather nippy.
To bed 9. P.m.

Page 85
THURS.   NOV.   7   1918
Nothing extra.
Fairly busy day. on alone.
Shall I complain if joy
Go by.

FRI.   NOV.   8   1918
Sister off, all day.
very quiet. nothing doing
To bed early.
Letter from H. well.
Answered letter. 

SAT.   NOV.   9   1918
Not slept very well
off Duty ½ Day.
Went to Finsbury Park.
Frank ill. others well.

SUN.   NOV.   10   1918
    24th after Trinity
Very quiet day on the 
whole. anxious.

Expecting Peace. 

Page 86
MON. NOV. 11 1918 
Peace Terms. Armistice signed 11am. Guns etc. 
Off duty morning 10.30
Canada not returned

TUES. NOV. 12 1918
Party for Boys. 
Busy morning + afternoon.

WED. NOV.13 1918
Very nippy Day.
No letters.

Off Duty 6-30.

THUR. NOV. 14 1918
Canada returned.
nippy. off 2 – 5. 
busy evening.
No letters from H. 

Page 87
FRI.   NOV.   15   1918
Dull, Dreary.
Fed up.
Not sleeping very well.
2. Operations for tomorrow

SAT.   NOV.   16   1918
(Cysts removed)
To Town if afternoon 
with Kim. good Tea.
Flemingo. Crowds there
Hampstead. 6-30.
Sitting room.

SUN.   NOV.   17   1918
    25th after Trinity
Duty. early. off 10. a.m.
Cleaned Bedroom, dusted 
Etc. write letter Home,
Sister off afternoon. 
Faorg busy in Evening.

MON.   NOV.   18   1918
    [image]  7.33 a.m.
Nothing extra. Canada
to Unit. very sad.
Letter from H. answered
Letter from Jimmy well
anymore about H.

Page 88
TUES.   NOV.   19   1918
Slept better. no letters
on Duty alone. Sister off
afternoon. off at 6.30 Pm
evening in Sitting room
to bed. 8.30.

WED.   NOV.   20   1918
Nothing extra on Wards.
“One thought.”
[illegible] all is well.

THURS.   NOV.   21   1918
½ day to Town,
Hampstead. 6. P.m.
Letter from H. well.
Thankful. only to see 
him now. Thoughts

FRI.   Nov.   22   1918
Slept better.
Cooper much worse.
put on S.IL. wife visited
more conf. at night
Sister off. Duty.
not well, answered letters [image]

Page 89
Anxious & thinking.
no news

TUES NOV. 26 1918
Home . 3.50 from Euston
Annie not well,
Ma A.1. raining all
Day, letter from
Jim. Well

Page 90
WED NOV.27 1918
Home all Day
visitors, raining

THURS NOV.28 1918
D.met at Euston
looking very ill.

FRI. NOV.29 1918
Sister off in Afternoon
Slightly nippy

SAT. NOV.30 1918
S. Andrew
Did not sleep very well
off Duty  2-5 Town for
Tea. H.came
so pleased.
Thank God he is safe



Page 91-100

Page 91
SUN DEC.1 1918
1st in Advent
Not slept. Duty 7.a.m
off 2-5.wrote letter to
H. just as ever & always
for short walk at
 MON. DEC.2 1918
Day off in bed until
10.a.m could not 
Rest. “Tail’s up in
afternoon. “Comedy “
Hampstead , 6.30 P.m

TUES. DEC.3 1918
[black circle] 3.19p.m
Off in afternoon, Town,
Victoria at 6.30
Bed ,8.30
WED. DEC.4 1918
Sister Wilson starts 
Leave, not very busy
Stitches from Arm
looking well.

Page 92
THUR.    DEC.5 1918
very dark morning.
Duty all day. Letter
from D. well.

FRI. DEC.6 1918
Not feeling vey well.
worried. Cannot sleep much
Patients doing well,
Nothing extra,
Off Duty 2-5

SAT. DEC.7 1918
Quiet day, feel better
13 new Patients
Smart lot.
very happy.

SUN. DEC.8 1918
2nd in Advent
Not much to do
off  Duty  2-5. Letter
to Vicar & Home
all well.
Tinking 12 P.m

Page 93
MON. DEC.9 1918
No letter from H.
Busy morning.
Backerman discharged.
off  Duty 2-5. raining

TUES. DEC10 1918
Letter from D. remaining
at H. Bag.

WED DEC.11 1918
{Image ¼  moon]  2.31.a.m

THURS. DEC.12 1918

Page 94
FRI. DEC.13 1918

SAT. DEC.14 1918

SUN. DEC.15 1918
3rd in Advent.

MON. DEC.16. 1918

Page 95
TUES. DEC.17 1918

WED. DEC.18 1918
Ember Day

THUR. DEC.19. 1918

FRI. DEC.20 1918

Page 96
SAT. DEC.21 1918

SUN. DEC.22 1918
4th in Advent. Peace Sunday

MON. DEC.23 1918

TUES. DEC .24 1918

Page 97
WED. DEC.25 1918
Christmas Day
[1/4 moon] 6.31 a.m

THUR. DEC.26 1918
S. Stephen. Boxing Day

FRI. DEC.27 1918
S.John. Evan.

SAT. DEC.28 1918
Holy Innocents’

Page 98
SUN. DEC.29 1918
1st after Christmas

MON. DEC.30. 1918

TUES. DEC.31 1918
WED. JAN.1 1919
Circumcision. Bank holiday in Scotland

Page 99
THUR. JAN.2 1919
[image dark circle ] 8.24a.am

FRI. JAN.3 1919

[scored through]
[bracketed together]
Disodo Luargol
You came to me Dear
In my dreams one night
and your eyes hold for me
the Old glad light.
Since then such night
In the moon’s tender glow
Your voice calls me 
back [scored out] to the sweet 
long ago.

Page 100
As the Sun gleamed
Through the Window
From out the Sky so blue
I thought of One who loved
so much [scored out]
With love that was
fond & True
Oh. What will haen
in the coming year
One cannot help but think
&oly hope & watch & pray
That he may  [scored through] cross the

He is all in all, god. Knows,
to me,
and Love is Love
nothing more or less,
What matters then
,if this we possess
Oft in the night I
think of thee & wonder
yes, if you think of
but mutual Love is 
Love in  deed
When all else fails us
Then it is Love we need