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RCN Wales to ballot members on latest Welsh government offer

20 Jul 2023

The ballot will be open from Monday 31 July to Thursday 31 August for eligible members working for the NHS in Wales.

Latest Welsh government offer

Talks between the RCN and the Welsh government on a number of non-pay elements to improve the working lives of NHS nursing staff have now concluded after planned strikes were cancelled while discussions happened. 


The Welsh government has made a new offer, which includes:

  • developing a national approach to paying bank shifts at substantive grade rates

  • flexible working requests agreed as default

  • an improved approach to advance rostering

  • developing national guidance on the use of recruitment and retention premia

  • reviewing national role profiles

  • a commitment to ensure nurses are paid properly for hours they overwork

  • developing a robust system for logging and claiming additional hours

  • assessing the viability of proposals for a 36-hour working week

  • setting up a task- and- finish group to find ways to ensure care is delivered in safe and appropriate settings.

Full details of the Welsh government offer can be found in the PDF provided to us by Welsh government, which is available to download here.


This offer comes in addition to the pay offers and awards for 2022-23 and 2023-24 that have already been implemented.


Eligible members working for the NHS in Wales can vote on whether they want to accept or reject the offer in a ballot conducted by email, which opens on Monday 31 July. The RCN is not making a recommendation on how members vote. Members will decide the next steps. 


RCN Wales Director Helen Whyley said:


“Our members have always acted in the best interests of their profession and the safety of their patients. It is their sheer determination, and the threat of further strikes, that has once again forced the Welsh government to do better


These improvements could have a significant impact on the working lives of our members and their ability to deliver high-quality patient care whilst maintaining their own wellbeing. While they focus on non-pay elements of nurses' terms and conditions, several of them will result in more money in our members pockets.


“As always, our members will decide whether these terms go far enough to end our current dispute with the Welsh government and NHS organisations. These latest improvements, if accepted, will  pave the way for full pay restoration in the years to come and our continued work with the Welsh government to secure the best members.


"The campaign will not stop here whatever the outcome. We know that to achieve fair pay and a safely staffed workforce, we need short-, medium- and long-term action from the government and we will continue to demand and secure just that.”


IMPORTANT ACTION: The ballot will be conducted online. Please check your RCN membership details are up to date including your email address, home address and workplace information so you receive ballot information and can vote. Check and update your details now in . 


Once the ballot closes on 31 August, the results will be discussed by the RCN Wales Board and a decision made based on the mandate members have given. If it’s decided the offer is rejected, it will be taken off the table and the RCN will move towards a statutory ballot on further industrial action. 


If it’s decided the offer is accepted, our current dispute will be resolved and we will start to focus on the NHS pay award for 2024-25.


Take a look at out Fair pay For Nursing Frequently Asked Questions.

Page last updated - 19/12/2023