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Voting opens for new HSC pay offer in Northern Ireland

4 Mar 2024

Eligible members will have until 6pm on Thursday 21 March to have their say.

Pay protest in Northern Ireland

The RCN is now consulting eligible members in Northern Ireland on the Department of Health’s new pay offer for Health and Social Care (HSC) staff on Agenda for Change terms and conditions.

Voting is now open and closes at 6pm on Thursday 21 March 2024. You will not be able to cast your vote after this time. If you vote more than once, only your latest vote will be counted.

The new pay offer includes:

  • a consolidated uplift in pay of 5%, effective from 1 April 2023
  • in full and final settlement of outstanding pay claims for 2022/23 and 2023/24 a further non-consolidated award of £1,505
  • this non-consolidated award will not count for pensionable pay, nor towards any of the other allowances and additions to pay in the NHS terms and conditions of service handbook. The award will be made on a pro-rata basis for those working less than full-time hours, and for those who have joined or left HSC employment during the course of the period 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024. For leavers and joiners, pro-rata in terms of eligible length of service will reference each month in employment, or part thereof. Hours worked on bank contracts should also be included, up to a maximum payment per individual of £1,505.

Please read the new pay offer in full to find our what it means for you. You will also find more information in our frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Commenting on the launch of the consultation, Rita Devlin, Director of the RCN in Northern Ireland said:

“RCN members in Northern Ireland have been waiting a very long time for the pay situation in Northern Ireland to be resolved. While we are pleased to have made progress and acknowledge the 5% consolidated pay uplift for HSC staff, we are very disappointed that we have not reached parity with the non-consolidated element of the pay award in comparison to what our colleagues in England received last year.

“It is now up to members to carefully consider this offer and to make their decision. The RCN Northern Ireland Board has decided not to make a recommendation on how to vote and instead leave it up to the members.

“It is very important that members look at all of the information we have provided in detail before making their decision. We are holding a series of member webinars which I would encourage everyone to sign up to, and RCN staff and representatives will be visiting workplaces across the coming weeks.”

Member webinars to discuss the pay offer will take place on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 5 March 7pm-8pm
  • Tuesday 12 March 12.30pm-1.30pm
  • Tuesday 19 March 7pm-8pm

Please sign up to one of them by emailing: cst@rcn.org.uk

Page last updated - 03/08/2024