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RCN leads crucial discussion on nursing suicide prevention

12 Sep 2023

Experts came together at RCN HQ to discuss the urgent issue of suicide prevention among nursing staff and launch a new toolkit to reduce suicide in the NHS workforce in England.

Illustration of yellow suicide prevention ribbon. Different coloured hands encircle the ribbon, reaching towards it

Yesterday (11 September), as part of National Suicide Prevention Week, nursing staff and senior health care figures gathered at RCN headquarters in London to discuss the need for a united approach to suicide prevention in nursing.

Female nurses have a 23% higher rate of suicide than other women. At RCN Congress 2023, members voted for the RCN to lobby the government for the implementation of an integrated suicide prevention programme for the nursing workforce across the UK.

RCN member Ruth Bailey, who presented the suicide prevention resolution at Congress, described the first steps towards fulfilling the resolution. An RCN steering group for suicide prevention has now been established and is working towards creating a robust, evidence-based suicide prevention programme.

The RCN event also helped launch a pioneering suicide prevention toolkit, created by NHS England with input from nursing staff, including RCN members.

is aimed at helping NHS organisations reduce the risk of suicide in the workforce. It highlights key elements of a holistic workforce suicide prevention programme, including: workplaces that value employees, mental health education and training, and clear policies and procedures. It also includes guidance on how to identify health care staff at risk of suicide, and how to then respond to warning signs and support those members of staff. The toolkit is endorsed by the RCN.  

Dr Emma Wadey, Deputy Director of Mental Health Nursing at NHS England and RCN member said: “We should all be aware of risks of suicide because we can all take steps to prevent it. This toolkit can assist organisations to embed suicide prevention strategies in their health and wellbeing policies and guide the approach to supporting those at risk of suicide within the workforce. “

The toolkit is included in the government’s , which was published this week. Addressing suicide within the health workforce is a recommendation within the strategy. 

Attendees at the event heard from suicide prevention experts from Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales about work being done to prevent suicide across the population in each of the three nations. Lived experience is a crucial part of much of the work being done, and nursing staff also heard from Hannah Cadogan, nurse and RCN expert representative for lived experience, who told her own story of suicidal feelings, the fear that surrounded them, and her journey to seek mental health care and return to the nursing workforce.

Stephen Jones, RCN Professional Lead for Mental Health Nursing, was also involved in the creation of the toolkit. He said: “RCN members made it clear at Congress this year – suicide is a serious issue for the nursing workforce, and nursing staff deserve adequate mental health support. If nursing staff can’t access support, how are they going to support their patients?

“It’s brilliant to see the progress that has already been made within the RCN as we push for implementation of an integrated suicide prevention programme for the nursing workforce. Launching the NHS England toolkit is also a great step forward, placing the plight of nursing staff and other health care professionals at the heart of national suicide prevention strategy.

“Nursing staff contribute so much to our society, but too often it comes at a personal cost. This is the start of a journey. Let’s work together to keep the momentum and do what we can to support nursing. When you support nursing staff, you’re supporting patients.”

Page last updated - 10/02/2024