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Message about local restrictions

31 Jul 2020

Message from North West Regional Director, Estephanie Dunn, regarding local restrictions in the region

"Our region has once again been unsettled by this pandemic.  As we’re all aware, this is a dynamic situation and it’s vital that whilst there are some uncertainties and disruption to our daily lives, these measures are being put in place to try to protect against any further surge in the local R number. This would put a strain on our NHS and care services and already overworked healthcare staff.
"The regional team is here to support any members who need our support and, whilst we will continue to monitor and challenge organisations where we need to, it is vital that resources are provided to ensure the whole system is prepared for any rise in the number of people who may become infected and seriously affected. This includes ensuring there is enough PPE, access to testing and the right level of staffing should the demand on the NHS, social care and care home sectors rise again.
"We also advise that whilst at home, in the community and work, that we all continue to follow the strict guidance in place such as social distancing, handwashing and wearing masks to protect ourselves our families, colleagues and communities."
Further information and guidance is available via the RCN website and for more information about local restrictions in the North West of England read:

Page last updated - 17/05/2021