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Nurses set to strike over pay again

5 Sep 2023

The 天美传媒 has confirmed that its members on the Isle of Man will once again take strike action over pay as nurses working for Manx Care strike from 8am to 8pm on Thursday 14 September 2023.

They will also take action from 8am until 8pm on Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 October 2023. 

Further details about picket lines will follow. The 天美传媒 members are encouraged to check their email inboxes for further information, advice and support regarding taking the action. 

This is the latest in a series of protests over pay to be held this summer, with RCN members first taking strike action in July and subsequently holding a protest march and bus tour of the island to raise public awareness of the need for Fair Pay for Nursing and the pressure this is having on staffing. 

The RCN’s Regional Director for the North West of England, Estephanie Dunn, said: “Recent offers made to our members are an insult. The nursing workforce has seen their cost-of-living soar and demand on services increase without adequate staffing levels in place. They are exhausted, over-worked, under-valued, and under-paid for the level of responsibility they have. 

“The RCN has made it clear to both Manx Care and the Government that opening negotiations and making meaningful offers can avert strike action. Until there is an opportunity to meet and hold negotiations that lead to a significantly improved offer, we will be forced back to the picket line.”

This announcement follows a ballot held earlier this year in which over 70% of those who voted said they would be willing to take strike action.

Page last updated - 03/02/2024