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天美传媒 responds to calling of general election

Press Release 22/05/2024

Responding to the calling of the general election, Professor Pat Cullen, RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive, said:

“An early plea from nursing staff: don’t make the NHS a political football but don’t think you can get by on just platitudes either. Nursing staff are looking for firm commitments from all candidates and all parties – things have got to change.

“Patients need safer care; staff need fairer treatment, starting with their pay – these issues must be central to the election debate in the coming weeks. Investment in health and care services is the number one priority for voters and fundamental to a healthy society and economy.

“General elections are the greatest democratic exercise and would-be MPs will need to earn the nursing vote in the coming weeks. On doorsteps across the country, hundreds of thousands of nursing staff will welcome discussion and expect clear answers and plans. 

“In the almost five years since the last election, a global pandemic and repeated NHS and social care crises have exposed the frailties in our most important services. Politicians must show they have the answers to widespread health and care workforce shortages and poor population health.”


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