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天美传媒 comments in anticipation of the NHS Workforce Plan

Press Release 30/06/2023

Commenting in anticipation of the release of the NHS Workforce Plan, RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive, Pat Cullen, said:

“The release of this plan must mark a moment where all players begin to shift to discussing meaningful and long-term solutions before the staff shortages bite even harder. Regular reviews will ensure its relevance and will prevent the plan from gathering dust on a shelf.

“Nursing leaders eagerly await the full details and we all expect the plan to address a number of things crucial to our profession.

“As we see the detail, all eyes will be on the amount of committed funding and for what duration – long-term plans need long-term assured funding. Today’s record vacant posts put patient care at risk. Patient safety must underpin the whole plan.

“You cannot recruit your way out of a retention crisis and we wish to see detailed plans to keep the experienced staff needed to make any proposals work, and how it intends to make nursing an attractive profession to join. The plan must not forget that effective ways to attract people into the profession is to pay staff fairly and demonstrate there are options for career progression

“Financial support for university nursing students, not expected to be addressed today, is crucial to attract enough people into nursing and keep them there until they qualify. Proposals to expand training should include funding to ensure nurse trainees are not landed with huge and off-putting debt. While employers will expect to see any plans to develop new apprenticeship schemes to be funded properly and rules changed so they can take them up more easily. All student nurses must have the support they need from experienced staff for a positive learning experience.”


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0207 647 3862

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