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449 blog posts
  • Josef McGuigan Josef McGuigan 25 Apr 2024

    Josef's Nursing Cadet Experience

    Josef McGuigan, a Nursing Cadet, gives his experience as part of the scheme's first ever cohort in Northern Ireland.

  • Rachel Hollis Rachel Hollis 25 Apr 2024

    Interconnected challenges

    We may not be in the European Union, but the RCN is still very much part of the European nursing community. One way of ensuring this remains the case is through our membership of the European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN).

  • Dr Melanie Stephens Dr Melanie Stephens 24 Apr 2024

    Impacts of inter-professional student placements in care homes

    NHS England TPEP funding gave us the opportunity to evaluate the impact of inter-professional student placements in care homes on staff and students' knowledge, skills, and personal development, and residents' experiences of their care.

  • Claire Chatterton Claire Chatterton 24 Apr 2024

    Remembering Daphne Steele

    The first blue plaque outside London has recently been unveiled and recognises a pioneering Black nurse and midwife, Daphne Steele.

  • Cathy Miller Cathy Miller 23 Apr 2024

    Organ donation - critical care perspective

    The system of organ donation changed in England (on 20 May 2020) to an opt out system. It is important for critical care colleagues to understand about the law change and what it means to your practice. Also, to know what support and resources are there to help you, when caring for potential donors and their families.

  • Alison Paterson Alison Paterson 22 Apr 2024

    Safe staffing is vital to patient outcomes

    Alison Paterson, Eastern member of the Professional Nursing Committee, talks about the RCN’s crucial work on safe staffing.

  • Ian Graham Ian Graham 19 Apr 2024

    How You can help Unions resolve Stress in the Workplace

    April is Stress Awareness Month and to reflect on strategies for organising around stress, Ian Graham, RCN Health and Safety Rep for the East Midlands writes about his experience and frustrations dealing with excessive stress and how he and his co-workers organised their own risk assessment.

  • Nurses' Day 2024 graphic - blue background and orange swirls with a round nurses' day badge in the top right and 'The difference nursing makes' text in white font 800x400 Lucy Muchina Lucy Muchina 19 Apr 2024

    International Nurses' Day

    Every year in May, the world gets the opportunity to recognise and celebrate the nursing profession. International Nurses’ Day falls on 12 May each year, to coincide with Florence Nightingale’s birthday.

  • Colin-Baker-PNC-800x400 Colin Baker Colin Baker 10 Apr 2024

    Professional Nursing Committee report from your South West member

    It has been a busy start to the year in the Professional Nursing Committee (PNC). 

  • Sandra Blades Sandra Blades 8 Apr 2024

    Dancing and music therapy in the community

    Following my blog on the Teesside Community approach to dementia care my colleague Marie Kerr has written more information about the dances and music therapy to promote health and well being to clients in the South Tees area.