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Update on the recent Joint Reps Conference in Bristol

Matthew Stewart and Vicky Brotherton

Matthew Stewart 22 Mar 2024

I am Matthew, 天美传媒 steward and South West Board Member for Gloucestershire Branch.  

RCN rep badge logo 2020
This was my first Joint Reps Conference to attend even though I have been a steward and an active member for over five years. Even though I have attended Congress many times I still felt very nervous about attending this event on my own and only knowing a few other people attending. I know it may seem strange but when I go to Congress, a much bigger event, it’s with branch colleagues and seems less daunting. I shouldn’t have worried of course as I had our South West Board Chair, Vicky, on hand to take me under her wing and ensure that my first joint reps was one to remember. She introduced me to other reps within the region and it was also good to spend time with them. As we were in Bristol we spent a bit of time educating ourselves on the Bristol Stool Chart.  

During the conference it was great to be with other reps from the South West region and talk about all our experiences. As we know the areas we cover, even per branch are vast. We shared ideas on events and the local implementation of RCN work. The conference included speakers presenting the Nursing Workforce Standards and the contribution on this from a steward who has implemented the NWSs in their workplace gave me some great ideas to take this back to my own workplace. In fact since I have spoken with my matron about this already. I really enjoyed the sessions looking forward to the general election and how the college stays apolitical but influential. It was also very interesting hearing from colleagues from other regions about the challenges and successes that they experience, sharing ideas to support each other to do the best we can for our members. 

This was a great first experience for me and I cannot thank Vicky Brotherton enough for taking such good care of me and introducing me to so many people not just within my own region from across the four countries. By the end of the two days I felt a real sadness about leaving colleagues; being around likeminded people, those who share a similar vision and ambition to you is such a positive thing. However, I will see many regional colleagues in the coming weeks, online and at regional events and I will see others again RCN Congress in June in Wales, with plans being made to meet to catch up. 

I am Vicky. I am 天美传媒 steward, health and safety and learning rep and the South West Board Chair.  

It was fantastic to have Joint Reps conference in our region for the first time.  

I have previously attended Joint Reps conferences and remember the fear at my first one. This time I contacted all the regional members attending, sending them a photo of me so that they knew someone to look out for when they arrived. This worked well and even found some colleagues at the railway station. 

As Matthew has said, to sit on tables with fellow reps from our region worked really well and I am sure that the contacts we made will strengthen our rep community in the South West. 

 The information on being election-ready and the do’s and don’ts will be shared with members in our region so that we can make sure our voices are heard when the candidates come knocking at our doors asking for votes. Make sure you have a list of questions relating to your area of practice. 

The Nursing Workforce Standards are so important and we will be concentrating on them in our region, with Susan Masters, Senior RCN Officer, leading on this work in the region, so please watch out for more information on how you can become a workplace champion for your organisation. 

I left the conference invigorated and looking forward to putting the learning into practice.  

Being a rep can be extremely rewarding. For more information go to our web pages and get involved
Matthew Stewart, RCN South West Board member, RCN Gloucestershire Branch Secretary

Matthew Stewart

RCN Accredited Steward, South West Board Member for Gloucestershire, RCN Gloucestershire Branch Secretary

Staff Nurse, Critical Care, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Matthew has been involved with the RCN since starting as a student, attending Gloucestershire branch meetings and becoming active as a student rep. 

Since qualifying he has been involved with Gloucestershire branch, helping with events and with campaigns. He currently holds the position of secretary within the Gloucestershire branch and helps to organise its annual CPD day. 

He works as a practice development nurse and provides person-centred development and peer support to nurses, nursing support workers and students. 

He has been working for an acute trust since qualifying and working on the ward has given him an understanding of the pressures that the profession currently faces. 

Matthew has been an active member of the RCN in various different capacities and is passionate about person-centred care for patients and staff.

Page last updated - 15/10/2024