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Returning to the beginning - Starting with the end in mind

Dr Denise Chaffer 23 Dec 2022

Denise Chaffer reflects on her time as RCN President and congratulates incoming President Sheila Sobrany.

It has been a historic couple of weeks, and I am sure one we never dreamt would happen in our professional lives, where RCN members would come together in taking strike action. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all those members that braved the very cold weather conditions to support this industrial action, as well as the staff who have worked so hard to support this campaign.

Two of the nurses I met on the picket lines had been working the previous night shift, describing the severe shortages of staff from the previous night, and were standing in the cold having not slept, another described how nurses were feeling post the pandemic, feeling so let down and unsupported, with many leaving at a time when we need nurses more than ever, they said they were doing this primarily because of concerns re lack of safe staffing, and the need for fair pay now in recognition of the value of our nursing profession and to stop even more nurses making the decision to leave.

Earlier today, new strike dates were announced for the 18 and 19 January. The RCN continues to stand alongside you and represent your voice at the very highest level to urgently address fair pay, safe staffing and full recognition of the value of nursing.

As many of you will know I am coming to the end of my time as RCN President, it has been a huge honour to serve you all during this time. I have been reflecting on the last 18 months.

The absolute highlight of my presidency has been meeting so many of you and supporting you in giving a voice to nursing, this has included focusing on our nursing workforce, safe staffing / fair pay, retention, recruitment, highlighting the cost of harm and temporary workforce,  to select committee and events with members meeting our politicians to share their views, and in particular supporting RCN members and staff during these very busy last few weeks. 

I have also taken the opportunity working with our RCN forums in speaking up for patients and staff, in particular supporting end of life care including advance care planning, driving improvements in mental health well-being and just and learning cultures in the workplace.

April 2022 saw the RCN re-joining ICN, delivering on the vote from members at the 2021 AGM, and aligning the programmes of work from our RCN international committee to focus on ethical overseas recruitment, developing a humanitarian framework to guide the RCN in its response to international events and taking forward support for our international nurses working here with us in the UK.

In September, I had the greatest honour of representing the RCN at the Queens funeral, our patron since 1953, such an incredibly sad occasion honouring her majesty who has served this country for 70 years.

As I took up my role of RCN president in July 2021, the RCN was experiencing considerable internal turmoil, which included the departures of very senior leaders of the college, and the need to move RCN congress to a virtual event, which led to the commissioning of the Carr report.

The Carr report was published in Oct 2022, and the RCN gave a very public and unreserved apology as well as a commitment to act to both RCN members and staff for the unacceptable and distressing experiences described in the report. The Carr report gives a very powerful mandate for change and I presented the RCN transformational plan at the recent EGM which focused on seven work themes which have emerged from the report to drive these forward at pace.

These themes include the need to drive improvements in:

EQUALITY, DIVERSITY & INCLUSION (EDI) including issues of racism and ensuring fair treatment and opportunity for all;

LEARNING CULTURE - Creating a culture of learning and trust;

GOVERNANCE - Confirming that governance is appropriate and fit for purpose;

TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT - Developing a comprehensive induction and support programme;

REVIEW OF CONGRESS - Reviewing the current model for Congress; 

SHARED PURPOSE – Ensuring we are member responsive;

PARTNERSHIPS & COLLABORATION - Exploring partnership and reviewing conflicts and revision of guidance and policy, working with wider partners, stakeholders, other Royal Colleges.

As I complete my final days in this role I would like to return to where I started, which was the need to focus on kindness and compassion, focus on our shared purpose, and I would add the need to create a feeling of belonging for all, 天美传媒 where all views are valued, and all members' contributions are both welcomed and celebrated. 

I started this journey of my presidency talking about the concept of distributed leadership, there are many views about the role of the president, and how it should be, mine is that the leadership of the RCN is about team work, working together as a leadership team, speaking with one voice about the value of nursing and supporting each other to be the best we can be. 

My final words on leadership which I have found helpful over the years:

  • The role of a leader is to create the environment for others to lead
  • We all make mistakes, sometimes big ones, it’s what you do at that point that really matters
  • Always think about what it’s like to be on the ‘end of you’
  • Never forget where you started, and leave a ladder for others to be successful too
  • The hardest moments of your life are often where the most learning is to be had
  • Seek to understand but not excuse poor behaviour, most people are good people
  • Give people your time and your trust 
  • Learn to exhibit calmness (even when you don’t feel it inside) 
  • Life learning is key 

I finish with a quote from :

‘A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say, we did it ourselves.'

A huge thank you to all RCN members and staff who have come together and achieved so much 

Finally, with many congratulations to our incoming president Sheilbye (Sheila) Sobrany, and wishing her well as she takes over this role from January 1, 2023.

Dr Denise Chaffer

Dr Denise Chaffer


Denise has been President of the RCN since July 2021 and is currently the Director of Safety and Learning for the NHS Resolution (formally known as NHSLA).

Page last updated - 17/06/2023