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Making Progress

Sheilabye Sobrany 26 Apr 2024

In her latest blog, RCN President Sheila Sobrany explores the progress being made on her key areas of focus, and what to look forward to in May.

It’s hard to believe we’re almost five months into 2024, but as we approach the halfway point of the year it’s great to see some really important work progressing. 

On Thursday 24 April, I chaired our first ever anti-racism summit at RCN HQ

This summit was the first of a number planned this year that aim to bring us towards our goal of becoming an anti-racist organisation – a resolution overwhelmingly passed by members at RCN Congress last year. When I put myself forward for RCN President, I was steadfast in my commitment that equity, diversity and inclusion would be a priority for me – and that I would personally drive forward the agenda.  

In my last blog, the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard report had just been launched and while it showed an increase in the number of Black, Asian and minority ethnic staff at senior management level in England, progress is not nearly fast enough. It’s not enough to be passively ‘not racist’ to ensure our right to equity or to be an ally to those who are constantly put at a disadvantage. We must proactively seek out and eradicate discriminatory behaviors and processes engrained not just in our own organisation, but in our workplaces and our society at large. Thursday’s summit was the first of many steps to achieving this.  

The summit was particularly poignant following the marking of Stephen Lawrence Day earlier in the week. Dr Martin Luther King told us that the arc of history is long, but it bends towards justice. The commemoration of Stephen’s racist murder and the ongoing campaigning by his family is a solemn reminder that the bend towards justice is not guaranteed, it must be fought for. 

As I mentioned, the anti-racism summit wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for you, our members, bringing the resolution to RCN Congress. If you would like to be part of setting our agenda for the next year, make sure you book your place at RCN Congress happening in Newport in June.  

Last week we announced this year’s keynote speakers for the event, including Welsh Ruby legend Gareth Thomas CBE who will be speaking about his personal journey with HIV. I’m really looking forward to hearing from him and so many other inspirational people, as well as hopefully meeting many of you.  

Of course, Congress isn’t the only place agendas will get set soon. It’s also local and mayoral elections across England and Wales in May, and it’s so important everyone exercises their democratic rights. It’s been great to see so many RCN members getting involved already, including RCN London’s work to develop members’ priorities for what they want to see from their candidates. 

Remember, if you're headed to the polling station on 2 May, you must bring a valid ID with you. Your vote matters, so don't let a forgotten ID prevent you from having your say in this important election. Adding more to your calendars for May, on 12 May Nurses’ Day is back. As it falls on a Sunday this year, there will be workplace activity from the Friday through to Sunday to make sure everyone has the opportunity to celebrate. Do get involved by heading to the Nurses’ Day hub on our website - it has everything you need to get involved with what is always a highlight of my year. 

Finally, I want to finish this blog by paying tribute to Dame Ruth May who announced her retirement as Chief Nursing Officer for England last week. During five of the most challenging years our profession has faced in recent history, Dame Ruth provided exceptional leadership and did so working closely with us here at the RCN. Her service is an inspiration to us all and I wish her all the best in retirement. 

As always, if you’d like to get in touch please do email me on president@rcn.org.uk, and to stay up to date with all of my work follow me on X . 

Sheilabye Sobrany

RCN President

Sheilabye Sobrany is a Senior Lecturer at London South Bank University. She began her role as RCN President in January 2023 and will serve for two years.

Page last updated - 24/09/2024