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Handing over the baton

Leonore Newson 4 Sep 2024

In 2018 a casual vacancy arose on the UK Stewards Committee (UKSC), and someone was needed to take on this role for the South West.  I had not long completed training to be 天美传媒 steward and felt that maybe I was not experienced enough in the ways of the RCN to take on this responsibility, but I thought about it and spoke to my Branch Chair, Vicky Brotherton. With her encouragement, I did submit my application, and left the decision in the hands of the members of the South West region. I was delighted when they put their trust in me and voted me on to the committee.


My first trip to my first UK Stewards Committee meeting at RCN HQ in London, was both exciting and daunting. I don’t really like London or the Tube, but, somehow, I managed to find the way to the Bakerloo line and then met the other members of the committee. They were so welcoming and by the time I left that first meeting to get the train home, one of the other members, more experienced in these matters than me, had become my 'buddy'. 

The very early morning train journeys gave me time to re-read the meeting papers which had been sent to me with the formal agenda. Some items were for discussion only, while others needed us to vote and agree on them. One of those little rituals we form has for me been a breakfast of a John Lewis sausage butty with a cup of tea, John Lewis being so conveniently placed across the road from RCN HQ in Cavendish Square.

The next meeting was not at all daunting and I felt confident that the voice of the South West was being heard. I began working with task and finish groups. One of those groups had to do a review of the Stewards Handbook. From this review, I suggested that a pocket version would be really handy for new stewards, especially in their early days when supporting colleagues. I was ridiculously excited when I saw it in print!

The two years soon passed, and it was time for committee elections and, having loved my time but with still so much to progress, I decided to stand again. Once again, the South West membership put their trust in me and my work continued. 

During the last four years, the committee has heard about concerns raised by members and been influential in discussions. A great example of this was when I learned that the Autumn 2023 Joint Reps Conference was not going ahead.  One of my roles with the committee was with the Joint Reps planning group and it was a during a planning meeting about the forthcoming Spring Conference, that this was announced. There was a UKSC meeting soon after this, so I raised my concerns there. The rest is history and we, the planning group, had to work quickly to find a venue and put the conference together. As part of this group, I was delighted to successfully push for our region to host the Joint Reps conference, which we did in the Spring 2024. This conference was noted as being one of the best yet, and on the back of it, the Spring 2025 Joint Reps is, once again being hosted by our region in Bristol.

I feel really sad that I have now reached the point where I have served my time on this committee and ineligible to stand again at this election. My time on the committee has been one of self-development, team working and confidence building. I have learned so much more about how the RCN actually works. 

I would say to anyone thinking about standing for election to the UK Stewards Committee, don’t just think about it, just do it and be part of something which can influence change and have the voice of our region heard at national level.

For me, it has been a joy and such a privilege, and I wish our next South West representative on the committee all the every best when they take their first train trip to that first meeting.

Finally, before I bow out, I’d like to say a huge thanks to the South West members who put their faith and trust in me, by voting me into the position enabling this amazing opportunity for me. It’s been a blast.
Leonore Newson in a white shirt holding a camera 145x145

Leonore Newson

South West representative, UK Stewards Committee

Staff Nurse

Leonore Newson is has been an active branch member for many years and RCN steward in University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust since 2017.

Leonore has represented the region on the UK Stewards Committee since 2018. She has also been a learning representative.

Page last updated - 04/09/2024