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Demanding more for nursing across the UK

Professor Nicola Ranger 27 Oct 2023

Our Chief Nurse Professor Nicola Ranger updates members on the action being taken to improve the rights and working conditions for nursing staff across the UK. 

Blue graphic | Lead. Inspire. Govern.

I’m currently deputising for General Secretary and Chief Executive Pat Cullen who is recuperating following treatment. I was in Belfast last weekend as we launched our Nursing Cadet Scheme in Northern Ireland – what an inspirational event it was. I wish all our new cadets the very best as they experience what an incredible profession nursing can be.

I spent a little time with Pat too, and I’m pleased to say she is doing well. 

Yesterday, I went to Parliament in Westminster and gave evidence on behalf of the RCN to the Women & Equalities Select Committee as part of a session on harassment and abuse in the NHS. We know this is an issue that affects far too many of our members, with calls to the RCN advice and support line about abuse in the workplace up by 21 per cent since this time last year. 

The session called for improved data collection so that we can better understand the issue, and improved support to help people report their experiences, in order to achieve this. But we can’t just have slogans, we’ve got to have action.

I told the MPs in no uncertain terms that being a 90 per cent female profession has affected our pay, our terms and conditions and how we’re treated - that is absolutely wrong. It’s time that nursing staff are respected for both their brains and their heart, and this totally unacceptable behaviour, from patients and colleagues, has got to stop. It’s time that we are respected for the vital role we perform.

I was very open with them these are issues we’ve shamefully had to confront even at the RCN too. On 8 November, I will be updating members on the considerable progress we’ve made in improving the culture and governance at the college a year on from Bruce Carr KC’s report – please join if you are able to.

Standing in for Pat has given me a chance to see even more of the work that's going on around the whole of the UK to support our members and the profession.

This week we presented evidence to a Senedd inquiry in Cardiff on the positive effects of safe staffing legislation, as well as calling for the Act to be extended to further care settings. In 2016, RCN members in Wales secured the pioneering Nurse Staffing Levels (Wales) Act – the first legislation of its type in Europe.

The first impact hearing of the Scottish Covid-19 inquiry took place this week. We told the inquiry that as a result of underfunding, under resourcing and the decision making on PPE, a very stretched nursing workforce had to do their very best to deliver on the frontline what the public expected, often at great personal cost. We are clear: unless something is done about the funding and resourcing issues, taking account now also of the effect of long COVID on the workforce, public acknowledgement alone will not be anywhere near enough to see the country through another pandemic.

Our RCN workplace Reps from across the country met in Liverpool earlier this month and it was an absolute pleasure to meet many of them for the first time. They are a remarkable group of people, who do so much for members, and without whom we simply wouldn’t be the organisation we are. If you would like information on what representatives do and maybe becoming one yourself head to our website for more information.

There are lots of other events planned by the college, including an in-conversation event with internationally educated nurses (IENs), where we will launch some short films featuring some of our members talking about their experiences of moving to the UK. Please join us online if you can. And make sure to mark Nursing Support Workers’ Day on 23 November. This will be the fourth year that we celebrate the vital contributions our incredible NSW colleagues make to the lives of patients, residents, clients, families, and carers.

Last but not least, I want to remind you that there is still time to submit an agenda item for Congress 2024. If you’ve got an opinion on any of the issues above and any other please do make your thoughts heard at Congress. Suggestions for potential agenda items can be submitted by RCN boards, branches, forums or representative committee members by completing this form.

Headshot of Nicola Ranger

Professor Nicola Ranger

General Secretary and Chief Executive

Professor Nicola Ranger joined the RCN in December 2022. She was previously Chief Nurse and Executive Director of Midwifery at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in London. Before that, she held Chief Nurse posts at both Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust and Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust.

She has also held a number of senior nursing roles at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. Earlier in her career, she worked at America’s George Washington University Hospital in Washington and at Mount Sinai Medical Centre in New York.

Page last updated - 29/03/2024