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Developing RCN activists in the IHSC

Dawn Livingston 9 Sep 2024

RCN South East's Dawn Livingston on opportunities for activists in the Independent Health and Social Care Sector (IHSC). 

My name is Dawn Livingston and I am the Learning and Development Facilitator (LDF) for the South East Region. The Activist Learning and Development Team is part of the new Activism Academy. The Activism Academy will empower members to win positive change in their workplaces, communities and the nursing profession. 

My priority is to deliver learning and development to RCN Activists, Representatives and Board and Branch Committee members in the region. I ensure that new reps are supported throughout their journey from the RCN Representatives L&D Pathway to Continuing Learning and Development (CL&D) sessions and events.

The RCN is its members, and we are working to engage and organise activists who are employed in the Independent Health and Social Care Sector. There are significant challenges that face our members in the IHSC in comparison to members in the NHS who have access to Agenda for Change policies and union recognition.

We must acknowledge and appreciate the dedication and commitment of RCN reps in the IHSC who work in organisations without union recognition yet still work tirelessly, empower members to get involved and active to address the workplace issues they face in their workplace.

RCN Learning Representatives in IHSC have successfully utilised Partnership Learning Agreements (a formal agreement between the RCN and the employer) between the IHSC employers and the RCN to allow members to become more active, better informed and organised. Learning Agreements become the platform for partnership working, increasing access to resources, enhancing members’ understanding and skills about workplace rights. Building mutually beneficial relationships between the RCN and employers can help identify and address barriers to learning, lead to effective union organising and recognition agreements and ultimately better working lives. 

I will continue to contribute to and promote the vital work of learning and development and support that the RCN provides for members in the IHSC. 

If you are interested in becoming a rep, you can find out more about the various RCN Rep roles, including the opportunities and benefits of taking up an active role. 


Dawn Livingston

RCN South East Learning and Development Facilitator

Page last updated - 11/09/2024