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1. Tell governments real-terms pay cuts aren’t acceptable

Nursing staff have been underpaid for at least a decade. Years of real-terms pay cuts have eroded nursing wages, and nursing staff are now comparably worse off than many other professions. This year, nursing staff face yet another real-terms pay cut. That’s why we’re demanding a pay rise for nursing staff of 5% above inflation. We need to take the first step towards restoring your decade of lost earnings.

2. We’re in a cost-of-living crisis

Inflation has rocketed, making everyday items increasingly unaffordable. Energy bills are at an all-time high, with many of us wondering how we’ll get by this winter. RCN General Secretary & Chief Executive Pat Cullen has been hearing from members who’ve been forced to use food banks and find second-hand school uniforms for their children. Nursing staff need a fair pay rise to survive in this economy. And given the vital job the profession does to keep the public safe, protecting nursing is the safe and responsible thing to do. Nurses shouldn’t be fighting to survive.

Black and white image with red border showing nursing staff rushing around in a hospital.

3. NHS nursing vacancies are at a record high

There are now over 47,000 unfilled NHS nursing roles across the UK. Thousands of burned-out, underpaid nursing staff have left the profession in the past 12 months. We need fair pay to help fill these vacancies and prevent more nursing staff leaving.

4. Nursing student numbers are falling

The latest UCAS figures showed a 7% drop in applicants accepted onto nursing courses, compared to last year. Although nursing graduates initially earn above the median wage, 10 years into their careers, their . Increased student loans have a further negative impact. If we can’t do more to make a nursing career more attractive, the nursing workforce crisis will only get worse.

8 out of 10

Members told us there weren’t enough nursing staff to meet all patient needs safely and effectively in their last shift

5. Patient safety is already suffering

With so many nursing vacancies and staff working through stress and burnout, patient safety is already at risk. Earlier this year, we asked nursing staff about the conditions during the last shift they worked. Eight out of 10 told us there weren’t enough nursing staff to meet all patient needs safely and effectively. Only 18% said they had enough time to provide the level of care they’d like. Taking strike action is your chance to make a stand on behalf of your patients and their safety.

6. We can strike safely

Our historic industrial action in Northern Ireland in 2019-20 showed that nursing staff can go on strike without risking patient safety. Patients are always our priority and we have plans in place to make an impact through strike action while making sure safety critical care is covered. Read more in this article.

Black and white image with red border of nurse holding a patient's hand

7. Nursing staff are regularly working unpaid overtime

In our survey of 10,000 members, conducted in late 2021, three-quarters of nursing staff said they work beyond their contracted hours at least once a week and 17% reported doing this every working day. This means, in real terms, your wage is worth even less per hour. You deserve better pay. 

8. COVID claps don’t pay the bills

Many of you worked through difficult conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic, putting yourselves at risk to deliver vital patient care. Ministers clapped you and called you heroes, but actions speak louder than words. So far, their actions have fallen short. You kept the UK going during the most difficult time in recent history. Nursing staff should be paid fairly – kind words and claps are not enough.

Black and white image with red border showing group of nurses holding fair pay placards

9. We’re stronger together

Governments have ignored our demands for fair pay and conditions so far. But there are hundreds of thousands of nursing staff and if we all stand together, governments can’t ignore us. You’re the voice of the RCN – in England, Wales and Scotland we need at least 50% of all eligible members (those working for NHS and HSC employers on Agenda for Change contracts) to return their ballot paper before we can take action and demand governments listen to your concerns.

10. Nursing staff deserve better

You know that nursing is important and rewarding, but also one of the toughest jobs out there. You see patients when they’re scared, alone, at crisis point. You’re a highly skilled professional who knows what patients need. You work extra hours and it’s hard to shake off the day when you get home. But you’re dedicated and you want to do the best for every patient. You deserve a fair wage that reflects the challenges, intensity, and skill of your role. You deserve fair pay now.

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