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Care of Older People

Use this guide to find information resources related to the care of older people including books, reports and journal articles.

Last updated: 20/11/2024

Key Resources

Publication cover 天美传媒 (2024) Eyes right: older people and driving. RCN: London.
Publication cover 天美传媒 (2023) Caring for older people: the essential role of the care home nurse. London: RCN.
Age UKInformation guides and factsheets 
  • Information aimed at the general public.

James van Oppen (2022) What matters to older people with frailty in hospital? NIHR Evidence summary.

NHS England (2019) NHS RightCare frailty tool kit. Optimising a frailty system.
NHS England: Frailty resources
Older People’s Commissioner for Wales
We would like to thank the RCN Older People's member community for their input into the development of this subject guide.


Book cover Barrett C and Hinchliff S (2017) Addressing the sexual rights of older people. London: Routledge.
Image of Textbook Female Urinary Incontinence Cameron A P (2022) Female urinary incontinence. Cham: Springer International.
Image of Textbook of Nursing Skills Cunningham S and Moore T (2021) Nursing skills in supporting mobility. London: Routledge.
Book cover Day M, McCarthy G and Fitzpatrick J (2018) Self-neglect in older adults: a global, evidence-based resource for nurses and other health care providers. New York, NY: Springer.
Gomes-Frailty-in-older-adults-with-cancer Ellett A (2023) Getting dementia care right: what’s not working and how it can change. Health Professions.
Ellett-Getting-dementia-care-right Gomes F (2022) Frailty in older adults with cancer. Cham: Springer International.
Book cover Isik A T and Grossberg G T (2018) Delirium in elderly patients. Cham: Springer International.
Book cover Rahman S (2019) Living with frailty: from assets and deficits to resilience. Oxon: Routledge.
Image of Rahman's Essentials of Delirium textbook

Rahman S, Inouye S, MacLullich A, Davis D and Arora A (2020) Essentials of delirium: everything you really need to know for working in delirium care. London:  Jessica Kingsley.

Book cover Randell A (2014) Delirium: diagnosis, management and prevention. New York: Novinka.
Book cover Ross F, Harris R G, Fitzpatrick J, Abley C and Redfern S J (2024) Redfern's nursing older people. 5th edn. Edinburgh: Elsevier.
Book cover Rovensky, Jozef (2017) Gerontorheumatology. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Image of Tampi's Essential reviews in geriatric psychiatry book Tampi R R, Tampi D J, Young J J et al. (2022) Essential reviews in geriatric psychiatry. Cham: Springer International.
Book cover Ebersole P, Touhy T A, Jett K F and Hess P (2020) Ebersole and Hess’ toward healthy aging: human needs and nursing response. 10th edn. St Louis: Elsevier Mosby.

Book subject searches

Use these links to see details of books the RCN libraries hold on each topic.

Journal articles

Use these links for details of journal articles on each topic.


International Journal of Older People Nursing Journals of interest for the care of older people. Use these links to see details of availability.

Events and Exhibitions

Cover image RCN exhibition: Aspects of age
  • Explore the shift from institutional to home care over two centuries of older people鈥檚 nursing, from the workhouses of the Victorian era to the hospital, care home and beyond. In an ageing population, we ask how nursing can improve the lives of those over 75.
    View online exhibition

This subject guide relates to:

RCN Library staff

Alan Chalkley

Editor of this guide

RCN Library and Museum

Upcoming events relating to this subject guide

  • 13 Mar 2025 Llandysul

    RCN Wales Roundtable for the Independent Sector - 'Unlocking Continuing Professional Development Opportunities in Rural Practice'

    RCN Wales will be hosting an in-person roundtable discussion on 'Unlocking Continuing Professional Development Opportunities in Rural Practice', in West Wales. This event will also provide an opportunity to network with other colleagues based within the Independent Sector to share stories and your unique experiences of working in Wales. This event is open to both RCN members and non-members who work in Wales in the Independent Health and Social Care sector.

  • 13 Mar 2025 Online

    Optimising Dementia Care

    This webinar offers a unique opportunity to learn from experts in the field and is especially relevant for healthcare professionals working with older adults. We hope you can join us for this important event.

Page last updated - 20/11/2024