Terms and Conditions
Using the Library
RCN members and RCN staff are welcome to use RCN Libraries to explore nursing and its history, visit our exhibitions and attend events, and when studying on the RCNs Education programme or RCN business. Only RCN members and RCN staff can borrow books and use the electronic resources.
RCN Library and Museum London
There is some access for members of the public to our libraries. The public can access the library lower ground floor if conducting research into nursing or nursing history, attending an exhibition or public event.
The library is a member of M25 and their , allowing our members access to participating libraries. If you wish to access other libraries, please speak to a member of the team.
Other RCN Libraries
If the public would like to access our library in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland this may be done by appointment.
Opening hours
All RCN library opening hours are available on the RCN web site. Changes to the opening hours will be communicated via the website, social media, and promoted within the library.
Conduct within the library
All library users must show consideration for other library users and library staff abide by the RCN respect charter including following any staff instruction.
Personal music players can be used with headphones only, ensuring that noise does not filter out and disturb others.
Children should be accompanied and supervised by an adult to minimise any disruption to other library users. They may use the computers and facilities if not required by a member.
Stairwells and exits should be kept clear as they are fire escapes and may be needed with no notice during an emergency.
The library has one silent study area on the Mezzanine floor behind the glass door. Other than the silent study are users may talk and use mobile phones at levels deemed reasonable by library staff. The phone box on the mezzanine is for calls to RCND only, members using for anything else will be asked to move.
Users may be asked to speak more quietly or to move to another area of the library at the discretion of library staff.
Animals, except for assistance animals, are not permitted in our libraries.
Smoking and vaping is not allowed.
Eating and drinking
Library users may bring drinks into the library. Food may be eaten in the library providing it is not disturbing other users or damaging library collections or equipment. Any spills or other damage should be reported to a member of staff immediately.
No alcohol may be consumed in the RCN libraries.
Personal property
The library does not accept responsibility for personal belongings, and these must not be left unattended or used to reserve seats. Library staff reserve the right to remove any unattended items, as well as items causing obstruction or inhibiting access to library facilities. Personal property left in the library will be kept for one month, after this it will be disposed of.
Building alarms
Users must evacuate the library when the fire alarm sounds and proceed to the nearest available fire exit leaving any personal possessions behind. In the event of any other emergency evacuation or lock of the building of the building, users must follow staff instructions quickly.
Use of library materials
All library materials and facilities should be treated with care. Library users must not in any way damage a book belonging to the library. If damage does occur, the user may be liable for the cost of replacing the book. Books which are found to be damaged should be reported to a member of library staff.
Borrowing books and access to electronic resources
RCN members may borrow up to 8 print books for 4 weeks at a time and items may be renewed up to 5 times unless requested by another member. Members also have access to subscribed electronic resources: databases, e-journals and e-books. No book may be removed from the library until it has been issued to the member. Members and subscribers are responsible for any books used or borrowed and will be charged for any lost or damaged books.
Changing your contact details
Members should notify the RCN of any change of address, email address or telephone number by using ‘My RCN’ on the RCN web site or by phoning RCN Direct on 0345 772 6100.
All library users should observe copyright law when making print or digital copies including photographic copies of anything in copyright. For further information ask a member of staff.
Use of IT facilities
Visitors may use the IT facilities for research into, and the exploration of, nursing and its history, but do not have access to subscribed electronic resources (databases, e-journals and e-books).
Users should not breach any legislation e.g., Computer Misuse Act 1990, Data Protection Act 2018, Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Printing, copying and scanning facilities are for RCN members only. Printing is capped at 20 pages.
Unacceptable use of IT facilities includes the following activities: (a) Creating, transmitting, storing or displaying offensive, indecent or obscene material, which includes: material that deliberately and unlawfully discriminates, or encourages deliberate and unlawful discrimination, on the grounds of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, political or religious beliefs. (b) Creating or transmitting defamatory material or material which risks bringing the RCN’s name into disrepute. (c) Obtaining, transmitting or storing material where this would breach the intellectual property rights of another. This includes downloading and file sharing of music, video and image files without permissions and/or appropriate payment to third parties. (d) Use of the IT facilities in a way that denies access to other users. (e) Deliberate introduction, execution or transmission of malware. Users may not: (f) Disclose their passwords to any other person. (g) Bypass or attempt to bypass any security measures including passwords, firewalls or network protocols.
Suggestions and Feedback
We welcome your suggestions and feedback on our services. Please complete a feedback card, speak to a member of staff or use the feedback form on our web site.
Responses to suggestions and feedback are posted on the ‘You said, we did’ page of our website.
For more information about how the RCN handles complaints, please refer to the Guidance to RCN Complaints document. These terms and Conditions should be read together with the 天美传媒 Library and Museum Events and Exhibitions terms and conditions.