
Library Europe's largest nursing-specific collection

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Library Collections Management Policy

Collections management policy

Policy Statement

  • This policy outlines how the RCN Library and Archive Service (LAS) acquires, maintains, and makes accessible the collections it holds. It sets out RCN LAS three key activity areas: Collecting, Users and Access, and Member Engagement.
  • This policy will be reviewed every three years. A separate RCN Special Collections, Archive and Object Collections Management Policy covers all aspects of archives and special collections and object management


  • Founded in 1922, the RCN Library and Archive holds Europe’s largest nursing specific collection. The RCN’s vision is to grow and maximise access to its collection.
  • This supports the RCN Charter objective ‘to support nursing education and professional development’ and the relevant RCNÌý workstreams.

  • Implementation of this policy drives the work of the LAS Collection Development Team and major decisions are agreed through the Collection Development Operational Group (CDOG). See Collection Development Operational Group (CDOG) terms of reference.
  • RCN LAS employs professional staff to select, manage and care for the collection. Any tasks requiring additional professional expertise, such as copyright, will be consulted where needed as outlined in LAS procedures.

  • The RCN Library and Archive Service provides member access to digital content UK-wide.

  • The RCN LAS has a Business Continuity Policy which addresses how the collections are cared for in case of emergency. See Relevant RCN plans and policies.

  • The RCN LAS Collections are insured by a fine arts policy held under the RCN group insurance policy managed by Finance. This is reviewed annually, and includes stock held by the country libraries.


  • The library collections are divided into the lending collection and the special collections. Responsibility for selection and purchase of these collections lies with the LAS Collection Development Team, their experience and expertise ensure the comprehensiveness of the collections and all Library staff are encouraged to contribute to selection.

  • RCN staff follow the priorities and parameters set out in this policy, as agreed by RCN members via the Professional Nursing Committee.Ìý
    • LAS has collecting plans and procedures to enable business as usual activities; these are delivered by the Collection Development Team.
    • Resources which staff identify as possibly falling outside the priorities and parameters set out in this policy are discussed and decided through the Collection Development Team and their line management. If appropriate the issue can be raised at CDOG.Ìý
    • Significant decisions arising from CDOG that cannot be agreed or actioned are taken to the Associate Director of Nursing for advice. These are escalated if/as appropriate within RCN structures for resolution, with ultimate decision making resting with the Professional Nursing Committee.
  • RCN LAS acknowledge the silences1in the RCN LAS collections and actively seek to purchase from appropriate authors and publishers who are not currently present in the collections.
  • The RCN’s priorities for collecting stock are:
    • To purchase all British nursing and nursing profession resources. This is defined as items which have significant professional nursing content, are written or edited by nursing professionals and/or have nursing profession relevant information.Ìý
    • To collect all RCN publications including RCN endorsed publications published for external use.
    • To purchase all material required to support the RCN and RCNi Education, Learning and Development (ELD) strategy. This is currently being updated and work will be aligned to any relevant changes. See Useful Definitions related to this Policy
    • To purchase trade union publications as required to supportÌýthe trade union activity of the College.Ìý
    • Wherever possible to purchase items recommended by RCN staff and members. RCN LAS actively seek input from members and staff.
    • Where appropriate to collect resources written by RCN staff, RCN fellows, and RCN members
    • Where appropriate to purchase international nursing items, UK midwifery titles and UK medical titles, and titles that support professional development of nurses.Ìý
    • On occasion to purchase international medical titles, nursing fiction, and patient accounts as well as supporting material for RCN LAS events and exhibitions programme.

  • Value for money: Where possible the RCN LAS purchases through Library sector consortia to ensure best possible value for members’ money. All non-consortia spending follows the RCN’s internal finance procedures. This was last audited in October 2020Ìýas part of the Audit Committee’s schedule. LAS annually review for continuing value for money and agree membership of any consortia through CDOG Nursing Directorate and Finance as appropriate.

  • Formats: Preference is shown to digital formats. Other formats will be purchased where an item is of particular importance to the collection and/or is not available in digital format.

  • Multiple copies: RCN LAS purchase one copy or licence of a text. The RCN LAS purchases multiple electronic/print copies in response to significant member need, or where the text is required for delivery of RCN services such as the ELD offer.Ìý

  • Language: The language of the collections is English and where possible resources should have a Welsh language option.

  • Lost and damaged books: The RCN LAS replaces whenever possible any lost or damaged British nursing profession books.Ìý

  • Donations: Donations are initially decided by the Collection Development Team and significant donations are taken to Collection Development Operational Group (CDOG) for agreement.Ìý

  • Journal subscriptions are reviewed annually by CDOG and are based on the collecting priorities above and the following criteria:
    • Professional nursing sector knowledge
    • Member UsageÌý
    • Cost of resource including cost per use
    • Availability through Document Supply/ILL

  • The Collection Development Manager, in consultation with CDOG, is responsible for decisions relating to the disposal of journals.

  • All database subscriptions are reviewed prior to any deal negotiation by CDOG and the decision on renewal or cancellation is based on the collecting priorities above and the following criteria:
    • Specialist, authoritative and quality assured content
    • Member UsageÌý
    • Cost of resource including cost per use
    • Remote and onsite access provisions

  • Movement and withdrawal of physical stock:Ìý
    • Books are held on the open shelves for ten years, however if a new edition is published the previous edition is removed to the store immediately. After ten years all books are assessed and may be moved to the store where they remain available for loan or removed for disposal, using RCN LAS professional judgement.
    • Print journals are held on the open shelves for ten years. After this time, RCN LAS either hold in the store for a further ten years or disposed of. After this additional ten years they are sent to offsite storage. This is to maintain the currency of the collectionÌýwhilst protecting the long-term holdings of the library collection.
    • RCN publications are held on open shelves (or linked on the website) in line with the Quality Framework for RCN Professional Resources before being moved to the store or to the RCN Digital Archive.
    • Items purchased or donated for RCN LAS exhibitions and events programme are reviewed by CDOG after the close of an exhibition to determine if they should be moved to the Special Collections. Items that do not meet the criteria for the SpecialÌýCollections are removed for disposal.
    • The library undertakes a stock check programme to ensure RCN LAS collections remain comprehensive. Disposal of material is undertaken in accordance with the RCN LAS disposal procedures and in line with appropriate professional sector guidelines. Items for disposal are clinically out of date, so it isÌýunethical to donate these to other nursing organisations.

Users and Access

  • The RCN LAS is open for use by the public for the study of nursing and nursing history. General access to the RCN Library and Heritage Centre is set out in RCN LAS Terms and Conditions.

  • Details of access to special collections and archive collections are available through the RCN Special Collections, Archives and Object Management Policy.

  • RCN LAS purchased e-resources are only available for member usage due to licensing restrictions, where possible RCN LAS provide offsite access to these resources via remote authentication.

  • Only RCN staff, members and library subscribers may borrow items. Library processes check current user status as recorded on the RCN Customer Relations Management System (CRM).

  • The RCN LAS aims to provide all resources in a wide range of accessible formats, and to reflect the diversity of RCN members. The RCN LAS actively supports the RCN accessibility objectives in providing legally compliant access to its collections. A copy service is available to RCN members in line with copyright and preservation requirements.

  • RCN LAS catalogue all Library collections to industry standards, currently: Resource Description and Access and Medical Subject Headings. LAS disseminate its catalogues by sharing them with national and where possible international partners.

Member Engagement

  • RCN LAS staff put the member at the centre of all we do. LAS run a member driven acquisition programme and members are activity encouraged to interact and contribute to the collections through the RCN website.
  • RCN LAS want the collections to reflect member diversity, and actively seek resources which represent RCN members, their specialisms and geographic spread.Ìý
  • RCN LAS work on joint projects with RCN member groups which influence purchasing. These include Branches, Forums, RCN Fellows and networks, which include events, exhibitions, subject guides and displays.

Collection Development Operational Group Terms of Reference


  • The Library and Archive Collection Development Operational Group (CDOG) was established to oversee the decision making and governance for any collection items. This will include those on loan to the RCN from other stakeholders and RCN items on loan externally. These loans may include books, journals, other publications, and objects


  • The group ensures the RCN’s lending, special and archive collections continue to be developed as the authoritative UK collection on professional nursing.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • In order to fulfil this function, the Collections Development Operational Group (CDOG) members will:
  • Be the discussion and decision-making group for the RCN’s Library and Archive Services (LAS) collections, agreeing strategic direction, projects, and collections issues.
  • Ensure decisions are in line with the RCN Library and Archive Collection Management Policies.
  • Formally agree proposed archive accession and de-accession decisions; proposed external ‘loans in and out’ decisions and significant library collection decisions.
  • Review, update and formally propose changes to RCN LAS collections related policies.
  • Formally agree significant collecting projects.
  • Ensure four country collaboration in collection development.
  • Ensure that legal, fiscal, and operational responsibilities are met during the collecting process and provide an audit trail for collections decisions.
  • Create a risk register that is reviewed at each meeting with an agreed escalation process.Ìý

ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ (or representatives with suitable authority):

  • The Collection Development Group will be chaired by the Collection Development Manager or Archive Manager.

  • The attendees reflect all aspects of LAS work and include four country representation.
    • Joint Head Library and Archive Service
    • Collection Development Manager
    • Archive Manager
    • Collection Development Specialist
    • Collection Development Specialist
    • Assistant Archivist
    • Assistant Archivist (Digital)
    • Events & Exhibitions Coordinator
    • E-Systems Information Manager
    • Information Specialist
    • Librarian and Information Services Manager Wales
    • Knowledge and Research Manager Scotland
    • Library Team Leader Northern Ireland
    • Customer Services Manager
    • Customer Services Information Specialist
  • Observers are welcome.


  • Meetings will take place monthly, with a minimum quorum of the Collection Development Manager, Archive Manager and the Joint Head of Library and Archive with responsibility for collections. Other listed participants may be required for specific agenda items.


  • All notes and papers will be made available ten days after each meeting to the wider Library and Archive team and kept for the life of the company for transparency of decision making.

  • Accountable to: Professional Nursing Committee (PNC) who will receive information as requested and as part of the LAS’ annual report to them.


  • The Group will review the terms of reference annually to ensure they continue to reflect the needs and priorities of the RCN and of the operational group.

Relevant RCN Policies and Plans

  • The RCN Library and Archive collections directly support the objectives of the RCN as set out in its royal charter.
  • As at 2021 the collections supported the delivery of RCN strategies including:
    • ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ Group Strategy 2019 to 2021
    • RCN and RCNi, Education Learning and Development Strategy 2021-2024
    • RCN Independent Health and Social Care Sector strategy

  • This is a non-exhaustive list of RCN policies and frameworks which may be relevant to records retention. These policies may be amended, revised, replaced and supplemented and additional relevant policies created from time to time.
    • RCN Corporate Business Continuity Policy
    • RCN Group Data Protection Policy
    • RCN Group Risk Management Policy
    • RCN Group IT Policy
    • RCN Group Intellectual Property Policy
    • RCN CRM Contact Management policy
    • RCN Financial Regulations
    • RCN Library and Archive Service Access Policy
    • Quality Framework for RCN Professional Resources
    • RCN Library and Archives Service Marketing Plan
    • RCN Library and Archive Service Business Continuity and Collections Emergency Response Plan
    • RCN Library and Archives Service Three Year Plan (2022-2025)

Useful Definitions related to this Policy

  • Acquisition: The act of obtaining ownership of materials which then become a constituent part of the RCN collections
  • Aggregator: A person or organisation that collates information from other organisations and puts it on a single website
  • Catalogue: A structured list of information about or relating to items within a collection. In the library sector this normally contains bibliographic descriptions for individual titles and editions in the library’s collection
  • Collection: A set of materials that has been collated according to a specific subject, in any format.
  • Database: An online index of journal articles that is fully searchable usually grouped by subject area e.g. CINAHL for nursing and allied health.
  • Disposal: Procedure for the permanent removal of materials from the collections, by planned destruction or transfer to another organisation
  • Donation: Any addition to the collections, usually a gift of materials from an external agency.
  • Electronic resources (e-resources): Broad term covering digital published material, within the RCN accessed via the library, such as eBooks or eJournals.
  • RCN Library and Archive Service: The RCN team who delivers the Library and Archive Service. This includes the customer service, information literacy, library e-systems, events and exhibitions and collection development teams based in the Library & Heritage Centre in London and the archives team based in Edinburgh.

    Next review date: October 2024