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Pay claim survey for sharing with colleagues

The survey below can be shared with your colleagues as part of the process for preparing a pay claim. 

Don’t forget to fill Question 4 in with the real Living Wage before sharing with your colleagues. You can find out what the current real Living Wage is by visiting the website.

A PDF version of the survey is available to download and print.

This short survey is to help prepare a pay claim for RCN members. Please complete the questions below and let us know what is important to you. Thank you.

  1. My pay is: (please circle one option below)

    • Very Good
    • Good
    • Okay
    • Poor
    • Very poor

  2. Compared to 12 months ago, how do you feel your pay has changed relative to the cost of living? (please circle one option below)

    • I am much better off
    • I am slightly better off
    • I am neither better nor worse off
    • I am slightly worse off
    • I am much worse off

  3. Do you depend on any of the following to earn additional income and sustain your standard of living? (please circle any/all that apply)

    • Unsocial hours
    • On-call
    • Overtime
    • Second job
    • Other – please specify here: _______________

  4. The real Living Wage is currently _______________ per hour (see www.livingwage.org.uk/ for more information.)

    How does this compare to your current hourly pay? (please circle one option below)

    My current hourly pay is:

    • Up to £3 less than the real Living Wage
    • Up to £2 less than the real Living Wage
    • Up to £1 less than the real Living Wage
    • Equal to the real Living Wage
    • Up to £1 greater than the real Living Wage
    • Up to £2 greater than the real Living Wage
    • Up to £3 greater than the real Living Wage
    • Up to £5 greater than the real Living Wage
    • Up to £10 greater than the real Living Wage
    • Over £10 greater than the real Living Wage

  5. Compared with this time last year, what would you say have been the changes to the following working conditions in your workplace? (please circle below)

    • Workload
      • Increased
      • Decreased
      • Remained the same
      • Don't know

    • Stress
      • Increased
      • Decreased
      • Remained the same
      • Don't know

    • Number of staff
      • Increased
      • Decreased
      • Remained the same
      • Don't know

    • Number of residents/ clients/ patients
      • Increased
      • Decreased
      • Remained the same
      • Don't know

    • Quality of service
      • Increased
      • Decreased
      • Remained the same
      • Don't know

    • Use of temporary staff
      • Increased
      • Decreased
      • Remained the same
      • Don't know

  6. Please rank the following issues in order of importance to you, with 1 being the most important and 5 being the least important

    • A pay rise which is equal to or greater than inflation: _______________
    • More paid holidays: _______________
    • Better sick pay: _______________
    • Better (or any) shift work payments: _______________
    • Better staff break facilities: _______________

  7. Is there anything else you’d like to say about your pay, terms and conditions or other issues you consider relevant to your employment? 
