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Previous debates

Below you can find a list of debates from the last three years of RCN Congress.

Information on the work arising from these debates can be found in our yearly reports to members below:

The interim report for Congress 2024 will be published in December, with the final report to be presented to Congress 2025.


Definition of nursing (Matter for discussion)
Submitted by the Public Health Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses how the RCN’s Definition of Nursing can be utilised to demonstrate the value of nursing.

Should nursing support workers be regulated? (Resolution)
Submitted by the Nursing Support Workers Committee
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks the RCN to lobby the government on the mandatory regulation of the nursing support workforce.

Are you empowered to speak up? (Resolution)
Submitted by the Outer North West London Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to lobby governments for more support for nursing staff raising concerns.

Crumbling buildings: the best place for care? (Matter for discussion)
Submitted by the Greater Liverpool and Knowsley Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the effect on patient care of the lack of maintenance in regards of the NHS estate.

The evolution of AI in health care (Matter for discussion)
Submitted by the Digital Nursing Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the potential barriers and opportunities that artificial intelligence can bring to nursing.

Statutory provision of CPD (Resolution)
Submitted by the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to lobby governments to place a statutory duty on all employers to provide contractual, fully funded continuing professional development (CPD) to deliver safe and effective care.

Nursing apprenticeships (Resolution)
Submitted by the UK Learning Reps Committee
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on RCN Council to lobby the UK Government for changes to improve the use of the apprentice levy to ensure it is fit for purpose for nursing and nursing associate programmes.

Support for newly qualified and student nurses (Resolution)
Submitted by the Eastern Board
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on RCN Council to declare a crisis in working conditions and quality of support available to students and newly registered nurses.

Immigration regulations for the nursing workforce (Resolution)
Submitted by the Essex Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress urges RCN Council to lobby governments regarding the implications of new immigration rules on the current and future international workforce.

Humanitarian crisis RCN policy update(Resolution)
Submitted by the Professional Nursing Committee
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on RCN Council to update and implement a policy for responding to humanitarian crisis.

Support for internationally educated nursing staff (Matter for discussion)
Submitted by the Dorset Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses what needs to be done to support internationally educated nurses and midwives to settle in the UK.

Assisted dying (Resolution)
Submitted by the Greater Liverpool and Knowsley Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress supports the principles of assisted dying.

Access to controlled drugs in care homes (Resolution)
Submitted by the Pain and Palliative Care Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on RCN Council to lobby governments to amend the law to improve access to controlled drugs in care homes.

Redefining learning disability nursing (Matter for discussion)

Submitted by the  Learning Disability Nursing Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses whether the title registered nurse in learning disabilities remains appropriate for contemporary practice.
Digitised patient records: a data security risk? (Matter for discussion)
Submitted by the UK Stewards Committee
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the risks involved in the digitalisation of patient records.

Virtual wards: the pros and cons (Matter for discussion)
Submitted by the General Practice Nursing Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the impact of virtual wards on the work, education and development of the nursing workforce and on patients.

Registered nurse substitution (Matter for discussion)
Submitted by the Outer North West London Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses what safeguards are required to protect against nurse substitution across all settings.

Patient flow: is it patient-focused? (Matter for discussion)
Submitted by the South Birmingham Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses whether the continuous focus on patient flow is a detriment to patient health and safety.

Decriminalising abortion (Resolution)
Submitted by the Women's Health Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress requests that RCN Council support the calls for the decriminalisation of abortion across the UK.
Genomics competencies (Resolution)
Submitted by the Greater Bristol Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on RCN Council to support the introduction and embedding of genomic competencies within the nursing profession.

Social media and nursing (Matter for discussion)
Submitted by the UK Stewards Committee
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the advantages and risks of social media for the nursing workforce.

Improved health care for the "unseen" (Resolution)
Submitted by the Dorset Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to lobby the government to mandate specialist accessible health care for people who experience rough sleeping.

Nursing staff working in social care (Resolution)
Submitted by the CYP Continuing and Community Care Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress recognises the value of, and need for, senior nursing leadership within social care across the UK.

Political influencing (Matter for discussion)
Submitted by the West Yorkshire Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses how we effectively promote the nursing agenda in an election year.

How can we achieve a greener health care system? (Matter for discussion)
Submitted by the Dorset Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses how health care staff can reduce the carbon footprint of health care.

The value of reps (Matter for discussion)
Submitted by the Greater Liverpool and Knowsley Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the RCN's 'offer' to its trade union representatives.

The future of RCN boards and branches (Matter for discussion)
Submitted by the Eastern Board
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the future of board and branches.


Fair Pay for Nursing campaign (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Public Health Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the successes and learning from the current Fair Pay for Nursing campaign.

Health care provision for refugees and those seeking asylum (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Nursing in Justice and Forensics Forum and Public Health Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to lobby the UK government to comply with its international and legal obligations in ensuring health care provision for refugees and those seeking asylum in the UK.

Nursing support workers (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Nursing Support Workers Committee
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the availability of courses and resources for nursing support workers.

Nursing associates (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Greater Glasgow Branch
That this session of RCN Congress discusses the impact of and direction of the registered nursing associate role.

Corridor care (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Gloucestershire Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the impact of corridor care upon patients and nursing staff.

NHS Pay Review Body (PRB) (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Lothian and Borders Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on the RCN to withdraw from the NHS Pay Review Body.

Commissioners for older people (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Eastern Board
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls upon RCN Council to lobby for a Commissioner for Older People in England and Scotland, as there are in Wales and Northern Ireland.

Windrush and NHS 75 (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Greater Liverpool and Knowsley Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress acknowledges the 75th anniversary of the creation of the NHS and the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the Windrush generation to staff the service.

Support for female employees (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Fertility Nursing Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to lobby employers to ensure that female employees are supported with specific women's health and wellbeing needs such as menopause, menstruation, fertility care, pregnancy, and childbirth.

Student nurses (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Greater Glasgow Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress condemns the rostering of student nurses to cover gaps in staffing.

LGBTQ+ hate crime (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Public Health Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the role of nursing in supporting members of the LGBTQ+ communities who are victims of hate crime.

Unconscious bias (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Eastern Board
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses how it can support and improve awareness of unconscious bias within health care.

Trades Union Congress (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Greater Liverpool and Knowsley Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to examine the case for the RCN to join the Trades Union Congress.

Pay terms and conditions parity (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Outer North Central London Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to lobby the UK governments for minimum standards for employment terms and conditions for all nursing workforce in any organisation funded by the public purse.

Abortion (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Greater Glasgow Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses abortion protest buffer zones and their potential impact.

Private health care (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Dumfries and Galloway Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the role of private health care in a modern health system.

RCN democracy (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Lothian and Borders Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls for all members of the RCN to be given equal democratic rights within the organisation.

Clinical audit (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Norfolk Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses if clinical audit is something to be embraced or endured.

Cost of living (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Dumfries and Galloway Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress considers the cost of going to work.

Older health care workers (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Greater Liverpool and Knowsley Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the welfare and occupational safety of older health care workers.

One Royal College, two critical functions (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Professional Nursing Committee
That this meeting of RCN Congress affirms that the strength of the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ comes from its dual function as a professional body and a trade union.

Incident reporting (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Norfolk Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to explore the culture around incident reporting and the impact that this can have.

Member power (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Mental Health Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress considers how members can build on the undeniable power of their voices, raised collectively, to further strengthen their influence and positive public opinion.


Protecting the title ‘Nurse’ (Resolution)
Submitted by the Nurses in Management and Leadership Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on RCN Council to lobby legislators to protect the title "Nurse" in the UK.

Nursing leadership (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Wales Board
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to lobby all governments across the UK to recognise and champion the contribution and impact of nurse leadership at all levels, from the bedside to the boardroom, as demonstrated during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Financial hardship (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Public Health Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the role of nursing in addressing financial hardship and poverty.

Overworking (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Inner North Central London Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress urges RCN Council to investigate the impact on the health and wellbeing of members working over their shift or contracted hours.

Safe staffing (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Public Health Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the successes and impact of the RCN Staffing for Safe and Effective Care campaign.

Location for care (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Children and Young People’s Specialist Care Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the appropriate location for care.

COVID-19 (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Suffolk Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the impact of COVID-19 on the nursing workforce.

Long COVID (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Nurses in Management and Leadership Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to campaign for nursing staff with Long COVID to receive equitable and effective support.

Health ability passports (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Eastern Board
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to lobby the UK Government to make health ability passports compulsory for the nursing workforce.

Inequality (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN South East Board
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses inequalities in the diagnosis and treatment of ethnically diverse people.

Ethical overseas recruitment (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Outer North West London Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress urges RCN Council to lobby employers to formulate Human Resource policies for ethical overseas recruitment of nursing staff, with transparent terms and conditions of employment.

Workforce (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Greater Liverpool & Knowsley Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses how the RCN can influence health sector employers to shift their culture of managing their nursing workforce as a cost centre rather than the core service delivering the key component of their business.

Agenda for Change (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Greater Liverpool & Knowsley Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on RCN Council to conduct an immediate review of Agenda for Change to establish whether it is fit for purpose.

Access to care (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN East Kent Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the difficulties that transgender, gender non-binary and gender diverse individuals can face in accessing care and treatment.

Safe injecting facilities (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Public Health Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on RCN Council to lobby UK Government to support the introduction of safer injecting facilities across the UK.

Digital consultations (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN General Practice Nursing Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the impact of digital consultations on nursing and health care.

Digital leadership (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN eHealth Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on RCN Council to show support for introducing and embedding clinical digital leadership roles across the health and social care sectors.

Future Nurse Standards (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Mental Health Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress reflects on the impact of the NMC's Future Nurse Standards on mental health nurse education across the UK.

Supernumerary status (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Students Committee
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to lobby for the protection of supernumerary status for nursing students.

Compassion fatigue (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Norfolk Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses if there should be increased awareness of compassion fatigue, and its potential impact, not only on the delivery of patient care but also on leadership within the workforce.

Overseas nurses (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Suffolk Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on RCN Council to produce a strategy for the recognition of the skills of, and the development needs of overseas nurses coming to work in the UK and how they might be better supported.

Assisted dying (Resolution)
Submitted by the RCN Wales Board
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks RCN Council to review the 2014 RCN position statement on assisted dying.

Prison nursing (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Nurses in Justice and Forensic Health Care Forum
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the impact of prisoners’ complex health needs on prison nursing.

Intergenerational fairness (Matter for Discussion)
Submitted by the RCN Suffolk Branch
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses intergenerational fairness and its relevance to, and impact on, nurses and nursing.

Page last updated - 25/10/2024