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RCN publications cover a wide range of topics varying from clinical guidance to employment relations issues to advice on bullying. To reproduce RCN publications please complete the copyright request form and we’ll be in touch.

  • 10 Aug 2022

    Fair Pay For Nursing window sticker

    Publication Code : 010 301

    Fair Pay For Nursing blue and gold window sticker.

  • 10 Aug 2022

    Fair Pay for Nursing poster 3

    Publication Code : 010 311

    A4 poster encouraging people to join the campaign and tell politicians it’s time to pay nursing staff fairly and protect patient care.

  • 10 Aug 2022

    Welsh ‘What next?’ business card

    Publication Code : 009 852

    Welsh ‘What next?’ business card

  • 1 Aug 2022

    Retaining Nurses in the Profession: What matters?

    Publication Code : 010 374

    Many organisations have difficulty retaining their nursing staff, but some have had success in reducing the problem. Through a set of case studies, this report examines what successful approaches have in common and argues for a national nurse retention strategy for NHS Wales.

  • 25 Jul 2022

    Eyes Right. Helping non-ophthalmic health care professionals deliver quality care safely

    Publication Code : 010160

    This updated guide highlights the importance of eye care, the role and responsibilities of the carer in delivering care, and accessing the right care at the right time. It has been developed for all non-ophthalmic nursing staff in adult care settings, ranging from non-ophthalmic hospital settings to residential and nursing homes.

  • 18 Jul 2022

    Impact of the RCN independent critique (March 2021) of the evidence underpinning infection prevention and control for COVID-19 in the United Kingdom

    Publication Code : 010 382

    In December 2021, the RCN commissioned a follow-up to its March 2021 independent review of the evidence underpinning infection prevention and control for COVID-19 in the UK. This latest critique suggests that the methodology adopted to conduct the rapid review of evidence (November 2021) underpinning IPC guidance at that time, did not meet the required standards that should be used in order to undertake an informed rapid review when a pandemic has reached an advanced stage.

  • 30 Jun 2022

    Speaking on behalf of the RCN: a practical guide

    Publication Code : 009 532

    This guide gives you advice on what steps to take if you are approached by the media, how the RCN can help you, and top tips for giving interviews and writing quotes and blogs. The document also includes contact details for media and communications staff here at the RCN.

  • 8 Jun 2022

    Employment Survey Report 2021: Workforce diversity and employment experiences

    Publication Code : 010 216

    The second report from our annual employment survey focuses on four major themes: working hours and patterns; experience of workplace abuse; bullying and harassment, and career progression.

  • 6 Jun 2022

    Nursing Under Unsustainable Pressure: Staffing for Safe and Effective Care

    Publication Code : 010 270

    In March 2022, we invited nursing and midwifery staff from across the UK to tell us about their experiences of the last time they were at work. This survey report provides valuable insight into the realities of staffing levels across the UK, and the impact on our members and the people they are caring for.

  • 1 Jun 2022

    RCN Forums and Networks Review Report

    Publication Code : 010 240

    The aim of the forums and networks review was to look at and recommend ways in which their function can be optimised, and their professional profile raised to greater effect. To help achieve this, the review set out to define the purpose and role of forums and networks, establish a framework to support improvements in the ways of working, review the governance processes and functions and determine effective ways to maximise the allocated resources to support them.