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RCN publications cover a wide range of topics varying from clinical guidance to employment relations issues to advice on bullying. To reproduce RCN publications please complete the copyright request form and we’ll be in touch.

  • 1 Nov 2022

    Investing in Patient Safety and Outcomes

    Publication Code : 010 567

    Addressing workforce shortages and ensuring that there are the right numbers of registered nurses and nursing staff with the right skills in the right place at the right time is vital to ensure everyone can access safe and effective health and care services. This report highlights how successive UK governments have failed to tackle the nursing workforce crisis and presents solutions for sustainable nursing recruitment and retention.

  • 17 Oct 2022

    Promoting Menstrual Wellbeing

    Publication Code : 010 375

    Menstrual health forms an integral part of wellbeing. The guidance includes information on the common causes of menstrual disorders, and describes initial investigations and early treatment management. This resource is supported by Hologic’s Wear White Again campaign.

  • 13 Oct 2022

    Stewards' Pocketbook

    Publication Code : 010 187

    This Pocketbook is designed to be used alongside the Stewards’ Handbook. It provides RCN stewards with key headlines, actions and checklists along with link to where you can find more information.

  • 13 Oct 2022

    Flexible working

    Publication Code : 010 341

    Flexible working can help everyone to strike a balance between the demands of employment and responsibilities outside of work, enabling ways of working that help you work at your best. This pocket guide will give RCN reps a quick overview of the benefits of flexible working and information to share with members who may need your support to gain access to flexible working. It can be used when you are out and about or as a reminder when preparing for meetings. This publication complements the more comprehensive document Working Flexibly to Support a Healthy Work-life Balance.

  • 13 Oct 2022

    Neurodiversity: Supporting neurodivergent members and creating inclusive workplaces

    Publication Code : 010 399

    This resource is for RCN learning reps, safety reps and stewards to help them to support neurodivergent members through individual support/representation and by taking steps to create a more inclusive workplace culture. The guidance draws on the real experiences of members, reps and staff and is intended to sit alongside the neurodiversity guidance which is available on the RCN website and in print.

  • 13 Oct 2022

    Work-related Stress

    Publication Code : 010 143

    This resource is for RCN learning reps, safety reps and stewards to help support members who are experiencing work-related stress.

  • 13 Oct 2022

    Stewards' Handbook

    Publication Code : 010 186

    This A4 Handbook provides guidance on supporting and representing members, improving the working lives of members, creating and building workplace relationships and what the work of a workplace steward involves. Please also see the Stewards’ Pocketbook.

  • 29 Sep 2022

    Fair Pay for Nursing Placard A4 version 1

    Publication Code : 010 480

    An A4 placard displaying Fair Pay for Nursing messaging. Different pay messages on each side.

  • 29 Sep 2022

    Fair Pay for Nursing Placard A3 version 2

    Publication Code : 010 483

    An A3 placard displaying Fair Pay for Nursing messaging. Different pay messages on each side.

  • 29 Sep 2022

    Fair Pay for Nursing Placard A4 version 2

    Publication Code : 010 481

    An A4 placard displaying Fair Pay for Nursing messaging. Different pay messages on each side.