RCN social media accounts
RCN social media accounts are spaces for professional discussions relevant to your field of practice and/or area of RCN interest.
Please engage with RCN social media accounts in a professional manner at all times, following the RCN Respect Charter.
If RCN members wish to raise concerns about member behaviour on RCN social media accounts, you can do so through our Member Resolution Policy.
In November 2024, we made the decision to no longer post on X (formerly Twitter) due to developments on the channel that did not align with our mission as an organisation. Please see below for our official corporate channels.
RCN social media community guidelines
These guidelines cover RCN social media accounts run by members and staff.
You can access the full list of RCN accounts on our .
Name | Link |
天美传媒 | |
RCN Activism Academy | |
RCN Birmingham East, North & Solihull | |
RCN Birmingham West and Sandwell | |
RCN Careers Service | |
RCN Plymouth | |
RCN Learning Disability Nursing Forum | |
RCN Library and Museum | |
RCN Northern Ireland | |
RCN Northumberland, Tyne & Wear Branch | |
RCN Research Forum | |
RCN South Staffordshire | |
RCN Wales |
Name | Link |
天美传媒 |
Name | Link |
UK wide | |
天美传媒 | |
RCN Libraries | |
RCN Students page | |
RCN Students group | |
RCN UK Students Committee (private) | |
RCN Branch Committee Members | |
Former members of RCN UK Students Committee (private) | |
East Midlands | |
RCN East Midlands | |
Derbyshire branch | |
Leicestershire and Rutland branch | |
Leicestershire and Rutland branch (private) | |
North Lincs branch | |
North Nottinghamshire Branch | |
Nottingham branch | |
South Lincs branch | |
Eastern | |
RCN Eastern | |
RCN Eastern Joint Representatives' Network | |
RCN Eastern Students | |
Cambridgeshire branch | |
Essex branch | |
Hertfordshire branch | |
Norfolk branch | |
Suffolk branch | |
Suffolk student members | |
London | |
RCN London | |
RCN London Students | |
Inner North Central London branch | |
Inner North East London branch | |
Inner North West London branch | |
Inner South East London branch | |
Outer North West London branch | |
Outer South East London branch | |
Outer South West London branch | |
North West | |
RCN North West | |
RCN North West Student Information Officers | |
Cheshire West branch | |
Cheshire East branch | |
Manchester Central branch | |
RCN Greater Manchester members | |
RCN East Lancashire Page | |
Isle of Man branch | |
Greater Liverpool & Knowsley branch | |
Lancashire West branch | |
Northern | |
RCN Northern | |
RCN Northern Reps | |
County Durham & Darlington branch | |
Cumbria branch | |
Northumbria, Tyne & Wear branch | |
Tees Valley branch | |
Northern Ireland | |
RCN Northern Ireland | |
RCN Northern Ireland Student Ambassador group | |
RCN Northern Ireland Staffing for Safe and Effective Care campaign | |
RCN Northern Ireland Independent sector nursing group | |
Belfast branch | www.facebook.com/groups/RCNNIBelfastBranch |
North Western branch | |
Northern branch | |
South Eastern branch | |
South Western branch | |
Southern branch | |
South East | |
RCN South East | |
RCN South East Reps | |
South East Education Network | |
South East Student Information Officers | |
Berkshire branch | |
Brighton & Hove branch | |
Buckinghamshire branch | |
East Kent branch | |
East Sussex branch | |
Guernsey branch | |
Hampshire branch | |
Jersey branch | |
Milton Keynes branch | |
Oxfordshire branch | |
Portsmouth branch | |
Southampton & IoW branch | |
Surrey branch | |
West Kent & Medway branch | |
West Sussex branch | |
South West | |
RCN South West | |
RCN South West Reps | |
South West Branch Chairs | |
South West Staffing for Safe and Effective Care e-campaigners | |
RCN South West Students | |
RCN South West Student Ambassadors | |
Bath branch | |
Cornwall branch | |
Devon branch | |
Dorset branch | |
Gloucestershire branch | |
Greater Bristol branch | |
Plymouth branch | |
Plymouth RCN Students | |
Somerset branch | |
Wiltshire branch | |
South West independent sector network | |
Scotland | |
RCN Scotland | |
RCN Scotland Safety reps | |
RCN Scotland Learning reps | |
RCN Scotland Students | |
Ayrshire & Arran branch | |
Dumfries & Galloway | |
Fife branch | |
Forth Valley branch | |
Greater Glasgow branch | |
Highland branch | |
Lanarkshire | |
Lothian & Borders branch | |
Tayside branch | |
Wales | |
RCN Wales | |
RCN Wales Accredited Representatives | |
RCN Wales Student Ambassadors | |
RCN Wales Student Information Officers | |
Cardiff & the Vale branch | |
Cwm Taf branch | |
Glamorgan branch | |
Mid and West Wales branch | |
North Wales branch - Cangen Gogledd Cymru | |
West Midlands | |
RCN West Midlands | |
Birmingham West & Sandwell branch | |
Black Country branch | |
South Birmingham branch | |
Yorkshire and the Humber | |
RCN Yorkshire & Humber | |
RCN Yorkshire & Humber Reps | |
RCN Yorkshire & Humber Education Network | |
RCN Yorkshire & Humber Leadership & Management Network | |
Humber branch | |
North Yorkshire branch | |
West Yorkshire branch | |
Forums and Networks | |
RCN Advanced Nurse Practitioner Forum | |
RCN Antimicrobial Stewardship Political Leadership Programme | |
RCN Bladder and Bowel Forum | |
RCN Cancer Forum | |
RCN Care Home Network | |
RCN Changemakers | |
RCN Children and Young People IPC Network | |
RCN Critical Care and Flight Nursing Forum | |
RCN CYP Forum | |
RCN Defence Nursing Forum | |
RCN Demonstrating Value Project | |
RCN Developing Leadership Programme Alumni | |
RCN Diabetes Forum | |
RCN Digital Nursing Forum | |
RCN District and Community Nursing Forum | |
RCN Eastern Retired Members Network | |
RCN Eastern Safe Staffing eCampaigners | |
RCN Education Forum | |
RCN Emergency Care Association | |
RCN Fertility Nursing Forum | |
RCN Forum Chairs (private) | |
RCN Forum Facebook Group Moderators | |
RCN Gastrointestinal Nursing Forum | |
RCN General Practice Nursing Forum (members working in general practice) | |
RCN History of Nursing Society | |
RCN IBD Network | |
RCN International Nursing Network | |
RCN Learning Disability Nursing Forum | |
RCN Member Support Services Peer Support Group | |
RCN Mental Health Forum | |
RCN Midwifery Forum | |
RCN National Pensioners Convention Network | |
RCN Neuroscience Forum | |
RCN Newly Registered Nurse Network | |
RCN North West Independent Sector Network | |
RCN Nurses in Leadership and Management Forum | |
RCN Nursing in Justice and Forensic Health Forum | |
RCN Nursing Support Workers | |
RCN Older People's Forum | |
RCN Ophthalmic Nursing Forum | |
RCN Pain and Palliative Care Forum | |
RCN Peer Support Service (for members with disability issues) | |
RCN Perioperative Forum | |
RCN Political Leadership Programme Alumni | |
RCN Prince of Wales Nursing Cadet Scheme | |
RCN Procurement Network | |
RCN Public Health Forum | |
RCN Research Forum | |
RCN Rheumatology Forum | |
RCN Scotland Nursing Support Workers | |
RCN Society of Orthopaedics and Trauma Nursing | |
RCN Student Information Officers Network/Forum | |
RCN Students' Committee group | |
RCN Women's Health Forum |
Name | Username |
天美传媒 | |
RCN Libraries | |
RCN North West | |
RCN Wales | |
RCN London Students | |
RCN Students page |
Name | Username |
天美传媒 |
Name | Link |
RCN Jobs |