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Student Ambassador useful resources

Work within the parameters of your role

Signposting and support

Protect your own health and wellbeing by maintaining and health work/life balance. Ask for support when required. Act as a role model for student members:

Connecting and campaigning

Organise opportunities to be visible and share the scope of your role with local student members, branch, forum and the Students' Committee:

Questioning and influencing

Promote the RCN and recruit student members, encouraging them to become and remain active with the RCN throughout their nursing career:

Promote equality of opportunity and inclusion for all RCN student members

Signposting and supporting 

Signpost student members to the RCN inclusion strategy and to seek expert RCN advice if they feel that they have been treated unfairly:

Connecting and campaigning 

Connect with student members and give them the opportunity to share their experiences of equality and inclusion and contribute towards RCN campaigns:

Questioning and influencing 

Share examples of good and poor practice and organisational culture with the local branch/office to influence the wider RCN inclusion agenda:

Organise student members to engage with the work of the RCN on local and national levels

Signposting and supporting

Support students to develop networks so that they can help each other through challenging aspects of their course and signpost to national events:

Connecting and campaigning

Encourage student members to engage in wider RCN campaigns and events. Organise groups of members, with the support of RCN staff, to attend RCN Congress:

Questioning and influencing 

Encourage student members to question and influence on student related issues by networking with local branches and forums to influence the Congress agenda:

Empower student members to access and use information and advice appropriately 

Signposting and supporting

Direct student members to current and credible sources of information and resources to support their nursing education and practice experience:

Connecting and campaigning

Promote the professional services of the RCN Libraries and encourage student members to attend local events:

Questioning and influencing 

Use social media to encourage members to share their feedback on the value of RCN resources and generate ideas of how they could be developed further:

  • RCN Students , and
  • RCN ,  and
  • RCN Libraries and
  • RCN Knowledge

Most countries, regions, branches and forums also have their own social media accounts. 

Develop and support partnership working between the RCN and other stakeholders, sharing intelligence and promoting effective communication

Signposting and supporting

Signpost student members to their local branch and professional forums to share experience and gain support from other members:

Connecting and campaigning 

Develop networks and connections with student members to enhance effective communication and work collectively:

Questioning and influencing 

Create a link between the university, local RCN office, branch and student members to share intelligence and promote positive partnership working:

Have a question? Contact us

If you are a student member and have any questions about getting more involved with the RCN we’d love to hear from you. 

Page last updated - 15/10/2024