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National Pensioners Convention Network

Already a member of this network?

1,950 network members

The RCN National Pensioners Convention Network promotes the interests and welfare of RCN members who are pensioners.  It exists to engage with the work of the National Pensioners Convention (NPC) on a wide range of issues affecting older people.

How we represent network members through the NPC

The RCN is affiliated to the (NPC), along with over 20 other trade unions.  The NPC's main objective is to promote the welfare and interests of all pensioners, as away of securing dignity, respect and financial security in retirement.  The NPC organises rallies and lobbies of MPs, leads delegations to parliament and makes submissions to government on policies affecting older people. 

Members of the RCN NPC Network elect four members of the network to represent them at the NPC.  These elected members work to ensure that the voice of nursing is heard in the work of the NPC, in particular at the biennial policy making delegate conference, and through membership of the governing council and executive. Your elected members also participate in NPC working parties, NPC campaign activities and attend the Annual Convention.  They represent network members through the NPC by:

  • Informing you about relevant issues and developments
  • Representing RCN retired members’ voices
  • Promoting NPC pensioners’ campaigns
  • Ensuring the voice of nursing is heard on a wide range of issues
  • Supporting and influencing the work of the NPC
  • Voting in NPC elections
  • Sitting on NPC working groups.

Network members receive a regular newsletter from the elected members who represent them at the NPC and can join the network's Facebook group to share information and discuss key NPC campaign and policy issues.  You can also support and influence the work of your elected members.

After 40 years in nursing, I wanted to stay in touch after I retired. Our retired members have such a lot of experience and expertise to contribute to the work of the College.

June Clark

To be eligible to join the network you need to:

  • be 天美传媒 member
  • receive a state or occupational pension.

Watch a recording of the latest RCN retired members' conference

Join us

Become a member of the RCN to get a huge range of benefits, including protection and support in the workplace, professional development and an opportunity to help shape the future of health care.

Nurse at hospital