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Banner featuring four healthcare professionals in uniforms: a woman in a light blue nursing outfit, a woman in a teal scrubs, a man in dark blue scrubs, and a woman in light blue scrubs. The text on the right side reads, 'INVEST IN NURSING, INVEST IN PATIENTS, INVEST IN SOCIETY'.

Let鈥檚 get nursing to the top of the political agenda

What the new UK government must progress within its first 100 days

The election may be over, but the hard work has just begun for the new government in Westminster.

Nursing has been ignored for too long. With a new government in power, we're hopeful for change. But our demands for nursing must be met with action. See what we'll be asking the government to prioritise in its first 100 days.

When you invest in nursing, you invest in patients, you invest in society

We want nursing staff working in health and social care to be the new government's number 1 priority. We'll keep up the pressure and make sure the voice of nursing rings loud and clear through the corridors of power.

Our manifesto lists 12 nursing priorities that must be addressed throughout this parliament. We'll start by asking the government to focus on some of the biggest issues affecting nursing staff and patients.

Image of Nicola Ranger holding up the RCN 2024 manifesto on a blue background

Our demands must be met with swift action

The clock is ticking for the new UK government to make an impact on nursing within its first 100 days and to make clear that it will invest significantly in our profession.

What we're calling for聽

Illustration of polling station, polls and graphs, Number 10 and Big Ben clock in LondonHealth and social care provision in the UK is devolved and it's an urgent issue in all 4 nations.

See what we're asking of government ministers throughout the UK.


  1. Deliver fair pay for nursing. This means committing to building constructive relationships with trade unions, so that the late NHS pay award for 2024/25 is delivered quickly and nursing staff working in independent health and social care settings receive fair pay and equal working conditions. 

  2. Make patient safety a priority. Forced reporting of corridor care must begin immediately. Without clear and consistent reporting, the health and social care system will continue to hide patients suffering from unsafe, undignified care. The UK government must act now.

  3. Stand by its word. Within the first 100 days of our new government, the Prime Minister must stand by his word to repeal legislation that restricts the right to strike and launch a sector-wide investigation into exploitation in social care.


  1. Deliver fair pay for nursing. The 2024-25 NHS Scotland pay negotiations are due to begin on 31 July. We’ll be using the collective voice of our members to ensure the Scottish government understands that the nursing profession must be valued if we’re to attract and retain people to the profession.

    As the largest health care employer in the UK, NHS pay sets a standard for nursing staff in all settings. We want commitments to fair pay and equal working conditions for nursing staff in all independent health and social care settings.

  2. Make patient safety a priority. We need swift action to tackle corridor care, including forced reporting. Without clear and consistent reporting, the health and care system will continue to hide patients suffering from unsafe, undignified care.

  3. Tackle the nursing workforce crisis. The Ministerial Nursing and Midwifery Taskforce must deliver meaningful action that makes nursing an attractive career and leads to a sustainable nursing workforce for the future.


  1. Deliver fair pay for nursing. This means committing to fully engaging with us as a priority – to deliver the NHS Wales pay award for 2024/25 and implement it as quickly as possible, and to deliver fair pay and equal working conditions for nursing staff working for independent health and social care providers.

  2. Make patient safety a priority. We need swift action to tackle corridor care, including forced reporting. Without clear and consistent reporting, the health and care system will continue to hide patients suffering from unsafe, undignified care.

  3. Support internationally educated nursing staff. Hostile immigration policies make the UK an increasingly unattractive place to live and work. We want an end to punitive immigration policies which, among other things, prevent internationally educated nursing staff from claiming most state benefits unless they have indefinite leave to remain.

Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland, most health and social care issues fall within the remit of the Northern Ireland Executive and Assembly. 

We’ll continue to push for the safe staffing legislation we were promised after the strike action our members took in 2019 and 2020. 

We’ve been working with the Department of Health on the principles underpinning this legislation and will engage closely with our members on the consultation that we have been assured will be launched once the general election is over. 

The new UK government must work with the Executive to:

  • develop a funding model that addresses the significant challenges our profession faces
  • build a nursing workforce with the capacity to meet the needs of patients in line with the safe staffing legislation
  • tackle our unacceptable waiting times and to transform health and social care services so that they are fit for purpose in meeting the needs of the people of Northern Ireland

Let's keep up the pressure

By signing up to be a campaign supporter, you'll stay in the loop with news and opportunities for action to help get nursing to the top of the political agenda. Are you ready?

An RCN member with a sign that says it's time to pay nursing staff fairly

Where next?

Learn more about the key issues we're demanding the government addresses in our manifesto.


Fair pay for nursing

It's high time nursing staff were valued for the safety-critical and highly skilled profession they trained for. Join us as we demand pay justice for every nursing professional.

Learn about our fight for fair pay


Safe staffing

From ending corridor care to setting safety critical ratios, we won't stop until every workplace is safely staffed. Help us protect nursing staff and the public.

Discover our staffing campaign

A megaphone on a blue gradient background

Our full manifesto

Our full list of priorities are laid out in our manifesto. From improved working conditions to securing better health for all, see what we're calling for.

Read our demands