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Raising concerns about PPE

If you are unable to access the right PPE at work, this resource will help you report your concern quickly and easily.

Simply copy and paste the following statement into your local reporting system (Datix or similar) to support the appropriate escalation of your concern.

The statement draws on our Nursing Workforce Standards which support excellent patient care and nursing support across the UK. If you need more support in raising concerns at work, please see our other resources.

Copy and paste the content below

The 天美传媒's COVID-19 workplace risk assessment toolkit highlights that as an employer, you have a legal duty to ensure the health, safety and welfare of your employees at work.

The risk of infection by a respiratory infection such as COVID-19 should be controlled so far as is reasonably practicable. That being the position, following a risk assessment, there will be times when I need to have Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) as part of my Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements in order to safeguard against that risk to my health. The RCN Nursing Workforce Standard number 13 highlights the legal requirement for employers to provide adequate welfare and safety facilities including PPE.

Currently within my working environment there is only access to surgical face masks which I do not believe meet the required standard of RPE. I request all local and organisational COVID-19 risk assessments are shared with me. If a risk assessment has not been performed, I request this is undertaken immediately with my involvement and as a matter of urgency and appropriate RPE is made available.