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Payment for COVID-19 related absence letter

We have developed the below letter to send to your employer regarding full-pay for COVID-19 absences in line with your relevant country's guidance for health and social care staff.

We know that this can feel quite scary to do, but you can be reassured you are doing the right thing in raising your concerns and the RCN will support you to take things further if needed.

Copy and paste our model letter below

Dear [Insert manager's name],

Full-pay for COVID-19 related absence

I have been off work with a COVID-19 absence.  At present I have only been paid Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) [or identify the proportion of pay you have received if more than SSP]. This is unfair and a situation that is placing considerable additional stress on me.

Paying me full-pay at this time would support the actions required to protect my health, safety and wellbeing as well as the people in my care and other staff from possible infection.

I am seeking the support of the 天美传媒 in this situation and would be grateful of your response within 3 days providing me with an explanation of [insert employer's name here]'s reasons for the decision to not pay full-pay for my COVID-19 related absence.

I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,

[Insert name]