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RCN Member Briefing - Stage 3 debate Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Bill

01 May 2019
Ahead of the Stage 3 debate on the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Bill, which takes place on Thursday 2 May, read the latest RCN position on amendments to the Bill and how RCN member support has been central to development of that position.
The RCN believes that wherever nursing care is provided in our NHS and in care homes there should be the right numbers of nursing staff with the appropriate skills, competencies and education. We have lobbied hard to ensure that the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Bill creates a solid framework for ensuring that goal is achieved. RCN members’ support and personal stories have played a key part in the RCN’s ability to influence the shape of the Bill.

Page last updated - 02/05/2019