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RCN Cost of Living Survey - Scotland Summary

07 February 2024

In January we surveyed our members, asking them how the cost of living is impacting their lives. With over 1,000 responses from members in Scotland, the results paint a stark picture of the financial challenges facing nursing staff and the impact this is having on their wellbeing, personal lives and work.

We recognise the financial struggles being faced across society, and the challenging economic situation facing government. But the finding that really drives home the potential consequence of not investing in nursing now, is that 62% have thought about changing their current role due to the cost of living, and of this group 60% have considered leaving nursing altogether.

Nursing is a safety critical profession and with around 5300 unfilled nursing posts in the NHS alone, Scotland cannot afford to lose any more nursing staff. This is not the time to be pulling resources from the nursing workforce. We believe there are solutions, but they require investment now.

Page last updated - 07/02/2024