Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) in England
The RCN recognises that the NHS needs to change just as broader society and individuals' health needs and opportunities for prevention change over time. That change however needs to be carefully managed to avoid a 'slash and burn' approach.
Our Frontline First campaign has identified that a short term approach to achieving efficiency savings is being adopted. We worry about the damage that this will be doing to patients today, and in the future, but also know that this won't be able to deliver efficiency savings in the future. The RCN wants to work with organisations to make changes in partnership.
We are concerned that QIPP may not lead to re-investment. Whether that is perception or reality is hard to unpick when details of individual QIPP programmes are kept confidential/ The RCN calls for greater transparency in QIPP plans to enable all interested parties to explore what QIPP means in practice and to help hold the NHS to account.
For further information, please email papa.ukintl.dept@rcn.org.uk
Page last updated - 14/08/2015